BETA Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Calidre, Jul 30, 2022.

  1. Calidre

    Calidre Experienced Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    Welcome fellow skyblockers to my feedback thread for the BETA test server. Surprisingly enough I was given the chance to be whitelisted so I took the opportunity of course to do a load of testing. Keep in mind, this is definitely not everything that could be tested or evaluated, just a bunch of ideas I put together in an effort to give some good feedback. I'll basically be going through a bunch of changes that were listed here, ( Skyblock Official Site | Skyblock ) as well as other bugs/ideas I want to add.​

    Commands and Basic Updates:

    • The overall look of most things is definitely a great improvement.
    • Holograms look clean and modern, definitely easier on the eyes.
    • Scoreboard looks great and easy way to find a few basic server related numbers.
    • The auto message relation to your current situation is definitely a nice touch, I hated having the same messages pop up all the time with no inherent use.
    • Kits that are a 24 hour cooldown being at the same day every time is definitely a much better way for how they function
    • GUIs of things like /pet or /shop look great
    • I do like being able to sit on stairs lol
    • Things such as /ah or /lot improvements overall are well done
    • /pet definitely is way easier to navigate with the nice addition of 3 pets allowed at once, though I do fear there might be a little trolling done with a load of people using 3 pets each
    • As much as I don't like the idea of "Skyblock Taxes" the lottery aspect of it works decently well, although my own opinion would be to still increase the amount of tickets per person and the price per ticket even more
    • Disguise works well, I like the addition of actually seeing yourself as the pet, although I would say add the abbreviation of /ud rather than just /undisguise for convenience purposes
    • I love the idea of the new "Wandering Trader", although I think it should show up more frequently. I think maybe twice as much as it does might be decent or even 1.5x.
    Keys and Vote Parties:

    I love the new key tier system for vote keys, definitely something myself and many others hoped for was better rewards. However, I still think the other crate tiers should be updated (see Skyblock Official Site | Skyblock if you'd like a more in depth look into some crate reward changes). The new vote party aspect of the rewards also I'd like to say I love. Much more rewards along side the new Pinata Llama makes the VPs feel a lot better.

    Farms and Gameplay:

    Most of my time was spent on testing a few different farms with help from AlgolC and Briefingapple5. The first farm I tested was the classic mob grinder as seen in the pictures below. A major update was that mob spawn system causing an increase in natural spawn rates. This regular design now mostly works compared to not working at all on the regular server. Although it is somewhat slow spawn rates, it's decent enough to do some afking and get some extra loot. The picture below of the drops was about 20-30 minutes worth of mob spawning. Overall, this is now a better option for new players to build and not have to be told that it does not work due to mob limits. When building make sure to remember to toggle mob spawning on, build it at a low y-level for better spawn rates, and make sure the light level is at 0, otherwise it will not work.


    This next farm I did some testing with involves the new hostile mob spawners. In my opinion, they seem to work pretty well, and can be a nice upgrade from natural mob spawning. However, they work a little differently than regular passive mob spawners. Like natural spawning, the spawners must have 0 light level for them to spawn the mobs. Pictured below is a very simple and quick design on how you could setup these spawners that leads the mobs to a kill area (apologies if it's too dark). Compared to pig spawners or any other, the new ones interact differently with how they spawn. Unlike passive mobs, they do not need grass to spawn and do not actually even need a block to spawn on. They will spawn anywhere within a radius (seems to be like 4 blocks in each direction or so but that's just an estimate) and can spawn in the air or on the other side of walls. This quick setup uses a zombie and skeleton spawner placed in a pitch black room with water flow to a central point. The room must be large enough so that the mobs do not spawn outside the walls or on the roof (had to resize the room so this wouldn't happen). If you have the darkened area, water or any other kill/transport system, and a large enough room you can setup your own hostile mob farm. Keep in mind, this is just 2 spawners I did not do any testing for large scale spawner farms, so have fun with that on your own. This test was also only done with skeleton and zombies. Designs like this will work with other new spawners such as creepers but may not work with all mobs so do your own testing to find out the best design for you.


    The biggest farm update of course was the major changes to crop hoppers. Basically, they no longer collect crops but instead instantly sell them at /shop prices (which change depending on new system that changes prices according to what's being sold). I do like the auto sell feature, it eliminates the need for large water bowls or any redstone device but seems to be a it buggy at the moment. First of all, break any old crop hoppers you had and replace them before you test, I had to do this twice before they would work properly (or you can buy new ones). The next issue seems to be that the previous infinite y-level reach of the croppers is broken at the moment. When placed below the crops, the cropper seemed to only pick up crops 10-15 blocks above its own block and 5-10 blocks (including dirt layer) as seen by my very artistic drawings below. Not sure if it was intended to have a maximum range for the crop hoppers now or if it doesn't quite work properly yet. This was also confirmed by KhalDrogo and not just an issue for me

    2022-07-30_14.04.19.png 2022-07-30_14.08.33.png

    Bugs and Suggestions

    These are a few of the actual bugs I found or suggestions I wanted to add as a part of my testing:

    • When in /fly mode in the air and I used /visit, I would get stuck on the island and not be able to move until I dropped out of /fly (not sure if this was just me or anti-cheat issue)
    • This was an issue on regular skyblock as well, but the price of iron and gold tools are switched and should be reversed, ie. The price of an iron pick is $750 and should be $1950 whereas gold is $1950 and should be $750
    • This is me just being annoying, but when opening an epic crate without a key it should read "You don't own an Epic" instead of "You don't own a Epic", yes I know I'm the grammar police
    • With the new stacking feature of allowing up to I believe 1024 items in one stack on the ground, I found a bug that makes some stacks disappear. I was able to replicate it multiple times on separate islands, so not sure if it's a me thing or a bug that should be looked into. When breaking a double chest full of items and they all fall onto the ground, I would throw single stacks of the same item slowly into the pile and within a few throws it would cause multiple stacks to disappear entirely, therefore losing the items
    • When performing the command /lot winners, instead of showing "so-and-so won $1000", or whatever it shows they won "1000 Air"
    • I suggest removing phantoms entirely. They spawn very frequently and can be very dangerous new players. You can make them passive by sleeping for a few seconds in a bed but not everyone will have access to one right away. Their items can be obtained in /shop already so you could just get rid of them entirely they mostly just server as an annoyance
    • Job rewards don't seem to match the effort of the job. The only job as of right now the main goal is to mine ores for a first reward of $500 and top one of $5000. This is very little reward considering ores are all under 1% drop rate in cobble generators with some being under 0.1%, so for the amount of effort the prize is way too small.
    • Due to all the massive updates in performance, I'd like to suggest adding an increase in hopper limits. They were previously added due to insane oversized farms using hundreds of hoppers, but I think the limit could be increased again. It's currently 48, 72, 96 for 99x99, 149x149 and 199x99 I'd suggest an increase to say 64, 96, 128 at least for their respective sized islands
    • Allow coop members to get the profits from the crop hopper that they placed since currently it seems only the owner gets the profit regardless of whoever placed the cropper
    That's most of my thoughts and ideas for the beta test, feel free to let me know your own thoughts and feedback, or if you disagree with anything stated. Happy skyblocking : )
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2022
  2. KhalDrogo

    KhalDrogo Experienced Member

    Sep 22, 2015
    We’ve been asked to report in the bug section but that’s not public and testers need to know what has been tested already so they don’t waste their time.
    Also so they don’t, every single one of them, sell their enchanted tools due to the /sell all bug selling them as well.

    Regarding the instant vote crate use, as Megan told me in game, you can shift+click the keys anywhere and the loot will deposit into your inventory. No need to go to the crates unless using higher level keys I believe.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. Calidre

    Calidre Experienced Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    I tested this and it seems to work, that was my bad didn't realize it did not require the crate, I'll edit the post
  4. KhalDrogo

    KhalDrogo Experienced Member

    Sep 22, 2015
    What would be great for testers, so that we can be efficient, would be a bullet point list of bugs discovered and their status.
    A google doc (excel) that we could edit ourselves even would be ideal.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. bERYbERRY

    bERYbERRY c000000000000000kies Builder Premium

    Mar 2, 2014
    You cant craft shulker boxes for some reason also :( (unless they changed the recipe in 1.19 but doubt it) overall the servers great so far!
  6. AlgolC

    AlgolC Member

    Jul 15, 2022
    I am unable to replicate this issue, the recipe in my attached screenshot works for me (same as 1.12.2). Are you sure you used the right recipe?

    Attached Files:

  7. bERYbERRY

    bERYbERRY c000000000000000kies Builder Premium

    Mar 2, 2014
    Yes. Maybe they fixed it from yesterday. Ill try again later today
  8. Awesomolocity

    Awesomolocity Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2013
    Strongly agree - would give us an easier time communicating with each other / devs regarding this update so that we don't waste time exploring stuff that others have already realized is broken.
  9. KhalDrogo

    KhalDrogo Experienced Member

    Sep 22, 2015
    For any testers who want it, Drogo has created a google doc where we can record our findings.
    It's free for anyone to edit so in theory, someone could mess with it, so report in the relevant forums as well to ensure it's not lost.

    Beta bug list - Google Sheets
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Dexuby

    Dexuby Developer Developer

    Jan 5, 2021
    Thanks for all the effort that you put into this post. I'm going to address all the mentioned bugs in order:
    1. This seems to happen when you get teleported into previously unloaded chunks. You don't have to use the command again, you can just press space twice to disable the active fly mode & then do it again to start flying again.
    2. Based on the prices in the ores section the tool prices should be accurate.
    3. This can't be fixed unfortunately, shouldn't be a big deal though.
    4. I can't seem to replicate this, you sure that they didn't just merge?
    5. This has been fixed now.
    6. Phantoms are definitely way too annoying, I implemented some changes now to improve the current phantom situation. (25% less health, 4x more time to sleep before they spawn, max. one phantom per spawn attempt, global phantom spawn delay got doubled)
    7. As the jobs GUI suggests the job that you had access to on the beta server was a demo job, the rewards and tasks are not final.
    8. What exactly would the increased hopper limit be useful for?
    9. The crop hopper system doesn't even know that islands are a thing so this should not be possible. The person that placed the crop hopper is the owner and should receive the money.
  11. Dexuby

    Dexuby Developer Developer

    Jan 5, 2021
    "Horses and sheep spawn on island randomly with biome set to plains"
    This should be normal.

    "Horses on your island can not be tamed"
    Should be fixed now.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Cookie Cookie x 1
  12. KhalDrogo

    KhalDrogo Experienced Member

    Sep 22, 2015
    Increased hopper count would be handy for auto filling of shops.
    Drogo uses them in his wool shops because selling large quantities results in shops emptying quickly.
    If there is any chance of hoppers reverting to moving one item at a time, item sorters would work and Drogo is sure mapart creators would love that. A sorter to sort the 16 carpet colours would require 32 hoppers plus a few more for feed in chests and overflow.
  13. Queen

    Queen Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2021
    Calidre :hearteyes: my feedback is we need more of you on the main servers :heartface:
    • Agree Agree x 1

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