Skyblock Skyblock Starting

Discussion in 'Player Guides' started by HeavySeized, May 2, 2018.

  1. HeavySeized

    HeavySeized Member

    Jan 1, 2018
    remember this is all my opinion.
    you should start skyblock by making a stone generator. now start chopping the wood. now make a wooden pickaxe. with the pickaxe, mine stone. start expanding your island. Another way your can get good items is by voting. Voting gives you 1 grass (grass is currency), and one voting crate key. With the key, go to /warp crates, which then you can use the key on the voter crate and you can get stacks of stone, pickaxes, and even a higher level crate key. Another thing that you can good starting from is /ma j. in the ma j, there are kits which you can chose, which then you fight mobs. there are different rounds, and in different rounds there are different mobs. when you get to a certain round, you get items when you leave the ma j or when it ends. on round 30, you get 1 nether star, which worth around 18-25 diamonds. 1 diamond is worth about 18 grass. You can also get other items from the ma j, such as grass, wood, etc. Start making buildings from stone or smooth stone or wood. also start building a tree farm. with the wood you can start makings houses and other things. Thank you for reading Skyblock Starting and I hope that you have a nice day.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
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  2. vCommand

    vCommand Active Member

    Apr 24, 2016
    This guys a legend. just sayin
  3. Pikemike

    Pikemike Active Member

    Jun 30, 2018
    Thank you, im starting play on this server :D

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