Declined The great dirt revolution

Discussion in 'Server Gameplay Suggestions Archive' started by Kuriboh_kun, Feb 19, 2023.

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  1. Kuriboh_kun

    Kuriboh_kun Active Member

    Jul 30, 2021
    Hi, this will be the first of some suggestions ill make after playing the skyblock beta, most of them are oriented towards skyblock, but some can be implemented in economy too. A few of the suggestions will seem radical, but I think that the update is a great time for change and reconsidering questions.

    I truly believe the best change that may come with the new version is the legalization of dirt, with the addition of moss blocks dirt blocks are now renewable, and that's a great thing, since silk touch is still disabled it won't affect the economy a lot and the only real issue is the loss of an exit for currency which can be replaced by many other changes. Making dirt a tradable item would also bring great benefits like decreasing confusion to new players, making early game more accessible, farms and terraforming would be cheaper, and the most important one, it would maintain the vanilla chain to convert stone to many blocks like mud and terracotta. This could even increase new player retention since how to get more dirt is one of the most common question new players make and this would give a satisfying answer to that question.

    It's also important to mention that island farming is not profitable anymore since legal ways of obtaining dirt are much faster, so let's legalize the last illegal item and get dirt to join buckets and sand into the economy!
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    Last edited: Feb 25, 2023
  2. Charwie

    Charwie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2017
    Honestly, i don't even know why dirt is bannable, there are so many ways to get around people farming islands, i.e like they did, put a timer on how often you can create a island.
  3. sb

    sb Active Member System

    Jan 5, 2021
    Thank you for creating a suggestion!
    Unfortunately after looking at it we have decided that we will not be adding this feature. We felt like this would not be possible or needed in-game, so your suggestion has been declined. Feel free to create a new suggestion, we're always looking for new additions!
    This thread has been locked and moved to Server Gameplay Suggestions Archive.
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