You'll get punished after you hand them in. Better off voiding them instead of admitting to staff you broke a rule.
is juul cat allowed? also the word "casino" in mapart? id assume it isnt Also, rather than turning in mapart to be deleted, could we get a custom recipe that turns mapart into compasses in order to soften the loss of money spent on mapart?
Fr, I’ve probably got a row worth of maps all set to maparts that seem to go against these rules, that’s 2 rows of grass that I’m going to be down, would be nice to be able to put them into compass or iron.
Despite the title of this thread, the rule isn't new, only better defined so that's kind of like asking a police officer to reimburse you for the contraband he just confiscated from you.
This is amazing news guys, thank you so much for implementing this. One massive step forward in the right direction! These unsavoury peoples map arts have been allowed for far too long.
Alright, jokes aside, I can't actually be upset about this. I was thinking "just section it off", but that's just too much trouble. Some of these map arts just don't have a place on this server. This is a step in the right direction. I like this idea. It would soften the blow a bit. I'm worried about players who don't play often or even frequent the forums. I don't think it's fair for them to be punished come a month if they have no idea about these stricter guidelines. There are players who don't play for YEARS who come back occasionally. How will those instances be handled?
Confused about the "gamble" and "gambling" side of this. Could someone elaborate on that? What's allowed/what isn't overall?
Quite needed, this is a big W for server. Now to bring back mob arena. maybe more in-game events (pvp events??) And after the months time to hand-in, then mods need to go in and remove
We will take each case at it comes. We will not punish players who have recently returned to SB or those who come back occasionally and weren't aware of the new rules. Punishments are reserved for those who deliberately hide illegal map arts, create new ones while being aware of the rules, create map arts when they were already told "no" etc. Again, we understand this is a big step, so we will allow a lot of grace to those who genuinely were unaware of the new regulations. If you have any other concerns, please let us know! Any map art with the TEXT/WORDS that say "gamble", "gambling" etc. Hope this clears things up.
Also to the people not happy just because they are losing grass, you need to take a moment to rethink everything.