We need an overflow GUI for multiple things including: - kits - crate rewards (not limited to just kits- all items.) - raffle winnings - vote party rewards - challenge rewards - reaction (skychat) win rewards (1 grass block) - /daily If you’re unsure what I mean by this, it’s when you don’t have enough inventory space available for the items/rewards, they just won’t be applied at all. For example when claiming 2 stacks of raffle winnings but you only have one inventory slot available, the extra stack will just disappear. Another example is when opening crates and you get a kit but you don’t have enough inventory space, you don’t get the kit at all and there is no way to get it! The overflow could be into enderchest or on the floor like it was pre 1.19, but would be better going into seperate GUI’s. Overflow into enderchest then on the floor wouldn’t work for crate rewards as that’s a popular public area and you’d most likely end up losing the items anyways to someone else. Everyone please comment below any other commands that require an overflow and i’ll update the thread. Dexuby
I support this big time. I heard so many new players ask where the kit from votre crates went, only to get sad after they heard its gone because of no inventory space. Some older players were nice enough to "reimburse" the kit contents but that is not the way it should be.
Agreed. Don’t know why it was changed from the way it was. Even though we have had to put a sign at warp crates to warn new players, it still happens far too often.
I think preventing these events from occurring would be a better option, unfortunately you can only feasibly do this for keys and kits. Prevent kits from being redeemed without sufficient inventory space Prevent keys from being consumed without sufficient inventory space for the largest prize (usually the kits)
I think already there is a preventative measure for kits being claimed without sufficient inventory space. It’s just an annoyance that in crate situations possibly having to clear inventory space. If the systems are being produced for the much needed raffle winnings and challenges rewards, why not introduce them for these two also?
I think there is /cr claim for when you crouch open voter keys and your inventory is full but I dont think it works on kits or at the crate. Dont know for sure, so correct me if I'm wrong ^^ But having something like that for kits and at crates would be awesome.
YES PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS ADD THIS back in the day when your inv was full or you only had a few slots, the items/rest of the items from kit would go into your /ec
I proposed this a while ago and by the number of support, that seemed like a great idea xD https://skyblock.net/threads/prevent-grass-blocks-loss-from-daily-and-vote-party.141535/
It should definitely go into your enderchest or at least something along the lines of /cr claim, not just for keys, but any items you earn that you don't have the space for. I agree with this suggestion as it would prevent so many prizes getting lost. May I suggest that there's a /setting or /preference, for example if we want it in the enderchest, or if we want it to just drop on the floor, as some people may have their preferences.