Withdrawn WetV/VortextRAM Helper Application

Discussion in 'Withdrawn/Inactive Applications' started by Vorty, Sep 24, 2019.

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  1. Vorty

    Vorty Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    Feel free to support, neutral, or no support However though please give valid reasons for anything bad. I think I am very fit for helper and would love to be one, thanks for reading.

    This is a way better, edited version of my past Application. Sense then i have learned the forums more and have understood the rules more.

    Your in-game name:
    WetV(Former name:VortextRAM)

    What time zone are you in?
    Eastern Standard Time(EST)

    What country do you live in?
    United States

    What languages do you speak?
    English is my main language, as i was born into it, and i know some Spanish.

    Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No
    Yes, i use GAuth Authenticator
    GAuth Authenticator - Chrome Web Store

    Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
    I have OBS and f2, for screenshots. I also have the reply mod which is the most helpful.

    Why do you think you should become a staff member?
    I am very active, i am friendly, caring, helpful, kind/nice, experienced, trustworthy, etc.

    As being only 14. I am very mature from what people think, sometimes i do have childish moments, due to my age and having fun while it last, but i can act mature when needed. i act normal and calm in situations some people my age would over react to, Also another point is that i had a job at McDonald, where i am, as long as you have good grades and are mature enough, you can get a job at my age, which is what i did, i worked at McDonald for 6 months but i had to quit due to me moving to Florida, I also had a job at Culver’s, a less known restaurant for 2 months but I decided it didn’t fit me so I am possibly applying for publix(a grocery store.) At both Culver’s and McDonalds I was always on time and managers always trusted me to do the hardest jobs such as the Back Booth at McDonald’s which involves major multi tasking, taking orders and paying at customs, and having to do it quickly and right, which I would almost always do and I would always be trusted with early shifts and busy shifts.

    Some kids in middle/high school act very immature and do not treat people with the respect you would want back, for examples, name-calling, bullying, fights, all of the immature school stuff. I try to find those who are not in the best situations, for example, some people i know at the beginning did not have many people to hang out with, they were kind of left out so i decided to start talking to them now were best friends.

    I am very caring, Weather it comes to family, friends, pets, or someone I’m babysitting. Whenever I have had to watch over someone or something, I have been very careful and caring about the person or thing, I treat them with respect to ensure there in the best shape and I am always there for anyone that needs me, someone in the server, to family.

    I am a very nice person, to new people I meet on the server or in school. I think it is very important to be nice to someone or else they won’t be nice to you, it’s a very good thing to just make someone’s day by being nice, I understand with helper this is a Major trait you need, otherwise you would be driving players awhile from the great sky block community and possibly be loosing nice players. Although being nice isn’t about giving, I love to make someone’s day by helping them out in the server!

    Helpful is another major trait of being a helper as it’s in the name. I am very helpful, although I’ve only played on the sky block server for 6-7 months, I have 16-17 Days of playtime so I am very experienced with the server and how to do certain things. Whenever someone needs me I try my hardest to ensure the task is done.

    Due to me being a 14 year old who does not have much to do in his free time, i am very active unless i am hanging out with friends(For example i was just on a camping trip with my 2 friends for 4 days), however whenever i am inactive, i have the paid version of MineChat for IOS and i also have discord on my PC and Phone, I always have notifications on for the sky block server on my phone and my pc so I am able to respond quickly.

    I consider myself experienced, obviously not like noobcrew as he owns a big sky block server, however i owned a small faction server years ago, was a mod of a disowned server, however i have a past of enforcing the rules when needed and doing what needs to be done as in real life i have watched many pets and also little kids, which can really be painful but i know how to treat people and things and I have faced challenges while doing these, such as making sure pets don’t mess up the house and use the bathroom outside. I also had to make food for kids I had watched and these skills come handy when watching people on the server and enforcing rules.

    Many people on sky block trust me, and i trust other people even though i seems i am the one that should have trust issues sometimes as some people are disrespectful when it comes to items but otherwise, i have been /trusted by many people, and besides being trusted on a island in a game, people in real life trust me with secrets, and other things they do not want certain people to know. Overall in-game and in real life i am very trusted.

    How active can you be?
    Here is my schedule:
    Weekly Time On:
    Sunday: 8+ Hours
    Monday: 4+ Hours
    Tuesday: 5+ Hours
    Wednesday: 4+ Hours
    Thursday: 4+ Hours
    Friday: 6+ Hours
    Saturday: 8+ Hours

    How long have you been playing Skyblock?
    According to /pi about 7 months, but i have slight memories of years ago maybe like 2014 on the old classic server, was never a full time player back then though.

    Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)

    Yes. In-Game, most people know of this but i was false banned for duping, when it was all a accident and log block messed up. I was banned for about 48 Hours and Went through a lot but after that i was better on sky block then ever.
    Also I have been punished on the forums few months ago for post farmings, I did try to a little and didn’t. I got my punishment and I understand better now.

    Do you have any previous moderation experience?
    Yes i do have previous experience, as i owned a small factions server years ago, was a mod on a old factions server of a friend(Server was disowned) and i have managed discord servers. However I don’t have much moderation experience on big servers, I am very familiar on commands and how to handle situations. 

    Do you meet the requirements for staff?
    Yes i do. I have 50 Post. 2FA is activated, as i use GAuth. I have also been registered for 2 weeks+ and i do have discord as listed below.

    Discord: Vortext#8476 (Exact, Capitals and all.)

    Thank you for anyone who took their own time to go through my application, as it really helps me, weather you support me or not, i will know what i have done right or what i have done wrong, please put time into your decision as i took about 2 hours on this application and a lot of dedication.

    Everyone Have a Great Day/Night and thank you

    Support/Neutral/No Support.
    • No Support No Support x 8
    • Neutral Neutral x 4
    • Support Support x 1
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2019
  2. Armaganndon

    Armaganndon Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2013
    I'd like to start off and say when people claim they can be on for " x amount of hours" you have to realize they are asking for moderating hours. Nobody can dedicate that much time to moderate. With that being said, I'm sitting at a neutral for now. You're sitting at 56 posts, I'd wait a while and get used to forums. You aren't that active in-game (I'm on almost 24/7, barely see you online), you're friendly but I don't see you helping other players often. As for the application, there's various grammatical errors you could fix. Though it isn't required, adding some color could make the application look better.

    Willing to change my rating if you can give me a reason to.
  3. Vorty

    Vorty Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    Thank you for the neutral, it helps,
    1st point:”moderating hours”
    I am good at multitasking and even now while being a normal player, I help people all the time
    2nd point:”never on”
    I don’t know what time zone you are but however I get home from schools at 4-4:30, and play skyblock until I sleep, you can ask most people who see me on such as cupcake, termsy, oak.
    3rd point: “post count” I am aware of that but however I think I am fit as I usually have fourms open I just don’t reply to everything due to not wanting to get post farmed”
    4th point:”color”
    I was thinking of doing color but however lots of people complain about color
    5th point:”grammar”
    I’m not the best at grammar but I try

    I feel my dedication to this server is a lot and also taking the time to respond to your opinions, so it would be great if I changed your mind!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Tog

    Tog atpoaim Premium Premium Premium Premium

    May 8, 2018
    I agree with Arma. You need to get used to using forums a lot more. I only see you on for an hours per day - I’m guessing that is because of our five hour differences in time zones. You are friendly, but don’t see you helping others often.

    Neutral support/ leaning towards no support, but I will come back to this application when my opinion changes, thanks.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2019
  5. Vorty

    Vorty Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    Definitely cause of the time difference, which honestly sucks sense we like doing map art and wanna help each other, but I don’t wanna get top off topic. I help people in chat a lot of the time, but I way rather do it in private chat, so in public I’ll tell someone to message me, if you know what I mean, I hope I can change your mind, I ask a lot of people and they say I help a lot so hopefully you will think that!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Tog

    Tog atpoaim Premium Premium Premium Premium

    May 8, 2018
    I can’t go off based on what other people say. I’ll have to see it myself first. Good luck for your application, and I hope you can prove me wrong.
  7. BMTPlayz

    BMTPlayz Member

    Sep 11, 2019
    I don't know how exactly to support, but I definitely would. You are really helpful in the chat for anyone that needs help with tips and building ideas. I find that you are a very kind person overall and I truly hope that you become a helper.
  8. Vorty

    Vorty Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    Thank you very much,, I appreciate it and I will mark you as support in the document.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. laini

    laini Ma'am Premium

    Aug 5, 2015
    Neutral, I find comments such as these irritating. 39CB685F-19AF-46F4-B68D-31194A4B4629.jpeg No need to call other people out in a thread. Do it in pm if it’s so important to you.
  10. Vorty

    Vorty Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    I’m just trying to enforce the rules so I see nothing wrong with this, because one way of post farming is not contributing to post and just restating what other people said, so I don’t not understand your opinion but I respect it, hopefully I can change your mind!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Monster_Sparklez

    Monster_Sparklez Yee yee Bubba Premium Premium

    May 27, 2016
    No support in the section have you ever been banned in the past (server and forums you only mentioned the server you were also punished on the forums too and you did not mention that I can’t trust someone who lies
    Try relying to multiple at a time it makes you look like your post farming

    your application is very messy you mixed sections and changed the orders and it makes it feel very poorly written
  12. Vorty

    Vorty Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    I kinda expected this from you but I respect your opinion, I did not try to lie, I forgot about the fourms punishments(like completely) and I’ll update my app so that you know I’m fine with people knowing that.

    I just replied multiple times cause at the times I replied they were the only post, I’ll have a mod merge them so that can be fix, and I thought that your post in your own thread don’t count towards your post count.

    Also I will try to fix up the layout and messiness of my application ASAP, and hopefully once I fix all my flaws I can change your mind!
    Thanks for your opinion and have a good day.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Yolo_Beast

    Yolo_Beast Member

    Sep 2, 2019
    technically he didn't exactly LIE but yh Vortext should have included that, and I have to agree it is a bit messy (try to learn from Togpuss, he's got a nice structure with multipule questions then a single message to reply to all of them. Its easier to read ) also, try to make your actual application more easy to read as well, like clear titles and subtitles (maybe different colours like red to make them stand out).

    Rn if there was a scale (1 being no support whatsoever and 10 being fully and wholly supporting you all the way) I would be 6.5/10, need to see a bit more helping (but you have helped me a bit so its 6.5 not 5 :) ) and yh that comment:
    I kinda agree, no need to make it such a big deal, just pm like what prxc said, like togpuss might not be restating, just agreeing and confirming with you, and I kinda get reassured if more than one person agrees to one thing, so I can sort of confirm it if multipule people agree on one thing
  14. Vorty

    Vorty Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    Your right I did not lie, I forgot to mention it, however at the time you were making this post I already edited and added it.

    Yes it is messy which is bad but it only due to the fact that I did this whole thing on my phone in my notes app and on the fourms, I’ve been at school and haven’t been on my computer sense last night, and obviously doing stuff on a phone is messy.

    Well it’s recommend to not restate and/or just agreeing cause it can be post farming.
    And the app I use for my phone for fourms is kinda confusing and I didn’t know how to message through it till just now, so I posted it on the fourm.

    Also 1 being no support and 10 being full support, I assume 5 is neutral, so sense you did more then that does that mean you support me? I couldn’t really understand from that.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Yolo_Beast

    Yolo_Beast Member

    Sep 2, 2019
    Im sort of inbetween but leaning to support. So count me as neutral for now but I still can change :)
  16. Vorty

    Vorty Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    Ok, I respect your opinion but hopefully once I clean it up more once I get to my computer your opinion will change! :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. laini

    laini Ma'am Premium

    Aug 5, 2015
    If you "stated" something that was unclear, I believe someone restating that can be helpful. If it's blatantly a copy of what you wrote then fair enough. No need to derail a thread - (which is also disallowed in forum rules). I also believe that "i have halloween map arts if that counts lol, but there most likely will, im pretty sure last year they had discounts and gave away heads." isn't nearly as clear as "There will be the annual Halloween drop party if that counts and a skyblock shop discount."
  18. Vorty

    Vorty Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    Its what i said but paraphrased. Also i do not feel the need to argue about this, so id appreciate it if we can stop talking about it :)
  19. Yolo_Beast

    Yolo_Beast Member

    Sep 2, 2019
    Just drop the matter, both of you; my Halloween drop party question is basically answered, and the matter is all sorted now, so please stop discussing this matter on Votext's Helper application, its kinda off topic, and there is no need for unnecessary arguments, just make the world a peaceful place :)
  20. Vorty

    Vorty Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    Thank you very much for this, i was just trying to say that but thank you, also i have made my app more neat if you decided to decide differently.
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