What more needs to be said? Economy is in dire need of urgent help. Extremely rarely have I seen the servers tps at 1. Currently it's fluctuating between 4 a 11. Right after server reboot it's fine for all of half hour? Then seems to crash again. What is being done about these tps issues? A good half of what the update promised has yet to be released on economy, ways to earn money, hostile spawners that eco really needs. If we had hostile spawwners, working in place of island sized flush mob farms, would that not at least help somewhat with less physical redstone and dispenser updates? As of now the server is back around 13 - 16tps. On survival it's more stable around 19 to 20tps. Much of the bug reports don't get replied to, or updates are done with very little clarity on what has actually been updated and improved on. As mentioned in a different thread, updates have been made, but without knowing what, its harder to find out what's causing these ongoing issues. At this rate the eco server is dying out. Its crashing more often with fallback servers, tps is at an all-time record low, placing blocks doesn't work, breaking blocks takes Two or more attempts before it registers as breaking, crop hoppers have this horrible habit of deleting entirely when mined, or phasing through solid blocks into the void. Multiple people crash on what's almost a daily basis groups at a time. What is actually being done about these problems?