Hello there fellow skyblocker, in case you didn't know about this thread.. This is every single former Staff Member in the list that had volunteered for the server in history. some of these people who served for the server are nostalgic to players that have played over the years and time of the server. The list of all of them known so far verified: Abdolduc02 Adrian_Monk_ Akrill Agent AmazingGraceGirl AmeliaDoesMC athena_x Attracted AndrewD360 Anna Hireath (Astro) AppleGuyPro Anonymous Art Artificiality Bdarkslayer BertBerry BOTBaccalord Baltic_Garbage11 bkleinman1 blaq BlocksBeBreaking Blurted Blyx BobaLatte bubloe ButterSquid CJ_Plays_Games Cheshrawr Clxrity Connortim9 Cookie creekz Crusaderboy1 Craney100 Crystal (CrystalCreeper) CubexTrain Customised CypriotMerks Darkangel_19 Darkify Darkchyldone Darkstar Dectrap Demon_angel DewSama Dinklefuzz DirtyNinja Emerald EnderDragon47 eunice Evux Exstatisfy FatalDisaster FliipHedebratt Fight4Glory Finical fran FrozenNinja Zero Katsumi Furyion Fun Galaxy_Storm Geek Geekxboy Gemmalove GeoSkye Gingehhhh GokuTime Goverunb GreySwordz Gwism Gxshiee HenChris Hisiq Hoecobo HkTV Horusa IGNJonathan Iamandrewj iballisticbunny6 IllegalWifi (Deleted) (Known: Triggered) ImDaWinner ImTubeless Naga Incomposed ISuika JeffCiv Jellybelly124 Jennie Jokata_z JulianCruzA K41YU Km KatoKillsMyGPA Kaylee keeper_of_flame Kevdawg43 Kira_ kl3x Kudzai kuraiibu Laini LarryTheBird101 largedefman64 Laura_or_is_it Layla leadermelody Leeeroieee Lemonade LegitCraft lilCupcakeFreak LimeCoconutShake LittlGuy Lipokin Love__ Livvy Lucy Lukeoflight Lycel MAQWERD Macklemore257 Mafrorific Marc Mandii94 Marcy (thats me!) Mattsterr Mage49 Maxutah Matildabear98 Maximilian McBird Megan McMuffin__ Michael MinecraftReagen MindSensation Mistydrop Moonlight_Pixels Moopuff MrStealYourGirl Mrlilninja Myrmidous Myrmwife NarcissaMalfoy Malfoyesque NekoEmmi NemesIsMagic NIH301 Nena Nitroholic Nocturnish Novembree noobkilla101 (NS) nunyabz Oakk PDA11 Pc1008831 Peinrii Prozzh Phyxil Pile Pineapplejanna Pizza PopIs_MyLife Princess PrinceOfMog PureCreationzz Purplevillager1 ~Pyknic Pyonas Random Rayleen RetirementPlan Rhaged Riyer1999 Robbybigc Elric Roblox RROD Saintx SakuraWolf SLGMichael Survivors salamander9o RedPandaSarah Miner_Menace Sarcastiel Sarge Sean Sega_inc SiikFatNinja Sky Skyttles serveri116 Sleepyhead08 SlyDraggie Slifkin Snoopy117 Snozzlebot Soulskilledu Spencers145 Strayanpenguin Supapah Taki Talia TannerLittle Taylor1211 TheSugarCane Theway2cool1 Theo TigersTooth Timeplaysgames Tkjpie Tog Tribal TroycarZ Veggie64 Vorty Weiss YYY YellowAsianFace YourLittleNeko Fintan238 shingingnova06 SourceForums supercoolieo1000 tomtomiko ungodalmight ukko124 Wonkie UpsettedFizz xStarx Xelnagahunter xGerbilz Xocookiexo xita4 Zariem If I have missed any former staff member that worked aside with Noobcrew in the skyblock community, leave a reply in this thread below. The reason why there's no link to these some of these's profiles is because the forum profile hasn't been found yet or it's unknown for me to implement a change into the list. A special thanks to Krissy & Lz3
I'll write a list for you of some. I included demoted staff too because who really cares xD McMuffin AppleGuyPro DirtyNinja Darkstar TroycarZ Sean Artificiality CubexTrain Gxshiee ImDaWinner Jokata_z Kuraiibu Maximilian MistyDrop NIH301 Phyxil Roblox Sleepyhead08 Snoopy117 Timeplaysgames Taylor1211 Akrill bkeleinman1 darkangel_19 enderdragon47 goku_time LimeCoconutShake Snozzlebot mindsensation blaq gwism ignjonothan isuika moopuff yellowasianface demon_angel jenny/creepstrgrl dewmellon gemmalove juliancruza kaylee lukeoflight matildabear98 pile_of_butts pyonas robbybigc slgmichael strayanpenguin supermonkey000 tkjpie peinrii larrythebird101 furyion skyttles slifkin salamander09 amazinggracegirl darkchyldone jellybelly124 keeper_of_flame pc1008831 sirstealyourgirl supercoolieo1000 upsettedfizz Chibiberry shingingnova06 sourceforums ungodalmight Laura_or_is_it fintan238 MAQWERD Sugarcane Nitroholic Incomposed Lemonade -survivors05- BOTbaccalord FrozxenNinja Rayleen Hisiq Pizza Love__ Art Leadermelody Nocturnish Blurted/ohwonder Princess Wilbos_world xStarx CJ_plays_games Tribal Adrian_Monk_ Gingehhhh Cookieee nenaa sega_inc fight4glory geo kira_ Kudzai Layla pyknic_2 sarah supapah talia geek finical KM Lucy tomtomiko Weiss Exstatisfy Anna CrystalCreeper Sarge fataldisaster Emerald Random Clxrity Connortim9 Marc IllegalWifi Livvy Veggie64 ImTubeless TigersTooth IamandrewJ Baltic_creeper Joecobo PDA11 Bdarkslayer iballisticbunny Wokie Evux Creekz xelnagahunter Noobkilla101 Kl3x Matildabear98 Retirementplan Nunyabz Riyer1999 goverunb Kevdawg43 Andrewd360 Soulskilledu Galaxy_storm Crusaderboy01 Customised YYY xita4 Lipokin Spencers145 mrlilninja And my wife Mai
There have been 67 demotions and 99 resignations since September 2014, so there's a lot of people to list
I remember them and when they came and left. There are other names I can remember but I was a little lazy to add. Certainly an amazing era. I listed 155, am i great??
I remember some staff members we had in November 2013. now in 2018, we have some young mods, Theo, Agent, and Laini