Support Tickets

Discussion in 'Forums Suggestions' started by boba, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. boba

    boba modern manifesto Premium

    Dec 26, 2019
    Support Tickets are a very useful add on that are already both on the Mineverse and Skywars Forums. This is a very great addition that can be added to our Forums to make it a bit more organized.

    The support tickets will be classified into 2 different sections:

    • Administrative Related Help
    • Donation Help
    Though we already have a donation section, support tickets make it very much organized and will make it easy for Kerahna to manage things as it requires information that users may forget to add. It will be separate from the Help category but the help category can still be used for concerns that super mods and below can help out with.


    Member Abilities:
    - Users can submit new tickets.
    - Ability to add attachments on ticket or ticket reply.
    - Ability to set priority on ticket creation.
    - Ability to assign tickets to specific staff department.
    - Support Redactor editor when submits a reply ticket.
    - Email notifications of staff replies or ticket status changing.
    - Users who create ticket(s) will be able to edit/close their ticket(s).
    - Users who create many tickets will be able to manage their own tickets in an organized environment.
    - The ability to allow guests submit tickets (An email will send to guest that included link to ticket and password to open ticket).

    Staff Abilities:
    - Support staffs have access to the department panel which display all tickets, active tickets, awaiting reply ticket.
    - Alert & email notifications of new tickets and replies.
    - Ability to re-assign tickets to another department.
    - Ability to use predefined replies.
    - Ability to edit/close/delete users' tickets.
    - Ability to change ticket status.
    - Ability to open a ticket for specific user.
    - Support Redactor editor when submits a reply ticket.

    Administrative Abilities:
    - Manage option of support ticket system.
    - Manage permission of support ticket system for certain user groups.
    - Manage staff departments and staffs.
    - Manage ticket statuses.
    - Manage predefined reply categories and predefined replies.
    - Manage automated escalations.
    - View support ticket overview statistics.
    - Inherit almost options from XenForo attachments, spam management.

    - Can use support ticket system.
    - Can open support ticket.
    - Can upload attachments to support the ticket.
    - Can edit ticket message by the owner.
    - Can edit support ticket by anyone.
    - Can edit ticket message by anyone.
    - Can view support ticket by anyone.
    - Can delete support ticket.
    - Can edit support ticket status.
    - Can re-assign support ticket department.
    - Can open support ticket for anyone.
    - Can use predefined reply.


    • Organization
    • Clarity (not Clxrity)
    • Easy access and editing
    • Is something new and worth it.
    Along with this section, a knowledge base tab with information on how to operate support tickets would be made for users new to this.

    Would love to hear all of your feedback (also shoutout to Brivium/XenForo for the information)
    • Support Support x 5
    • Neutral Neutral x 1
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
  2. eunice

    eunice epiphany Premium

    Apr 26, 2016
    Mineverse and Skywars have support tickets as a function because they do not have the "Donation Issues" sub-forums that we have.

    I personally think it is quite unnecessary for a support ticket for the purpose of donation helps because the sub-forums section that we have already is pretty sufficient imo. We have an info thread already that provides users with details they need to know (which support tickets don't have) as well as a template that users can follow already (which is what you're suggesting). I feel like mineverse benefits from the support tickets due to the amount of gamemodes that they have and the variety of problems that could arise due to the different gamemodes if that make sense, as there may be different issues depending on what gamemode you are on. But with skyblock and economy because the server issues or problems that could arise are so similar that I don't really see the need for a support ticket.

    Regarding having support tickets for administrative related issues, I could see how this is beneficial. But again, we already have the help sub-forum and the staff team already checks upon it regularly to lock / archive threads to make sure that the section is kept organised and so that admin related issues are not lost. I think it's also nice that the help section allows for the community to contribute to possible solutions and stuff to provide information for players who may not be aware.

    I'll stay with neutral for now but I kinda wanna see what others think about your suggestion
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    It is much easier for us to use a ticketing system than telling others where to go and how to make a thread. It also makes it more private and secure for us as staff than using a thread.
    While we have sections that exist for this purpose it wouldn't hurt to include one anyway to make it easier.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  4. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    I think despite having sections for these things already, a support ticket system would make things easier and a lot more efficient overall. There is always room for improvement and I think something like this would better the forums and actually make it easier for staff in the long run.

    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. boba

    boba modern manifesto Premium

    Dec 26, 2019
    Actually Skywars did have a donation issues section but it was deleted and support tickets were added. Support tickets are much more organized and can be much easier for admins and members to help better describe their issue.
    I disagree here as Mineverse doesn’t usually have donation issues because, if one rank is purchased, it is applied throughout the server with the exception of Skyblock and that’s it. The only complication which rarely occurs if ranks do not apply on a server for some reason. I think they have an equal amount of donor issues as we do here.

    The administrative related help is now more used on Mineverse for IP Issues and this is also a good way to help others because some users assisting Skyblock users when their IP is blocked forget to ask their IGN and go offline or do not reply to anyone asking their IGN later on (this happened to me a lot :sob:)

    For simple gamemode issues like we have on Skyblock, you can use the help threads on Mineverse as we do too.
    One thing about the support ticket issues that makes it more organized is that these are not shared. Everyone has an individual, personal, private section which makes it really clean and organized. This can have players look at their ticket without any other tickets interfering or populating the section. Though we have hidden content, this is more secure and private.
    Thank you for your feedback and loved your response :heart:

    Thank you both for your support along with mijiperki :heart:
  6. boba

    boba modern manifesto Premium

    Dec 26, 2019
  7. boba

    boba modern manifesto Premium

    Dec 26, 2019
    bumping, thanks for the supports : )
  8. athyrix

    athyrix Senior Member Premium

    Jul 31, 2016
    Yeah, it's a great tool that we utilise on Mineverse and Skywars.
    There is always add-ons that we want for Skyblock, but we are currently limited to what we currently have until we take out background work. Support Tickets are definitely something on the list to add, however when we can have it is an answer I don't currently have. The support tickets are great for donation issues as people can privately share their information, as well as reach out for admin help in the appropriate location than a communal area - the help section. I'll keep you posted, but unfortunately in the near future this isn't possible (as previously mentioned in other threads where the suggestion of add-ons was submitted). Hope this makes sense. :grin:
  9. boba

    boba modern manifesto Premium

    Dec 26, 2019
    Thank you for explaining :heart: I'll let the suggestion open and whenever possible, hopefully it's implemented. : )
    • Cookie Cookie x 1

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