Skyblock Remove/Change the Grass Hoarder Challenge

Discussion in 'Server Gameplay Suggestions' started by Mafro, Jul 2, 2019.

  1. Mafro

    Mafro Active Member

    Jul 2, 2019
    Currently: The Grass Hoarder challenge fires off when you click a challenge while having 5 grass blocks in your inventory. Those 5 valuable grass blocks disappear and are replaced by 50 worthless cookies. I've had this happen to multiple newbs who I've been helping complete challenges, who then lose all the grass they'd previously acquired.

    Suggestion: Either remove this challenge entirely or give a reward worth more than 5 grass, preferably something a newb would value.

    Impact: This would help newbs to keep their grass or get something better for it, allowing them to progress on the server.

    Effort: Implementing this suggestion should require minimal development effort.
    • Support Support x 1
    • Neutral Neutral x 1
  2. Bard

    Bard Active Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    Im neutral because I see how that can be a problem, however it is easily avoidable.
    For one, the challenges are optional and don't benefit your island really in any way, but that's not particularly denoted.
    I wouldn't mind at all if this was implemented, though, especially if this is a troubling common issue.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  3. Monster_Sparklez

    Monster_Sparklez Yee yee Bubba Premium Premium

    May 27, 2016
    The idea is good but devs just don’t have time for this right now. It’s a small challenge where half the server doesn’t even use the command /challenges.
    Aren’t most challenges broken right now? Shouldn’t they be fixed before tweaking them

  4. Mafro

    Mafro Active Member

    Jul 2, 2019
    Hey Bard, thanks for the reply! I agree it should be easily avoidable...except there's no way for new players to know to avoid it. And when you click on any challenge, the current behavior appears to be that it checks all challenges to see if they can be if you complete any challenge and have 5 grass in your inventory - *poof* - those 5 grass are replaced by 50 cookies. No avoiding it without avoiding challenges entirely.

    That being the case, it will continue giving new players a bad experience (I've seen it happen to 4 newbs in the past 3 days) until either the behavior of challenges is fixed (which would likely require code changes) or this particular challenge is edited or removed (which would likely require editing/deleting a single line in a config file).

    It's a shame, because challenges are fun mini-goals for goal-driven players, and they can really help a new players get started. All told, doing challenges can get a new player half a stack of grass, which not only helps them but contributes to the broader economy.


    Hi Monster, thanks for your reply! I don't have any insights as to what the devs have time for or not. However, as a dev myself (though not one working with the team), I do know that altering the list of challenges is (or should be) as simple as editing/deleting a single row in a config file. This shouldn't require changes to actual code.

    Also, I've now helped dozens of players complete hundreds of challenges and it seems to work just fine to me, with the following minor exceptions:
    1. Challenges are sometimes marked Completed even when they haven't been. However, new players can still complete them if they have the necessary items in their inventory and click the challenge. Just a UI glitch.
    2. All challenges are checked to see if their criteria are met when any of them are clicked. Most of the time this is good, as you can complete multiple challenges with one's just when a challenge is "bad", like Grass Hoarder which takes 5 grass and leaves you 50 cookies, that this is a problem.


    I saw half a dozen new players lose their grass yesterday because of the Grass Hoarder challenge. Please support this suggestion so new players have a great experience on the server and stay.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2019

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