Evening Skyblockers, I am Craney100, and I am here to launch my Forum Game - "Where's Craney?"! Each week I will be uploading an Image, my Skin Face will be hidden within the image. Your objective is to find it! The first person to spot my face will be added to a Prize Draw. The Prize Draw will occur every 5 games, the 5 winners of the past 5 weeks of "Where's Craney?" will be in for the chance to win the prize pot! (Any donations for this are much appreciated!) For reference, here's my character's face!: I wish you luck, may the best seeker win! ------------------------------------ Craney100
Winner winner chicken dinner! _Meganx is Week 1 Winner! Come back next week for the next round of "Where's Craney?"!
Is it bad that I can’t even find it in the zoomed in image that Meganx attached? lol Awesome idea, looking forward to next week.