Thank you to all who has voted in the month of January. The top 5 voters will receive $25 coupon code to spend up to $25 on our store or 31 Votes 1. madxbird 31 votes 2. TropicalView 31 votes 3. IllegalWiFi 31 votes 4. Nomadatron 31 votes 5. Myrmidous You can view the top 5 voters here. Thank you to all who have voted for Skyblock the past few months and supporting us. To receive your coupon code use /mail in-game
I mean when I voted, there were still people on the vote1 list with 30 votes and I refreshed it after voting and it still had the people there with 30 votes but not me with 31 (and I've made sure to vote every single day this whole month so theres not chance of me having missed a vote Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So your last vote probably glitched out. I know it sucks, I'm sorry...keep trying and you'll get it for sure eventually. If you're a net player, anyways.
Yeah ik I tried on 2 accounts in January, both failed cus of some kinda glitch And yeah I play net Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk