Official Skyblock Map Art Rules & Regulations In effect as of April 12, 2024 These non-negotiable rules must be followed by all users within the Skyblock Community on both Economy and Survival. To learn more about how to create map arts for yourself, check out the following threads: Thread 1, Thread 2. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Illegal Map Arts to Make and/or Own 1. Map arts of those who work in the adult film industry 2. Map arts depicting inappropriate scenes or visuals 3. Map arts of racial slurs and/or vulgar language 4. Map arts with excessive skin being depicted and/or focussed on specific body parts This includes images with excessively skimpy clothing, lack of coverage on the upper and/or lower extremities etc. If you are unsure about whether a map art is appropriate or not, please create a Discord Ticket for verification. 6. Map arts that advertise other servers 7. Map arts with drug-related content 8. Map arts regarding potentially offensive subjects 5. Map arts with excessive gore or disturbing imagery 9. Map arts targeted at specific user(s) in an effort to harass/hurt them 10. Maps arts depicting inappropriate symbols from major real-world events that may be sensitive 11. Map arts meant to taunt or discriminate against ones race, religion, sexuality, gender, personal beliefs etc 12. Map arts that depict "Gamble", "Gambling" or similar terms in text Additionally, all Map Arts must adhere to all points made in our Code of Conduct as well as our Server Rules. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Additional Ethical Guidelines for Map Arts [!] No re-selling map arts without the original owner/creator/commissioner's permission. Always ask before you sell. [!] Do not purposely re-set map arts. This is considered a destruction of property and is not allowed. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [IMPORTANT!] What does this mean going forward? We are giving the community 1 month to “hand in” their map arts that no longer comply with the rules as stated above. We understand this may be upsetting to some as they may have spent a sizeable amount of time working on a specific piece but this has now become a non-negotiable rule. We thank you for your compliance! Hand In’s can be dropped off at /visit Kerahna or given to any online Staff Member. Failure to comply with these rules by MAY 12, 2024 will result in immediate confiscation and possible punishment. If you are found to have made a NEW map art of inappropriate nature from now on, we reserve the right to remove the map(s) from your possession and a punishment may be issued. Please Note: We kindly ask that you please have patience with us while we roll out these new rules and regulations. It may take some time before these rules are properly instilled and the majority of confiscations have occurred. We appreciate everyone's cooperation and help as we move through this process. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- FAQ: How do I know if the map arts I have break the rules? Please navigate to our Discord Server and under #mod-help you will find a button to create a Help Ticket. Send photo(s) of your map arts within your ticket and wait for a Staff Member to assist you. How do I know if the map art I want to create is acceptable? Please contact the Staff Team using a Discord Ticket found in #mod-help within our Discord Server. From here, send photo(s) of the maps you wish to create and wait for a Staff Member to approve you. I’ve found an inappropriate map art on someone’e island, what do I do? Navigate to our Discord server and create a Help Ticket with information about the map art and where it can be found and a Staff Member will be along to assist you at their next available convenience. We thank you for your help and compliance with our new rules. - The Skyblock Staff Team
Thanks, more definitive rulings are much better when these issues arise. And it’s great to add reselling to the rules finally!
This has been in discussion for quite some time and thought a proper solution was better than putting out small fires. The team did a wonderful job making this happen and addressing long standing unwritten rules as well.
I'm curious to know why maparts about gambling now aren't allowed, but ads and actual casinos still are tbh
I THINK "Map arts that depict "Gamble", "Gambling" or similar terms in text" means maparts that have those words or similar on them? im not sure sorry lol
That's also my understanding. So maparts such as : "I gambled here and all I got was this lousy mapart" are now illegal. Gambling are basically the same thing, if not worst because they litteraly prompt people to gamble. If that's the way staff want to go, that's ok with me, but I just thought it's weird that maparts of that nature are now banned but not litteral advertisements in chat about it.
I dont think any i bought do match but i will make sure to double check! I do still stand by it as a general question thank u !
I don’t understand the gambling restrictions, it’s almost becoming too kid friendly to be fun, was told that owning a mapart of a deck of cards or a roulette wheel may not be allowed soon, what’s next? Banning uno cards and board games like monopoly maparts? Why is there a need to restrict maparts that have any link to gambling when people can easily make ads in chat that will send 24/7 on autoad about gambling at their casinos? Makes no sense to me and it just feels really strict for no reason.
I just asked the same exact thing earlier. You can see Luka's response. We can probably expect more rules about that going forward.