Declined Setting to enable TNT

Discussion in 'Server Gameplay Suggestions Archive' started by Kuriboh_kun, Feb 19, 2023.

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  1. Kuriboh_kun

    Kuriboh_kun Active Member

    Jul 30, 2021
    So this one is the craziest one, but one can dream, I would like if there was an option in /sb that enabled TNT on your island, this would be useful for tree farms, stone farms, omniblock farms and basalt farms, even more considering Java has TNT entity duplication, that even if it's a bug, it has been accepted by Mojang as a feature in the same manner quasi powering was.

    This would be a setting in /sb that would enable the entity and if set to false (default) it would continuously /kill any TNT entity on your island, this so there's no way to get a TNT entity to a nearby island, also TNT could be placed on any island but if detonated it would simply disappear.

    I know this suggestion has risks, but if it's possible to implement it in the way I mention the risks would be minimum with correct use, and it would bring many benefits and make the server closer to vanilla minecraft.

    Also, maybe add a limit on placed TNT blocks for lag reasons, 16 sounds fair.
    • No Support No Support x 8
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    • Neutral Neutral x 1
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2023
  2. Charwie

    Charwie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2017
    I've always wanted the same thing, TNT active would be great for some redstone machines, but like you say, it could cause a lot of issues, i.e griefing or lag problems.
  3. Nath

    Nath Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2016
    I've been longing for this, many farms are limited/semi-auto due to this. Maybe something could be implemented to limit what blocks can be destroyed and only island owners can use TNT at their island, It's a long stretch but I'm sure something can be worked out, I support Kuri!.
  4. Kuriboh_kun

    Kuriboh_kun Active Member

    Jul 30, 2021
    controversial as I thought, remember that this is a setting and that it would be turned off by default in all islands so its all about options
  5. athena_x

    athena_x Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    tnt duping is patched by default in most forks of bukkit by default. same with carpet and rail duping. this would only stress out the server with even more lag constantly having tnt dupers running with farms.

    no support from me.
  6. Kuriboh_kun

    Kuriboh_kun Active Member

    Jul 30, 2021
    as i mentioned that can be easily overcomed limiting the TNT blocks allowed to be placed in a island, im sure a number like 4 won't bring any issues and the limit system is already implemented for things like hoppers and spawners. i know lag is an issue but disabling the mechanic alltogether doesn't seem like the most vanilla option.
  7. athena_x

    athena_x Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    well there’s nothing ‘vanilla’ about tnt duping in the first place, it was an unintended feature of the game, regardless of whether or not mojang decided to fix it.

    it’s a glitch at best, one that mojang decided wasn’t game breaking enough to patch. but i just don’t see the benefits of enabling this.

    allowing it for use in automatic farms would just encourage the meta for players to just mindlessly afk for profit (similar to the current issue with profit shops on economy).

    i just don’t see an implementation of this that doesn’t harm the economy in some way or form.

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    Last edited: Feb 19, 2023
  8. Kuriboh_kun

    Kuriboh_kun Active Member

    Jul 30, 2021
    TNT dupping is 100% vanilla, intended? no, accepted as a feature? yes, has ir or is it gonna be patched? no, same exact thing as quasi powering, a infamous glitch thats now a main feature of redstone.

    Vanilla doesn't mean if its intended, it means its part of the base game and TNT duppers have been ubiquitous in redstone for a long time, since the introduction of coral. TNT has even got buffed in recent updates to a 100% droprate of destroyed blocks. Not all worthwile features need to be intended and we gotta accept that this is a part of the current Minecraft scene.

    And the benefits are clear and have been mentioned before, theres numerous farms that currently need player interaction that would be improved and made automatic with the addition of this feature, same reason TNT dupping stayed in vanilla, off-server Minecraft.

    Also AFKing is not mindless, its a payout for the setup and a essential part of minecraft gameplay, many players have spent tons of money, time and effort towards building farms and i think thats a part of the gameplay we should try to keep enjoyable. This doesn't compare to the economy situation in the least since both economies work very differently, even more when talking about AFK farms, they are meta there because theres a infinite demand for items (youre always able to sell) but in skyblock demand is only determined by the playerbase, its pretty much impossible to find enough people to sell farmables in the way people do in eco.

    I litterally don't see how this is a risk for the economy since the only item that could really crash would be wood and thats a item that desperatly needs better sources.

    I see risks but they are elsewhere, and as i said, they can be minimized.

    Also regarding the quote from the developer, i think it helps my point, even he, a developer that's aware it's unintended, mentions that currently nothing else fits that (very important) gap that needs to be filled and thats why its not viable to them to just not have TNT dupping. This isn't like other glitches, this serves a important purpose with no other alternatives.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2023
  9. sb

    sb Active Member System

    Jan 5, 2021
    Thank you for creating a suggestion!
    Unfortunately after looking at it we have decided that we will not be adding this feature. We felt like this would not be possible or needed in-game, so your suggestion has been declined. Feel free to create a new suggestion, we're always looking for new additions!
    This thread has been locked and moved to Server Gameplay Suggestions Archive.
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