The end dimension.

Discussion in 'Server Gameplay Suggestions' started by Dolphin, Jan 7, 2020.

  1. Dolphin

    Dolphin Member

    Sep 27, 2019
    Dont get me wrong, i dont even know if there was the end dimension in this game. But I had an idea in which you add the end dimension into the game. There is no dragon, but the end works like a mini nether and could be reset frequently. I'm not sure. Its just a thought!
    • Neutral Neutral x 8
    • Support Support x 2
    • No Support No Support x 1
  2. Oakk

    Oakk Experienced Member

    Oct 31, 2018
    To be honest, I do not think there's a good point adding the end to the game, first things first, could you explain it a bit more because, you would need an end portal, and the only way is with portal blocks, that is obtained through dungeons. So how would we possibly get them here on Skyblock, when we do not have an open world. I am also concerned about the end specified items, I mean obsidian, end stone, end brick would tremendously decrease in price. I like the current economy of these blocks, and I do not think anything important is obtainable through the end, it would just simply decrease these prices.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. NorthYYY

    NorthYYY Active Member

    Oct 17, 2017
    No support this would end up just like the nether. (used for farming diamonds). What would the system be like for the end cities. this would drop prices of elytra, dragon heads, diamond armor, and much more loot. Yes, this adds to the survival like appeal to skyblock, but the downsides are to much worse than the pros.

    Edit: Shulker boxes would be reduced too

    Oak the block would also most likely be like the nether being either rare to get or impossible to break
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
  4. Brake

    Brake Experienced Member

    Dec 8, 2012
    Are there diamonds in the end? Dragon is most likely disabled already.
  5. NorthYYY

    NorthYYY Active Member

    Oct 17, 2017
    Diamonds are in the end cities chest, you can get dragon heads from the ships in the end cities aswell.
  6. Brake

    Brake Experienced Member

    Dec 8, 2012
    End cities? What??
  7. NorthYYY

    NorthYYY Active Member

    Oct 17, 2017
    In version 1.9 of minecraft they added an expansion to the end, adding end cities. They are portals surrounding the main island (with the pillars) and are encased with bedrock. You then Ender Pearl inside them and thus end up in the end city.
  8. archerexpert777

    archerexpert777 Senior Member

    Aug 18, 2015
    I like this idea, as I have made a similar suggestion long time ago, however I think the nether is enough because the managers seem to have a lot and will take a long time to finish those tasks so adding the end will make it even difficult for them. Also to note, it would destroy the value of endstone (if there is any value associated with it) since you can mine endstone easily in the end.

  9. Blyx

    Blyx Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2014
    No support.

    Implementing the end will have a lot of consequences for the economy. Elytra would decrease in value as they become discoverable - this also reduces the need for them to be on the online store. Each time the end is reset, that will decrease even further.

    The nature of the end’s terrain means that without elytra and rockets, or many enderpearls, it’s nearly impossible to traverse. Unlike the nether, this doesn’t benefit all players.

    Logistically, where would the end portal be? It would most likely have to be communal and in an open place. This takes away the achievement factor of getting to the end.

    All building materials are available in some form at /warp trade.

    Scheduling when the end dragon fight would be could be fun for the community, but dragon respawns could be tricky, and the people who are just there for end items could get caught up in something they’re not prepared for.

    Obsidian would need to be made non breakable - like current magma blocks and lava in the nether.

    The original single-player skyblock didn’t have the end, so I’m not sure why it’s needed now.

    I can see why you might suggest it, prima facie it seems a good idea - but unfortunately it has some issues which would need to be ironed out for it to function properly.
  10. RedstoneTrails

    RedstoneTrails Moderator Moderator

    Aug 4, 2014
    Realistically, it wouldn't be too difficult to incorporate the portal itself. The server could provide a villager from which you could purchase end portal frames, and then players could build their own end portal.

    From my perspective the issue would just be balancing out the end. For one, we would need to completely disable the dragon and it's entire platform area. Ideally would just like to have players spawn directly into the outer reaches of the end, far from that central platform.

    As Blyx mentioned, travel around the end in general would be very difficult, and would highly favor the rich with elytras or those with fly hacks.

    Most severely of all would be trying to design the end in a way that doesn't hurt or overly influence the economy. Elytras would definitely need to be removed all together from the end, otherwise one player could dedicate an hour or two of their time and have a decent collection of elytras going. End stone and end stone bricks are currently somewhat expensive, so the server would need to decide whether these things should stay expensive (meaning changing the terrain of the end), or allow these blocks to become completely valueless and people mine up tons. Then loot chests in the end in general are a lot more valuable than nether fortress ones, so the server would have to decide whether they want to rebalance those loot tables or not.

    Overall, adding the end in any sort of sustainable, functioning way would require tons of hours of developer work and testing, ultimately for a result that most members of the community will be upset about or unsatisfied with. Similar suggestions have been brought up over the years, but they're often met with a neutral to negative response. (Adding the end, without issues, There should be a way to have access to the end, Add the end to skyblock, Add The End?)
  11. NorthYYY

    NorthYYY Active Member

    Oct 17, 2017
    How would you break it... if people misplace it would probobly make the staff annyoed at the fact they have to constantly be breaking them
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. RedstoneTrails

    RedstoneTrails Moderator Moderator

    Aug 4, 2014
    It'd only be a few lines of code in a plugin to let people mine it.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. needtorename

    needtorename Content Creator Premium

    May 8, 2016
    Yea end pprtal thingy is unbreakable in vanilla, hlep
  14. NorthYYY

    NorthYYY Active Member

    Oct 17, 2017
    Ofc I understand that but, inside the end you would have to basically make it a nether (I beleive my first post on this explains it). I like the idea of the end and dont like the take away from it maybe instead of buying it they can make a custom recipe for the frame, so it's not just, bought like obsidion...
  15. Boltgreywing

    Boltgreywing Member

    Sep 2, 2019
    The end is an interesting environment and I myself can pretty much say that defeating the dragon with just a bow, or axe in creative mode even with flying is insanely challenging as it is. Granted the most times the dragon egg can potetially be used is up to 20 and that is it. Survival mode would be even more difficulty. I think instead of having a shop that sells them, maybe have an option that the player earns end portal frame parts through quests or additional islands. Shooting a dragon with a bow is extremely difficult let alone hitting it with an axe. The ender dragon is essentially for all intents and purposes a grind fight similiar to how cobblestone generation is a grind as well. Both take time to get the resources you need and to battle the dragon. Add on the fact there is the possibility to lose all your diamond items that also needs to be taken into account, though the same could be said about the nether. If you fall in lava with diamond items all those items are gone.

    The problem with making obsidian unbreakable in the end is that you force the player not to have a shelter if they are running low on health and need to either get away quickly from an endermen or the dragon itself. Yes Obisdian though does take a long time to mine without any enchantments, but its a better option then well climb up a tower only to be knocked off or stone shelter.
    Anything other then obsidian or endstone flies off during a dragon pass, so that makes it a bit of a problem. Changing endstone to dirt or other blocks will cause the player to fall to its doom when the dragon passes near said blocks.

    the issue with setting up the portals wrong is also an issue. There has been suggestion on using end stone + eyes of ender to make breakable end portals. Though I think maybe wool or cloth could be added to make the look of the two end portals different. For instance Non breakable end portals could be green and breakable ones could be orange or whatever wool color is used with them. The balancing act will be interesting.

    Blyx: Just because something didn't have it initially doesn't mean that it should not have it.
    Minecraft was a good game before multiplayer or servers was added.
    And is still a good game with servers as well.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2020
  16. No longer on forums

    No longer on forums Member

    Apr 11, 2020
    Good idea only for people who want more space. Otherwise all it does is destroy shulker, chorus stuff, end stone, and obsidian prices. The ender dragon will most likely be killed no matter how many people work against. This would make the demand of end crystals go up though...(Need end crystals to revive ender dragon) The only good reason for this is for more space for map art and stuff like that. It would be fun to defeat the ender dragon.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  17. PCcoolguy100

    PCcoolguy100 Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2015
    - You can already grind all the end stuffs at /warp mob or /warp hostile.
    - End portals are unbreakable, and used to be a rare item in classic (except that any new d400 could select this as their “d400 item”)
    oops there’s more
    - the server can barely handle just the nether portal at this point. The extra stress from having the end would be horrible imo
    - what would you do there if you can already get the stuff from End normally
    - some economies would die, ie dragon egg and head
    - there’s more but I’m braindead and can’t be bohered thinking
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. No longer on forums

    No longer on forums Member

    Apr 11, 2020
    Wait, so theoretically, you could construct an ender portal if you got enough, right?(In classic)
  19. PCcoolguy100

    PCcoolguy100 Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2015
    Yes, you actually could.

    The only problem is if you stood in it it'd just take you to spawn or not work - as the End wasn't enabled and probably never will be.

    I got to jump in one one time :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. No longer on forums

    No longer on forums Member

    Apr 11, 2020
    Maybe there shouldn't be anything in the end, it should just be a free build zone for people who want infinite space. Griefers should be banned from the end or placed in a mini cage. (Overview: Public free build with INFINITE SPACE)

    We have some good builders in the server and this could be a place to demonstrate their skill. (This could also help with a lot of map art projects.)

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