During last months, we have witnessed the increase and decrease of prices on certain server goods. Many players explain it by the occurance of bugs, which allowed to create duped items. Others say that it is caused by the confiscation of illegal rares from different players. As a result, some great traders found a loop to get rich by increasing price on goods such as beacons in 2-2.5 times. The prices on the skyblock market are clearly unstable and this is why I came up with this new market model. The idea is that the value of every rare will be defined by the price of certain good. Let's use gravel as an example and say that there is a limited amount of 4,000 gravel in economy. The average price on gravel is 1 diamond. Now let's compare prices of gravel and beacon. Let's say that there is only 50 beacons in the server economy. 4000/50 = 1/80. That means that the value of each beacon is 80 gravel = 80 diamonds. That way, you can calculate price on every item that cannot be crafted or gained through normal gameplay. Now, you may ask: how do we know the exact amount of all items in economy? And this is the part where you may help. Since I cannot realize this project due to being banned, you can realize it yourself. All you need to do to define the amount of certain items is to register them. For example, ask rich donor X to come to your island and show his rares to you. Note down the amount of rares he has and repeat with other players. Of course, this won't be very fancy, but at least it's something. So what's the point of this new market model and what's it pros and cons? First of all, it frees the economy from personal price dictature. The price will be defined for everyone and players won't pay redundant diamonds/grass for something worthless. Secondly, it allows to see the temps of server inflation. This model is very flexible and will allow to see how amount of certain rares changed over the period of time. Overall, this model will allow to fix market prices and create all-seeing eye on server corruption and item duping. kthxbai.
Is this about .net/.org? Also, your thread is a bit confusing. Assuming I understood your "new market model," you are looking to have every rare item that can't be crafted (its in the game and can't be added further) recorded to know how many exist? My brain hurts so I won't try to analyze it further.
There's so many people with beacons that I can't list them all, how am I going to know how many beacons in total?
given the nature of the "system" I doubt change to the market will occur. Mainly because players define the prices of the items. Human greed is inevitable. Because there are not set prices on most of these items anyway and unknown how many of each rare exists on the server the implementing of a new system will fail unless the most influential people get on board.
It is both suggestion and discussion since I suggest to edit the existing market model and discuss it with the community. And this is the part where any player can contribute to this project. All you have to do is verify that player X has N amount of certain rares and note that amount down. You are correct about your conclusion, I'm looking to have every rare recorded in order to calculate correct/accurate prices for rares. This is for .net Workable on both servers, however, it is more complicated to realize this project on .net server.
I would say that I have been to islands that people don't play on anymore that have like 12 beacons from when they were cheap. They aren't even using them as beacons, but more as decorations. I feel as though this project is not conceivable at this time and won't end up working. Old players come back every day
Ah - the ebbs and flows of a healthy economy. If people are willing to trade at 2-2.5 times the price, then obviously, the price has gone up. Or perhaps it's artificial inflation: where a person or group of people make it seem like the price is going up by trading it for more than it's worth. Eventually they run out of money and the price comes crashing back down. So you want to turn /survival into /economy...? That is called a "currency"...something which .Net intentionally doesn't have because .Org does...? Then why does this suggestion matter? LMAO GOOD LUCK LOL Adding currency = permanent prices?!?! Google "supply and demand", then fix your thread. This literally contradicts your first pro point...? "Prices will be defined" "See the temps of server inflation" Suck. This model will suck. You are suggesting adding skybucks to /survival...in the most roundabout way I've ever seen.
kek, I never said that adding such currency will create perm prices lol. Creating perm prices is only possible in planned economy, what is impossible for this game. I agree the whole idea needs a lot of development, so feel free to edit it.
I don't play on economy but the values of items on .net are pretty stable. In the past couple years the only values that have changed a fair amount are gravel and quartz. (Maybe spawners as well, but not a big difference)
I don't now for sure, I've never been that rich. That are the more rare items so they change a bit more. Beacons have indeed changed a 20-30 diamonds more. But still .net doesn't need this, we don't complain about the prices changing. (as far as I know)
I must have misunderstood. It sounded like you were implying the prices would stay the same, which they wouldn't. The first problem I see is that users have no incentive to be honest about their rares; if they lie and say they have less, they'd actually be "richer", once the currency is in place, since they'd have more of a supposedly rare item...unless the currency was set up separate from any items in game, which means it'd have to be something like skybucks.... The second problem I see is that eventually, the skybucks would eventually run out unless Cyp added more currency to the economy consistently, or set up a shop that could generate skybucks... Which means we'd be turning .org into .net So again, I feel like this idea is relatively pointless, but I appreciate the effort and thought. Definitely an interesting idea.
Dont think u understand this concept.... From my understanding, like for me. I know there is 3 crew head in org market atm. Naturally their value will only increase. Hence i invested in one and now i almost doubled my money. (real life story)
I do understand how this works...unless I'm misunderstanding the suggesting itself. From what I gather, the player is suggesting making a currency based on an item (gravel), which is (in my view) a pointless change to implement, since currency is basically just a middleman between the goods you have and the goods you want. In net, there isn't really a currency, which means it relies on a barter system of sorts. This player is suggesting adding a block-backed currency, which is an interesting concept for any economy to consider, but would essentially be turning .net into .org and I fail to see the upside. Unless, of course, I'm not understanding the suggestion. Which is possible. Lol