Wait what's the difference between handing in a map and dropping it into the void? Do people get refunded for the materials? Or does voiding them change other people's mapart #?
I like how everyone knows exactly what you mean by the Tsunade 3x3 without any further elaboration LOL
This could be completely wrong, but handing them in would prove to staff that you have in fact removed it and not hidden it. For example I removed a questionable artwork and /trashed it. Staff could see that I had removed it but not where it went afterwards, and Bree had to track me down to ask about it. So my guess would be that handing them in just saves time and effort for staff. Sent from my SM-S711B using Tapatalk
nope, nothing.. not even a /mail. Really crazy to be honest as they took the shulker boxes with the maps but didnt give me the shulkers back by the looks of it lmao
I had some stuff confiscated without even being alerted, including a large map art which in no way went against any rules... so... yeah.
alright then, well what im saying is a few of them are a bit "silly" and they are quite popular among the skyblock community.
I guess we all wait and see what gets removed. People are saying that their map arts are being removed that they believe to be fine but now days, some people find almost anything offensive.
I'd like to clear up a few things; 1. All map arts that are being removed by Staff have been voted on by the entire in-game staff team. Decisions are made via the polls we are currently running, with majority vote for yes or no obviously determining that final call. Votes that are close are either re-voted on or brought up in our chats. I assure you there is a method to the ones that are denied and to the ones that stay. 2. Players will be alerted from now on when a map art is removed from their island(s). The reason why your map art was removed has already been explained to you by another member of staff however, my DMs are always open if you have any concerns about that decision. (Your map art was also voted on by the staff team; it was not a single person's choice to remove it.) Hope this helps.
I can't even lie, I found it kind of disrespectful to not notify people in the first place + just immediately invade. If staff felt the map was inappropriate, that's fine, but I would have liked to have been told one of my maps was inappropriate and been asked to hand it in, rather than have me find out it was taken. Especially since I made it clear with staff that I was going through maps to seek out ones that do/would break the rules, so it feels like it wasn't really respectful to not inform me in the first place until I had to actively ask, nor to be pushing and taking maps when you gave us a deadline to sort stuff out. Do not get me wrong, I am thankful now that you WILL be notifying players. But even though I personally disagree with the decision on said map, I was more upset about staff going behind my back.
This is where I'm thinking personally and in general, not towards any one person or party, but I feel as if the idea is that players have already been advised about these new(or reinterpreted) mapart rules that have been put in place, this gives the players time to deal with the maparts they may have that goes against skyblock terms and give them to staff to deal with. This way staff are able to find copies of the maps via item ids. Staff removing maps from players islands without warning whilst yes can be stressful, I feel the idea there is to discourage players from making new copies of illegal mapart to try and hide it from the staff team. Unfortunately there will always be people that try to do this, which would be a valid reason for staff to take action first and then advice the player about their desicion
Except I was not advised about it, I had to chase down an answer. If I have to chase down a "notification", it's not really a notification.
And yet if the staff had notified you first, that would theoretically give time to copy and hide panels of mapart that make it harder to track down entirely. Hence their act first, tell after moves.
I think you misunderstand what I'm saying. I was not saying tell me BEFORE taking it, so I don't know why you're saying that? They can take first and notify later without worrying about copies being made, it would not have hurt them to send me a message or /mail. It's really not that difficult. most people check their mail/are active on discord so there was no excuse for them to wait for me to find out myself.
Oh you mean like to tell you once they have already removed art, that they've just done so? Instead of you finding out they've already removed items only to tell you after you asked about missing items?
I’m happy to see this change but I certainly felt that players were given the month to deal with their map arts and that would have given them the opportunity to blank any non-protected maps for re-use or remove panels of large map arts leaving smaller appropriate map arts. I can see how players would be upset if staff stray from the original arrangement and take that opportunity away without notice
Yep, would have been nice to have been told in advance that they were taking them so we could speak about it but they’ve decided to just rule everything out and take it all no questions asked.
Hey, can this post be updated to include "Map art may be taken down before the deadline by staff, but we will notify you if that's the case" or something like that?