Why not?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by 52Phenomenon, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. 52Phenomenon

    52Phenomenon Super Moderator Super Moderator Events Manager

    Mar 18, 2017
    I am quite bored right now, so why not :).
    ~Basic Info~

    Name: 52Phenomenon (only one person here knows my real name.)​
    Age: --
    Sex: Female
    Height: I think I am like 5 foot 5, not 100% sure though.
    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Also brown
    Body Type: .... Huh...
    Religion: Christian.
    Ethnicity: White.
    Orientation: Straight.
    Status: Single but certainly not ready to mingle, thank you :Hilarious:.

    Color? Red​
    Hair Style? I have it an a braid literally every day.
    Food? Hm... I love food in general, if I have to pick? Chicken I guess.
    Soda? I am English does that mean a fizzy drink?
    Alchoholic Beverage? I don't have one.
    Store? I have no idea, JD is a cool shop I guess, nice shoes.
    Mall? Where I live there is one but it has like 3 good shops, so I don't really have one.
    State? I don't know, I have never been to the USA.
    City? Er, where I live.
    Animal? A monkey.
    Movie? The Disney film Bolt is pretty amazing, I loved it when I was little.
    TV Show? Not really into TV, to be honest.
    Book? A book called Boom that my teacher read to me when I was little, now I'm not into reading really.
    Music? I like Top 40 charts music usually, Ed Sheeran is awesome.
    Song? A-Team by Ed Sheeran, loved it since it was released and will always be my favourite I think.
    Band/Artist? Ed Sheeran 100%.
    Website? Instagram or this forums.

    ~This or That~
    Soda or Juice? I don't know what soda is so juice.​
    Music or Internet? Internet, although I do love music.
    Rock or Rap? Don't like either, if I have to pick? Rap.
    Dogs or Cats? Dogs all the way!
    White or Black? White.
    Myspace or Bebo? ... What the?
    Cell Phone or I-pod? Phone.
    Curly Hair or Straight Hair? Curly since my hair is naturally curly
    Lap-Top or Computer? Laptop, portable I guess.
    Corded Phone or Cordless? Cordless of course.
    Mountain Dew or Pepsi? Mountain Dew 100%.
    Pen or Pencil? Pen, it makes my writing look better. Plus I'm left handed so I smudge pencil more haha.
    MP3 Player or I-pod? iPod.
    Phone or Internet? Internet.
    School or Work? School, more fun with friends.

    What do you do on your spare time? Play guitar, practice magic and play Skyblock.net.​
    What do you wish you had more time for? Riding my bike.
    Whats your usual clothing style? Jeans and t-shirt, tracksuit maybe. In this summer weather, shorts.
    Whats your usual hair style? Braid.
    What are you wearing? A red Adidas football training kit.
    Who would you die for? My friends, and my family. (pssst TheEpicWotsit so I get a brownie point for that?) :tearsofjoy: jk :heart:
    Are you a virgin? Odd question...
    What do you think of one night stands? ....
    Who's your best friend? On skyblock - Laini, AmazingxXx, Raven, gumo, I have a lot. In real life I have one I won't say their name though.
    How long have you been friends? My in real life friend? 2 years.
    How did you and your best friend meet? No idea.
    Do you have any pets? No but I want one really bad.
    If yes, how many? :<.
    Do you plan on getting married? Marriage is expensive and a big commitment...
    Do you plan on having kids? No, they are so expensive, they cry, they throw up... too much to handle :tearsofjoy:.
    If so, how many? ^ Zero.
    How old did you wish you were? Not sure really.
    If you were to be anywhere right now, where would you be? In the park on my bike.
    Why? It's fun, I get to escape everything else.
    Ever gone Camping? Yes I loved it, I'm going soon too.
    Have you ever caught a fish and ate it? Nope.
    Have you ever gone water skiing? Nah, sounds cool though.
    Have you ever gone water tubing? Nah.
    Have you ever gone skiing on a mountain? Nope, I am clumsy so that's probably not for me.
    Have you ever gone tubing on a mountain? Yes, it was really fun.
    Have you ever gone Snowboarding? Nope.
    Ever gone to church? Yeah.
    Ever gone to a famous water park? Famous? Probably not.
    Ever gone out of State? I live in Britain there are no states.
    Ever gone out of the country? Yas.
    When was the last time you left town? Can't remember, actually.
    Anything you got planned for this weekend? Not really.
    If so, what? I may go to my aunties and my nans maybe.
    Is this survey curing your bordom? Kind of, but it is quite long and I didn't realise that.
    Are you related to anyone famous? No, that would be cool though.
    If so, who? n/a
    Do you think your hot? Nope.
    Do other people think your hot? Uhm, not that I know of?
    Do you think your skinny? Not overly skinny but yeah quite skinny.
    Or do you think your fat? Nope.
    Or just in between fat and skinny? ^^
    What year were you born in? --
    Ever been on a blind date? Nope.
    What do you enjoy doing when your bored? Practice guitar, check forums or play Skyblock.net.
    What do you do in the summer time? Go on days out, camping and a holiday.
    Are you naturally tanned? Yeah, olive skinned I guess you could say.
    Or are you kinda pale? Nope.
    Do you live in a house? Yes.
    Or do you live in a apartment? Nah.
    What do you have on your mind? Right now? Honestly nothing really.
    What time is it? 8:30pm.

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