A GUIDE TO MAPART AUTOMATION Hello everyone, I recently witnessed a bunch of people who either didn't know about baritone for mapart or were having issues with it. This will be a guide on how to get it set up properly to automate the process of making maparts. Prerequisites Fabric (1.19.2) - REQUIRED Fabric API (1.19.2) - REQUIRED Litematica (1.19.2) - REQUIRED MaLiLib (1.19.2) - REQUIRED Baritone Standalone (1.19.2) - REQUIRED Helpful Extensions EasierChests (1.19.2) - OPTIONAL Litematica-Printer (1.19.2) - OPTIONAL Mod Menu (1.19.2) - OPTIONAL Instructions 1) Download the latest fabric version (linked above). Select the installer & run the jar once it has downloaded to install fabric. Make sure you select 1.19.2 under the versions tab. 2) Navigate to your .minecraft folder (you may search on how to find so on your specific OS) and move all the prerequisite mods into a folder called "mods". This folder may not exist yet, so you may have to create it. 3) Open the minecraft launcher and select the newly created "Fabric 1.19.2" profile. If the profile does not exist, you may have done something wrong during the installation. 4) Launch your game and load into a singeplayer world to configure your mods. 5) Copy & paste the following commands into your chat to configure baritone to work properly with litematica (you will only have to run these once, they will save): Code: #setting chatControl false ^ This setting will disable baritone randomly interfering with your chat messages. Code: #setting allowBreak false ^ This setting will prevent baritone from breaking your island during the building process. Code: #setting mapArtMode true ^ This setting will turn baritone into 'mapart mode', which will tell it to ignore all layers that do not have carpets Code: #setting randomLooking 0 ^ This setting will make baritone build in a much neater and cleaner pattern than normal! Code: #setting allowInventory true ^ This setting will make baritone grab carpets from your inventory while building! Code: #setting rightClickSpeed 1 ^ This setting will make baritone place carpets faster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO AUTOMATICALLY PICK UP CARPETS WITH BARITONE: Code: #setting followRadius 0 ^ This setting will allow you to tell baritone to automatically pick up carpets. It only needs to be ran once. Code: #follow entity item ^ This will start automatically picking up carpets Code: #cancel ^ This will stop pickup up carpets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) You are now configured and ready to go. Log into skyblock and load a schematic using the litematica mod. You can view a tutorial if you do not know how to do so. 7) If the file you are loading is not a .litematica extension, it will be converted automatically upon loading. Before starting to build with baritone, you will need to save it as a new .litematica file and unload the old file & delete it so it can be properly recognized by baritone. 8) To start building with baritone, type `#litematica` to tell baritone to start building. You may type `#cancel` at any time to stop baritone aswell. That should be all you need to know to get fully set up to automate the creation of your maparts. This tutorial is meant more to specifically adding baritone than helping a first time user with litematica. Hope you enjoy this guide!
Awesome guide! Didn't even know there was a mapart feature, sadly though baritone doesn't seem to want to work with litematica in 1.19.2 so it won't be usable in 1.19.2, but I guess you could still play 1.12.2 when it comes out
Yeah, I don't believe baritone currently has built in litematica support (due to it missing a printer function) at the moment.
Litematica does have a seperate printer function you can download, so it might work? tho i havent tested it with baritone but the printer works great
I only use whatever Baritone version is packaged in 1.19.2 Meteor. Sometimes I'll use Litematica to visually overlay the build with meteor x-ray so I can see which blocks haven't been placed yet. I've never used Schematica I'll give it a try thanks for the guide.
I haven't tried it, but apparently it has litematica support Litematica Support for bariton by rycbar0 · Pull Request #3672 · cabaletta/baritone · GitHub
I personally use schematica to make sure the position and rotation of the schematic are correct rather than trying to rely on coordinates. It also gives a list of materials required for building which is quite helpful. As for speaking about 1.19 and litematica, that will not be relevant for this guide until skyblock has been updated to 1.19. the guide will be updated to reflect as such when that has been released. Regardless of if baritone does have litematica support, that’s not the purpose of this guide, which is specifically towards automation in the current server version.
Thank u for making and keeping it up to date Athena! very helpful! Ill be sure to link it if any1 needs it
Baritone is great at building but just beware with server lag Baritone does have a tendency to get stuck when breaking blocks. So make sure to break all blocks before auto building with Baritone.
Added a new step aswell for users who were having trouble with loading schematics via baritone (step 7) Thanks to HeroDJBrine for reminding me to add this to the thread aswell