Your in-game name: Bignchubby, I typically go by Chub. How old are you? 17 What timezone are you in? EST (Eastern Standard Time) What country do you live in? United States of America What languages do you speak? English, little Spanish. Have you ever been banned? (if yes, why?) Once on .net by mistake, so no. Why do you think you should be a mod? I think I should be a mod for many reasons. First, I am not in it for the mod items or special commands, but I am in it for the long run of receiving gratitude and thanks from those who I help. Being a mod would allow me to help others in new ways. I am involved with the community and I am very active. I want to help people even further than I am now. I can also type very fast (90 words per minute). VIEW: Edit 2 What qualifications do you have? Helpful Whenever I am on the server, I try to help people, especially those who ask questions. It feels nice to help someone, from enchanting some tools (with legal enchants) to answering questions about the server or how to build certain contraptions. Being helpful is who I am and will continue to be. Kind Being kind to someone is a nice to get to know them. Therefore, I am kind to everyone I speak to. On and off the server, I am respectful and do not offend others, even if they are "pushing the limits". Sometimes being kind also makes me feel like a better person and a reliable one. Understanding Whenever I try to communicate with someone, I always try to be sure to completely understand what they are trying to say. If I don't understand someone I will ask questions to make sure I can help them and communicate with them the best I can. Friendly Whoever I am talking to, a best friend or a stranger, I am always very friendly to them. I am not judgmental when first meeting someone. Everyone deserves an equal chance, and being friendly to others goes a long way. I find that if you are friendly to someone, they are naturally friendly to you as well. I enjoy helping others on the server, and by being friendly I try to improve their skyblock experience. Talkative Whenever I am on the server, I always try to be very chat active. Being talkative lets others know that you are easy to communicate with. Therefore, I find myself making new friends and helping many people. It is truly a privilege to be apart of this community. Active I am very active on the server, especially on weekends. It is one of my favorite activities and I enjoy being online. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Weekdays: 3 PM to 8 PM Weekends: All day off and on How long have you been playing January 2013, joined forums December 2013. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I do not have past experience, but I have been a helping hand to many people in the skyblock community. VIEW: Edit 3 Figured it was time for an edit... In light of recent events, I have more to say about myself and this application. 1. I'm on org a lot. I see many things and people on there. Whenever I can, I help out. Could you say I am mini-modding? Sure. However I am aware I do not have any power over other people and I want org to be a better place for players where they are still receiving the help they need even if mods are not online. Helping others is what I like to do so I am still going to help out or "mini-mod" even though that term seems to extreme to me because in my opinion it means thinking you have mod status or perms. 2. Recently I held a 40 minute presentation for one of my classes in school. It was something I had to do alone and I put a lot of time into. After my presentation my teacher told me it was one of the best presentations she has ever seen. This may seem irrelevant, but I took something even more valuable from that day. After class she pulled me aside and told me how I take what I learn and do so much more with it than what is expected of me. She told me how I held the attention of the audience for the full 40 minutes because I believed in myself and my work. This experience has helped me become a better person. Edit 2: This edit will mainly be an addition to why do you think you should be a mod. I'm on the server a lot, trust me. Whenever I am online, I always try to help others. As an older, experienced player I believe I can answer many types of questions. Whenever someone comes online, I greet them and ask them how they are doing because if they are down I could try to cheer them up. I have helped a countless number of people in the past few days alone. This has being going on for months now. My help ranges from little things such as telling people about global chat, /warp shop, etc. but also other things. For example, today I gave someone paper because they asked someone to auction it. Is giving someone paper a big deal? No. However, I always give these items to people who are in need of them because I can obtain these things quite easily. Just yesterday I gave 3 dark oak saplings to a starting player who wanted to grow dark oak trees. Stuff like this really makes me feel good and part of the server. Since I have been helping people day by day, I have started to notice something. Some players, not all, who have seen me help out, message me about their issue if there isn't a mod on. This caught me by surprise on numerous accounts because I am starting to see more and more individuals coming to me before confronting global chat. This is nice because I feel like I am someone who players can count on to answer questions or give an honest opinion about a particular build, redstone wiring, etc. To bring this further, I own a warp with over 20 spawners for public use. Although this may seem miniscule, I have spent money and time building these different spawners for other players to use to help improve their islands. The warp has at least 1 spawner for each type of spawnable mob (the ones available to us, of course). I always enjoy when players message me to turn on my CD farm. They really enjoy using it and I feel like I am giving back. Also with my snowman spawner, today Ike the highroller was asking to buy snow, I told him to tp to me and I placed him at the bottom of my spawner where I give away free snow in a chest shop. He gladly thanked me and complimented how awesome it was. Events such as this really make me feel good, however as the time passes I feel as if I am started to be taken for granted. I am not sure if it is just me thinking this, or that I am just constantly helping others and that I possibly don't realize the thanks. Overall, helping people is a good thing and I would encourage others to do so as well. About me and the forums... Personally, the forums have not been to impressing for me, especially before this month. Not that it isn't cool, I just don't show particular interest. I tend to just look in the help and suggestion sections. Recently, I created a personal goal to be more forums active, and its not bad. It is becoming more interesting for me and I find myself interacting with members who I have never talked to or heard of before. New experiences such as me becoming more forums active results in more people I can reach out to. Edit 3: Gained Experience! As some of you may or may not know, I am an SMod for another server! I have a lot of experience on appropriate punishments, warnings, CoreProtect, LogBlock, and more technicalities! I have over 5.5 days of playtime within a month! As well with being online daily for a few hours, I have learned to respect moderators even more than I have in the past. I am a really good mod, earning SMod in under 2 weeks because I put in a lot of work, I take the job very seriously. Edit 4: Reset! As all of us know, org has just had a reset as of last week. I am back in the community now and it is more enjoyable than ever. Happy Skyblocking! Edit 5: Observations Since the reset, playing org has been very enjoyable. However, there is one thing that seems to bother me and other players, sometimes the chat gets out of hand and maybe org needs more mods. Almost daily I am online from 3 P.M. EST to around 6 P.M. EST, most days during this time no mods come online, and if they do it is very brief and closer to 5:30 P.M. EST. Many have been complaining that they need mods on to help deal with things such as the chat getting out of hand. I am not saying this is the mods fault, but maybe there should be more mods in this time zone. I say this with full respect to our current mods. VIEW: Edit 6. Edit 6: Give Credit Where Credit is Due I took a little break from Skyblock, but I have returned and still continue to love this server, playing hours each day. Since my return, I have noticed a lot more activity from the mods, which is wonderful. It is a pleasure to see them in chat, as they are all nice people, and they fulfill their duties very well. The server has improved greatly, and in my opinion has become more enjoyable. Happy Skyblocking! Edit 7: A little more about my school life. Currently I am in 12th grade and will be graduating in a month. Throughout my school career I have always taken honors and AP (college level) classes. This year I am enrolled in 5 AP classes and 1 honors class. I always have received a's and high b's for these classes. My current GPA is 3.75 (a little lower than some of my irl friends). Being in high school was a great experience and a lot of hard work and dedication, as I usually have around 2 hours of homework a night with weekly write-ups and essays. Between 9th and 12th grade I have taken: 9 AP classes, 12 honors classes, engineering courses, and electives. The hardest classes for me personally were AP Chemistry, AP Calculus AB, and Spanish III Honors. Hopefully this provides a clearer insight of who I am as a person as well as my hard work and dedication. Please: If there is anything you would like to know feel free to ask me! Thanks for reading!
I don't see you help too much and I dont see you a lot on the forums. You are active in-game though and you seem friendly. I'll keep an eye on you. For now, goodluck.
Full support, Hes active,friendly and mature and also helps a lot in chat which helps me when its very busy.
Give em' a chance to prove himself. --Supporting Chub-- Word of advice, look into getting experience or try helping out on someother servers just so you aren't questioning the commands if/when you get Mod. (Application has good details, nice work.)
Thanks, I know the basic commands and my friend Stickninja24 was an admin on an old server so he could help me with commands if I have questions.