title. TPS on eco has been horrible for months now. Wondering why this is and when if ever will it be fixed.
-Horrible TPS: Sub 16 -How Many Months: 5+ months -Condition of tps: Worse over time Why did it/they happen? IDK thats the point of this thread
its been worse recently. They have had months to fix this issue and I am yet to see a single improvement.
i know this is about eco but /skyblock has been around 13 and nobody complaining but lag has been fine , they also recently upgraded hardware so idk give it time its something they work on in the background , plus more players have been on / joining / , also maybe cut ur farms in half , that would help but its a team effort amongst friends and island owners etc
ECO has been laggy since its update. Its completely unacceptable for a server of this scale making as much money as it does to continuously let down its player base with sub par performance. With the resources as the servers disposal its insanity it isnt fixed.
yea i realize that, but he also just updated the hardware few months ago so it is constantly being worked on behind the scenes weather we know it or not
dex is working on this but im not sure how many months it will take for this release to be put out, tps has been worse on both skyblock and eco lately but people on skyblock don't complain because they aren't whiny such as the people on eco, this comes from a player on eco. TL;DR: people on eco are whiny (coming from an eco player) oh and it's probably because the amount of chunks loaded from croppers, when the update happened, cropper farms became more widespread, which made more chunks be loaded and tps go down.
How much longer. The issue has persisted for months. This isnt a issue a server of this size/profit should be unable to improve for months and months
dude tps was 16 on skyblock last i checked. eco average is 10, if i'm being generous. those aren't comparable lol.
Maybe if eco players stopped whining so much, the server wouldn't be overfloodded with negativity and would have the confidence to give us it's full 100% potential lmao
A team effort by all players may help a little. It has been noted that hopper mechanics may be partly a contributor, even crophoppers, due to the way that hoppers work. Thy constantly search for item entities above them. I have suggested putting composters on top of every crophopper on the server, and of course this is voluntary, in the hope that it helps reduce lag. Because rather than constantly search for entities in the air block above, it iwll only look for items in the one single item slot that a composter has. It does the same thing for other 'item container' blocks, but the less item slots it has, the less computing power it takes to 'search' for items in it. Sadly, even i do not know just how much all of that actually affects sever performance, so maybe the admins and devs can go for some sort of experiment to test: -if disabling hoppers' functionality reduces lag -if placing composters on all existent crophoppers reduces lag it would naturally be best to perform this test on an experimental server, not the live one. There is also the matter of not forcing composters to spawn on existing crophoppers that are already placed. and finally, to allow for crophoppers to automatically spawn a composter on top that cannot be removed or destroyed unless the crophopper itself is mined, and the composter should automatically disappear when this is done. The composter's functionality to compost waste items to make bonemeal can either be kept or disabled, whichever is preferred.