so uhm i've had this build for quite a while now and i got bored of it so i moved my entire shop and spawn down to the middle part of my island.. and i really desparately want to build something new but i dont want to build on a new island with no max expansion or whatever. i really have no need for this part of my island anymore and i dont like the other half of this anyway so yea i want you guys to vote on if i should completely get rid of this upper part of my island to build something new. all of the blocks removed in total would be worth a lot especially since there is a ton of quartz used and terracotta and prolly concrete too idk. here r some pics of it lol
I’ve lived here, I’ve laughed here, I’ve loved here. like all good things it’s time to let it go and open ourselves up to new environments and activities. As a great man once said “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Imfe -2023. let us be together in this giant leap from bikini bottom to the next great thing. or idk just get rid of the big race track gang
Bro are you gonna disgrace the childhood of hundreds of millions of children and ex children by removing SPONGEBOB?????
i dont have a 3rd account to use bc my alt already has an island so if i were to want to build something new i would have to buy a 3rd account and max island expansion which would cost my left lung
i say keep it!! thats such an awesome build dev D: but if you are really insistent, maybe keep part of it like the pineapple or one of the jellyfishes, and take down the rest so you can preserve the build and memory
As someone who prefers thematically cohesive islands, I think SpongeBob town deserves its own separate island so your Japanese tree thing can be appreciated in isolation.