Denied mute appeal.

Discussion in 'Appeals Archive' started by CraftWithAbbie, May 18, 2024.

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  1. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    Punished account name: craftwithabbie
    Platform or server punished on: economy
    Ban message if applicable: no message. 30d mute.
    Have you read the rules? yes, i referenced them in my ticked also on discord,
    Do you think this punishment was incorrect? no because of how i reacted in chat.
    Why should you be unbanned? because im trying to not react to players who offend or upset me,. and come to staff first.
    Please list any other times you were punished on Skyblock: a few previous punishments, some have been appealed before.
    If you know, tag the staff member that banned you: Souly0622 , then Novembree
    Do you understand and accept our rules and code of conduct? Yes, and as stated in my appeal i am trying to work with staff better

    Continuing on from my discord ticket #2409

    Novembrees replies to my discord comments with my appeal replies below

    I will not speak about the map art incident since it does not relate directly to what happened yesterday.

    i mentioned this becuase it has every much relevance towards this report. that was when oblivion kicked off at me in dms, expressing how much he wanted me to never talk to him , and how he never wants anything to do with me. hence his, im done... with you comment.
    if he really never wants me to talk or communicate or interact with him, then surely he should be using his own advice, and not interacting towards me first. at no point did i start this interaction. that started when oblivion visited robs isle after seeing me talking to him about building a tree farm, and then getting up in my face whilst i was building.

    The alleged threats Oblivion made of “daring me to fight it out in global. Instead of talk it out through private messages" I think you have misinterpreted. I’m certain “fight” it out refers to having a debate in dms, and has nothing to do with actual bodily “threats”. This again is not relevant to why you were punished.

    he literally demanded me to stop messagiong him that time, and told me to say what i wanted in global, so that he can continue an argument, publicly there for everyone to see. i had no intentions to argue him, i was asking what his problem was with me as he was harrasing me at that time with his manipulative mind games giving me different asnwers to genuine questions showing support.
    i didnt want to Chat it out in global, as oblivion puts it, nor did i want to argue with him in dms. i just wanted to stop the harrasment towards me and tried keeping it off global as staff always say we should.

    a "Threat", doesnt always have to be physical bodily harm, threats can be verbal comments with intentiions to upset. people are very clever with how they word things to cause harm, but not physically break rules per say, and thats what oblivion was doing. hence his threat to dare me to aruge with him in public. that very literally came across, as a fight me outside, type of comment towards me which i had no intentions of doing so. i have shown you proof of that in screenshots, but i was told that they werent looked at. thats not on me to further proove when you have logs as you say.

    He then says how "he's DONE with me" and about how he never wants me to interact with him again. That's fine. I have a similar arrangement with aj, and that's actually worked fairly well since for me and aj. So if oblivion doesn't want me to interact with him in game I'm fine to do so. But he should also take his own advice and do the same back.

    You and Oblivion are not under the same terms as AJ and yourself. You should not assume that he’s under the same rules that you and AJ are under as that is not fair.

    i havent assumed hes under the same rules, i brought up the no contact arrangement with aj because if someone says theyre done with you and dont want any more interactions, then thats how i interpreted it. if someone says theyre done with you, you dont expect them to want to continue interacting with you. so in that scenario, it is very similar to mine and ajs arangement and thats how i thought oblivion meant it like. not wanting to even see me in game.

    Its the Staff Team’s opinion that in the events of the last day, Oblivion has not done anything wrong.

    i disagree with you here. whilst oblivion may not have said or directly done anything wrong, by visiting robs island he did so, becuase he saw me talking with rob about building a farm. he visitied rob, and instantly flew up away from spawn to be in front of me staring at me then flying circles around me. thats why i felt the need to repeatedly ask him to leave me alone to begin with,before that i hadnt even brought him up in any context at all.

    You were the one who started this incident and continued to rant when it was completely inappropriate to do so.
    i didnt start it, oblivion did that by visiting and getting up in my own personal space. when there was abseloutly no need for him doing so.

    However, i do admit i shouldnt have started to rant about it and stressed out in global. i did so because he was really starting to stress me out. i thought he didnt want to interact with me, so getting up close to where i was currently building, that wasnt appropriate behaviour from oblivion.

    Regarding Rob and the incident of his death at GoldenBoy’s island, your narrative of what happened is false from every piece of evidence I have found and from every witness I have spoken to. I have spoken to all parties who were present for this incident
    "except for Rob as I haven’t been able to contact him yet. I plan to speak to him when I do, and have left him a /mail. "

    if you havent spoken to rob and had a reply, then you havent spoken to all parties. over the past few days all ive seen in chat regarding rob, kitty, sswaption, is rob constantly talking about how they had killed him and lost his stuff. thats been the narrative in globalchat coming from them all. i wasnt there at the time of this actually happening, i only had global chat to refernce from, but when i joined that time, i saw ssswaption and kitty still going on about it which felt like they were harrasing or provoking rob still, two or three days after this had happened. i messaged rob because weve become friends, and i was acting out of care. i dont think rob has discord or knows how to open a player report thread. so thats why i messaged to ask if he was alright and if he needed some help.

    Rob knowingly visited an anarchy island where people were spleefing (and were talking about spleefing in chat repeatedly, so Rob would have known). Upon visiting, Rob was spleefed, fell and died with his items. His items were lost because the island (GoldenBoy’s) is a mess of blocks from anarchy. Rob visited very likely knowing full well what was going on, therefore this incident was not premeditated.

    i feel that without staff hearing back from rob, this is purely hearsay. you may have spoken to the other parties, but that doesnt mean rob knew hed possibly die on the isle. there arent any anachry islands on eco usually, this would be the first time ive personally heard about one. most islands you visit players dont take damage, this could have been what rob thought too at the time.

    "therefore this incident was not premeditated."
    i have never said this was premeditated. however the fact he was killed and upset is correct.

    You conveniently left out the part of the story where the individuals who were spleefing felt bad for Rob, apologized to him and even offered to replace his items if he told them what he had lost. He didn’t specify which items he had lost, so a few players just sent him money to help pay for those items instead. No one got the items, therefore your narrative of how they “killed him and took his stuff” is false. I visited the anarchy island myself and found it a mess of water, lava, void and a mix of hundreds of random blocks. Recovering lost items from there would have been impossible. Lying to skew the story to align with your narrative borders on false reporting. I will not tolerate any more of this.

    i havent known much of what happened at the time as ive said,. all ive seen is a new player stressing in chat about being killed and loosing items on someones island,, and then further seeing those other players harraseing them about it for three more days aross global.

    I saw your messages with Rob above and from my perspective it looks as though you were pressuring Rob into having you make a report for him. In situations like these it’s always best for the player to create a report on their own, as we have told you before previously. Yet, you did not mention him creating a report and instead offered for you to do it yourself.

    i felt the need to show someone cares and ask if they needed any help or felt that way about kitty sswaption harrasing him, because when i messaged them, it looked that way in chat. both the other players making snarky comments about how they killed him..
    Rob could have easily said to me that they werent being harrased and everything was fine, but they confimred and said theyd like me to report the other players who were still harrasing him about it all. as ive mentioned above, i dont think rob has discord or forums accounts so they probably wouldnt know how to open a ticket.

    While this may seem like a kind gesture, what happened with Rob is not a reportable “offence”. Nothing sinister happened, and it was unfortunately a death that occurred from him making a mistake of visiting the anarchy island. Your “passive” message to Rob I personally believe was made as effort to get Kitty in trouble for another thing, which again, is not reportable in the first place.

    having since in discord ticket been given this as more context i can see now that it was an accidental death, whether they intentionally spleefed him when he visited or not.
    however seeing the way comments were being thrown around at each other in the global chat these last few days, it came across as being intentional and funny for them.
    i made sure to include in the report i opened, every message with rob, and rob saying hed like something done about it but no major punishment., so i clearly hadnt felt the need to get kitty or sswaption punished more, but rather the need to have staff go and support rob instead.
  2. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    During this time, oblivion who previously said to me he never wanted me to interact with him again and that he was done with me etc, decides to buy rare books I'm selling on /ah. That's #2 what he's done wrong. If he doesn't want me to interact with him, then he shouldn't still be interacting with me also.

    Buying a book from /ah is completely different to talking to you. Using /ah does not require any contact with the seller and it’s well within his right to purchase what he wants to.

    okay, i understand that players dont need to personaly talk to sellers on /ah, but for someone to kick off at me so much about how badly they were done with me and didnt want me to interact with them, id expect the same treatment back: them to not interact with me also. that includes but not limited to, buying the items im selling in shops or on /ah or on my islands, because all that has done is instigate, stress and provoke me more.

    This situation with Oblivion is completely different to yours with AJ. Please stop comparing the two. You know that Oblivion and yourself are not under the same stipulations.

    oblivion doesnt have the same no contact arrangement that i have with aj i acknowlagde that. but in his own words he told me he wanted no intereactions, so the concept is the same.

    "Buying from /ah is so mundane, it’s not even worth mentioning."

    youre welcome to hold this opionion yourself of the /ah, but from someone whos done nothing but bully and harrase me for the last several months, yelling at me in dms to not interact with them, only to then go buy stuff from me is extremely petty. in my opinion, he did this knowing it would provoke me.

    Whilst I was building the log farm for robs, we were talking to each other in global, randomly oblivion decides to visit, he flies far from the spawn way over to where I was building and gets up in my face flying circles around me to see what I was doing. Snooping and spying in on me simply because I'm talking about a fsrm build. #3 what he's done wrong
    I completely disagree with your assessment of this situation. As I made clear above, Oblivion visited Rob’s island because he is trusted there and went to check on the progress of a build-

    its changed from "he only visited to buy from shops", to now "he only visited to check on a build progress".. that build progress, was MY own log farm i was currently making.

    as with all the above statements about how he wanted nothing to do with me, he should respect his own words, by not visiting when im making a build for someone, just because he sees me talk about it in global. the only build that was being worked on was my log farm. even if he did want to visit for shops or to see builds or whatever, he shouldnt have flown over to me, when he saw me on the isle. thats him breaking his own conditions of not wanting me to interact with him. its basically saying that a bully tells their victim to stop reporting them, only to then continue to bully that person expecting them not to be repoerted becuase they asked their victims not to.

    - This is NOT stalking nor spying. You are greatly over exaggerating. I don’t enjoy having my time wasted on such small things.
    i can understand how to you this seems over exaggerating, and maybe it is slightly, however you havent been on the server every time oblivion has made snarky comments towards me. you havent seen how he twists his words to use against me when i react to how he treats me. this has been a continuous thing for months now. like for example how he goes in global, abbbieee shut up.. provoking me into a response he can report me for. so when he says he wasnt nothing to do with me, i expect him to honour that and leave me alone too. not visit islands he sees me building on, and getting up in my own personal space because to me thats then starting to become stalkerish behaviour, obsessing that bad he needs to visit to hover in front of me to watch what im doing. i dont think this is exaggerating whatsoever given the statements above. and beleve it or not, i dont enjoy having to feel the need to open reports about this either, but that doesnt take away from the fact his actions towards me have made me feel the need to have to request staff support about it.

    If you don’t want to be reported, I recommend you obey our rules and not make such a big fuss about such small things. There was absolutely no need for the venting comments you made. You accused Oblivion of being a stalker, which is completely unacceptable. While you are entitled to your opinions of others, openly slandering someone for visiting an island is absurd.

    i appologise for calling oblivion a stalker, I know that venting to chat wasnt the right thing to do., but at this point i have made so many reports about this all which staff wont support me with, that it hasnt helped any of this move on from the situation at all. i havent had very much faith in staff reports with oblivion, becuase the staffs reaction every time is to side with him and neglect my comments or proof. many small issues ends up becoming a big issue. i had reported it at the time, and i had asked oblivion many times to leave me alone whilst i was working. he could have very simply left and visited back a few minutes later when i had finished my build for rob. instead he chose to stay there and invade my space, hover in front me clearly watching me, and that made me feel VERY uncomfortable. it upset and stressed me considering his previouse mean comments to me about not wanting any contact, and i stressed it out in global when i shouldnt have done.

    The 5 hour temp mute was appropriate at the time vecause of how I was getting upset and stressed in chat, and I apologise because I know that I shouldn't have reacted that way. Thank you for your apology. That mute was only temporary until I was able to properly look into the situation as I wasn’t home when it began.

    even so, i still acknowladge this temp mute was appropriate beacuse of how i started to kick off again on the gobal chat.and i apologise to the server for this and to anyone who was upset seeing my comments stressing about it all.

    Many of these things are cherry picked situations that lack an abundance of context or are completely factually incorrect.
    any time i have tried to provide context recently, i keep being told it wont be looked at. thats not my fault when i HAVE tried to provide staff with every context possible.
    you may feel as though im cherry picking situations, the reality of it is that im only bringing up a small amount of issues i feel should be reported, but i dont have the valid proof of without staff looking though their server logs to help confirm for me my reports.

    and again you may feel as though me reporting multiple incidents is cherry picking, but you should instead be asking why i felt the need to report multiple instances to begin with.. other players upset me often in game, but not to the extent of oblivion lately and im able to ignore it mostly.

    We will NOT be setting up anymore no-contact agreements at this time. Oblivion has not done anything wrong in these situations, Neither of these situations warrant any punishment on their parts.

    i asked about the no contact agreement, becuase thats what oblivion expects from me, but clearly he doesnt respect that same expectation with himself. in the case of me and aj(unrelated to this i know,) having that no contact agreement has actually helped me feel more at peace on the server than prior to it. so that would also help if oblivion is told to leave me alone too. and i WAS leaving him alone, up until he got up in my face on robs isle whilst i was busy working and wouldnt leave me alone.

    Additionally, I have seen the whole picture in these situations. I have chat logs, screenshots, as well as eye witness statements. I know what happened and the full context for everything.

    you said above that you haven't spoken to rob directly yet to hear from his side of this.

    rob doesnt have issues with oblivion, he had issues with kitty and sswaption killing him., wether that was intended by them or not. he doesnt know about how oblivion has been upsetting me lately. when i left his isle, he asked me to come back and finish the build, i said i would if oblivion wasnt there, and he said that was okay, but then oblivion teleported back infront of me. i feel like you have read the chat logs, but then miss out on actual context im game as to how its upet me at the time.

    Abbie. You have continued to take very little to no accountability for your actions. I am saddened to have to continue to punish you, however, you have to understand that slander, filter evading, harassing and bullying others is absolutely prohibited on Skyblock.

    i do take accountability for me venting into global chat about being upset how i felt oblivion was harrasing and provoking me. as i said above, this is why i feel the 6hour mute was valid. and i have appologised to the server in this appeal about it becuase it wouldnt have been fun or kind for others to see this arguing.

    ", harassing and bullying others is absolutely prohibited on Skyblock" and yet this is exactly what ive had to report oblivion doing towards me. however staff are only ever focusing on the fact i was kicking of about it. this is again telling the people bullying me that they can keep doing so because ill just get muted for calling them out about it. beleave it or not, i dont actively go out of my way to target players and hate openly on them. i get picked on and uspet, and thats whats made me vent out about it.,
    Still, I will try more to not say anythign in future and wait out my ticket reports.

    To move on from this, i would like oblivion to stop talking to me, stop buying items im selling, and stop getting up in my own space if im building on a friends island knowing that this is what provokes me, if he expects that from me, i think its perfectly fair to then ask the same back from him. and in future id like staff actually show some support towards my reports, instead of judging me first with their desicions to punish how i react after ive been upset, then id have more faith in coming to staff first and patiently waiting a supportful response.
  3. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    evidences to back my appeal: ill try to sort these in their timeline order, however some screenshots i had to scroll up to get. they all have time stamps, with my date and time bottom right of the screen also for log reference.

    first set of screenshots will show form my perspective, how kitty and ssswaption werer argueing with robcikks33 about how they justified killing him.


    rob, clearly upset in chat.

    These screenshots, shows Kitty -Bribing- a ton of money to stop complaining about how they killed him.

    ( it shouldnt matter what items he lost or their in game values, to rob, they were items that took him hours to get. )

    kitty claims they were open about playing spleef,this may be so, but that doesnt then explain that the player will die and lose items. especially for a new player that has never played spleef on the server before. it could have been a non player damage type of spleef considering how most players can visit other islands without taking fall damages.

    here sswaption and kitty are mocking him, telling lies about how he wasnt killed, but jumped over the edge himself, and yet ssswap says he killed rob?


    Attached Files:

  4. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022

    this is where i intervened privatly with rob in messages to him, supporting rob whos very clearly been upset about all of this. considering that all of these screenshots was like day #3 of this continuing to be discussed in chat.
    View attachment 174301
    oh and Drexel's comment to rob? NOT NEEDED at all.

    after i opened the ticket in support of rob, i went oafk off screen to watch a movie for a bit. when i came back i saw messages briefely from them again, but the chat had scrolled past it before i could read, so i said i was off screen, and asked if id missed anything to include in the report.
    rob says to me that i missed another fight, showing that he was still getting harrased by kitty and ssswaption about this.

    Attached Files:

  5. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022

    rob then invited me to his isle to share with me his current progress ( ive been helping him the past few days already too with builds)

    this is when i noticed that oblivion had bought one of my books off /ah. considering everything stated above, this upset me after oblivion had expressively told me rudely to no longer interact with him. to me that includes purchasing from him etc, so seeing him buying form me was stressful.


    Attached Files:

  6. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    this is when oblivion started visiting and harrasing me, hovering in front of me and flying around me when i was building rob my log farm for him.
    View attachment 174317
    View attachment 174318
    View attachment 174319
    rob wasnt aware of how much oblivion has upset me recently, nor was he aware that oblivion told me to leave him alone, so i have every right to explain this to him.

    this is when obliivion starts flying circles around me whilst im busy trying to focus on building my log farm that had nothing to do with him.
    View attachment 174321
    ( still flying around me, and also swears to me. that wasnt a typo as oblivion never makes typos, that was intentional.)

    i was still trying to finish the build for rob, but felt like i wasnt able to because of how oblivion was flying circles around me and harrasing me. so i left robs isle and went back to mine.
    rob tries to support me by giving an example of how hes trying to not care about how people talk to him

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  7. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    this was where i started to stress vent to the global chat about it
    (considering i had already earlier added to the ticket about all of this ongoing) and thats why i appologise becuase it wasnt fair for the rest of the server to be dragged into this.
    View attachment 174329
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    View attachment 174331
    ben was messaging me to try and calm me down, and advised its not a good idea to talk in global about this. ben did the right thing here, and i was stressing a lot, during this, rob asked me to visit his isle again to finish the log farm i didnt have a chance to finish earlier, because of oblivion currently flying circles around me harrasing me.

    i asked if oblivion was there with him, rob said no, so i revisited to finish the log farm.

    ben again advised me its not a good idea to tlak in global, and i should have listened. ive explained about this above and have appologised

    this was when i realised id just been muted by souly as a 6 hr temp mute, and i accept that was the right thing to happen, considering me stressing in chat. again, i do appologise for anyone i upset having to read it all.

    souly explains why ive been muted, and tells me that oblivion has FINALLY been told to not have any contact with me. its really a shame this wasnt done sooner to help me, telling oblivion to leave me alone. becuase thats what ive been asking the last couple of weeks.

    maybe i shouldnt have said about staff dealing my reports being biased, but from my point of view when ive had to open several reports to be told they wouldnt be dealt with, and i get punished for it, that does come across as staff siding with the other party instead of fairly seeking a resolution that supports both parties.

    Attached Files:

  8. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    thats the summary of it all. hopefully with this added context, staff can have a better understanding of how much this has been upsetting and stressing me out.

    and all of this has stemmed from me trying to offer support to buy a mapart, only to then get harrased by oblivion and kitty taking turns to throw jabs at me.

    For Added Context as to whats started all this drama off
    (these screenshots are reference to what started this all the other week.)

    i was getting contradictory answers about them saying it is for sale, and not for sale etc.

    i advertised my own mapart, and oblivion replies going, abbie drop it. for what reason? i wasnt talking about him. i was advertising my own maps at that time like everyone else was doing.
    oblivon threatens to me hell report me for harrasment, when im just trying to understand why he has so much hate towards me.he dares me to "Chat it out in global - which would be breaking rules about keeping drama off public chat, staff always say top dm. oblivion knows this, he was looking to start a fight in global instead.
  9. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    this has been provided so that staff can see whats led up to me not wanting oblivion near me. he tells me to leave him alone then i expect him to also leave me alone. not start visiting islands im building, getting up in my own work space, staring at me for several minuters, then flying around me in circles.

    i realise these last few screenshots have been from a past ticket but that ticket was closed, without any of them being even looked at, despite me trying to upload them all to a view online site that i was told to do so at the time.

    staff didnt have this context, which should show how ive only wanted to show support for a new mapart that was being spoken of as soon as id logged online, and then they both started teaming up against me. at no point did i start the harrasment here, i simple got confused as to why they where hating on me about it and thats when oblivion flipped at me in dms tellingme to leave him alone now on.

    And i was leaving them alone, for over a week, before he started harrasing me on robs island.
  10. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    to summerise, i appologise that ive been stressing in chat about this over the past couple of weeks, im sorry that ive upset peopole having to read this when it should have been kept to dms, or better yet reported, which is what i did try to do, i personally fel like my reports were poorly handeled, and unfairly punished upon me, without the added context as to whats led up to it.

    i have been trying to not retaliate to anyone causing me harm or harrasment, and i clearly asked oblivion to leave me alone several times whilst i was busy, all the while he was invading my own work space for no reason other than being nosy seeing what i was doing.

    ive tried to offer support to a player ive seen getting very upset about being killed, and i donated several items, helped them with farms, and offered to build the log farm for free for them to help chear them up. i have not publicly gotten involved between rob kitty and ssswaption, only other to private message rob to see if he was okay, and then open the ticket in support of him. i explained to rob why i was upset with oblivion being there, and even rob said to oblivion he could come back later. i was only going to be building for ten minutes, but was forced to leave my friends island out of spite from another person who was beefing with me already.

    this is all i have to say for now, i realise a lot of this has been repeated. ive tried to give as best an explanation as i can and ive tried to provide all of the evidence, in timeline order, keeping time stamps and date logs in each picture.

    moving forwards from all of this, i will continue to try and not retaliate if oblivion or kitty upset me in game, ill keep opening player reports to get staffs support with these issues instead of venting it in the public channels.

    i have both of them banned from my islands, and they are not welcome to purchase my items im selling through shops or /ah.

    they expect the same from me so thats only fair to ask.

    souly has told me he says to oblivion to stop having any contact with me, this includes getting in my space if im building for my friends. i have hoped this will be properly told to them in order to keep peace between us.

    ive recently had other issues with plauyers in game, which i dealt with via player reports on the forum. which justme has been very supportive helping to resolve, and im thankful for that. this does reasure me that staff are willing to help, it would be more reasuring to see them support me in my tickets, without jumping to conclusions and punishing first.

    i hope you can acknowladge that i am trying to be a better player to everyone on the server, and i am always supportive of friends and strangers. its just a shame that the certain few peple ive always reported harrasing or upsetting me, are still being allowed to contiune doing so.
  11. Kerahna

    Kerahna Administrator Administrator Forums Administrator

    Jul 5, 2013
    Just a reminder that the appeal section is an opportunity for you to reflect on your own actions and persuade the staff that you won’t reoffend.

    By continuing to justify your actions and insisting that the wrongdoing was the fault of the other party, you are succeeding in convincing the staff that you have not learned from this experience and will repeat your actions if faced with a similar situation in the future.

    Any further argument along this line will result in the denial of this appeal.
  12. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    Kerahna I'm not trying to be rude or to argue here, nor am I justifying that what I've done was right.

    I've explained for context the situation, and I've explained about why I feel my actions have not been the right thing to do. I'm acknowledging that there are better ways to handle these situations and that I am trying to do better at it.

    I've apologised that my behaviour and comments to the general chat weren't kind or necessary, and that I'm trying not to retaliate in future.

    I have opened mod help tickets to request staff to support me during these times, that should also show that I'm trying. I'm also learning to have more patience during tickets as I realise they can be difficult to help with at times, and I've often gotten impatient after hours of no response. I realise that staff aren't always available. Again that's not for me to do and I have been improving myself for it.

    Ive explained whats made me upset and Unfortunately when I was stressed out i didnt handle it properly. and that wasn't the right thing for me to do. However I have been requesting staff to help me when it comes to handling them.

    I've said words about oblivion that have been hurtful, and I'm apologising about that. It isn't kind of me to act this way, where in future I'm going to do my best to not retaliate.

    But I would also like for staff to show some support in these cases where its made me that upset.

    I've suggested about ways staff can help me and these other parties get along better, but that also needs staff to then be in support of the tickets I open, and the reasons for why I've become so upset to begin with.

    I've given every bit of evidence I can to show the situation fully from my perspective and give staff the context I feel they've been missing. This isn't me justifying that what I've done was the right thing to do, as I've acknowledged. Multiple times throughout my appeal. I accept that ive been I'm the wrong for my reactions to being provoked. and for that I am sorry. I've said that I'm trying to Improve on this and I have been improving over the last year. Unfortunately
    More recently actions by players have upset me more again. When I was previously un muted, I stayed in local modes not wanting to talk in chat, and I shouldn't be made to feel that way because that then excludes me from a caring community simply because of the few that don't like me. I'm asking that with players who expect me to not contact them. That they show the same respect back and leave me alone. I can work on myself completely and better myself for the server. But that won't stop other players from causing me upset. That should be what staff can help me with.
    Last edited: May 19, 2024
  13. Novembree

    Novembree Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Apr 9, 2021
    Hi Abbie,

    I have painstakingly gone through your screenshots and posts and have arrived at some conclusions. First, before we continue I would like to make a firm stipulation that all your replies from here on out must be restricted to 1 post only per reply of mine. Your posts up to Kerahna’s reply were the length of a PhD proposal. Please try to speak clearly and concisely to save us both time.

    Now, I would like to make a few statements.

    1: This will be my final statement regarding Rob and the incident of his death, which, again, has hardly any relevance to your appeal. Appeals are meant to be a place where you admit your wrongdoings and convince us that you will do better in the future. Not try to blame external circumstances for your outbursts.

    I have spoken to Rob and the situation has been resolved for the time being. Additionally, Im_JustMe spent countless hours combing through days worth of logs from her alt in an effort to find any instances where Kitty, Swamp or others may have crossed the line and harassed Rob, but none were found. Please keep in mind Rob is very young, so it’s very possible there’s a misinterpretation going on.

    Unfortunately, your explanation of what happened to Rob is inaccurate. I do not blame you for this, however, it seems as though you lack an understanding of what actually occurred. What I’ve written below is what actually happened, after speaking to everyone involved, including Rob and from countless screenshots and logs we’ve gone through.

    The Original Situation
    Verified with chat logs, screenshots and witness accounts from all parties involved.

    Do not mention this situation any further as it is handled with all the parties involved and does not have any relevance to your appeal, besides the misunderstandings you had with how it all went down. Hopefully my full explanation above is helpful for you. If you mention this situation again as reasoning for why you said some of the things you did, I will deny this appeal. Thank you.


    2: When it comes to the situation with Oblivion, we the Staff Team still agree that he has done nothing wrong. We are aware of the context to the things you said, but that doesn’t make them justified in the slightest. We will not be making any type of official arrangement between you and Oblivion. While we appreciate your apologies, your actions show that you are not ready to change. I personally am not convinced more things like this won’t happen again in the future. You have been punished multiple times and there is no change in your behaviour or actions.

    3: You continue to tell us that we are not supporting you in your reports; that is because many of your reports do not require a punishment, are not properly documented or the evidence provided is not able to be viewed because it was not given to us in the correct format. That does not mean we ignore your reports, however. Every valid report you’ve made has gotten a reply, and there have been times where Staff have definitely helped you out recently. For instance, when JustMe helped you when someone voided your carpets at your map art island the other day.

    To continue this appeal I would like to make a few rules that you must follow.

    1: Your posts from here on out must be restricted to 1 post per reply of mine.

    2: If you attempt to deflect your involvement onto others, or blame others for the things you said in the heat of the moment, this appeal will be denied.

    3: If you bring up the situation with Rob again, this appeal will be denied.

    4: If you continue to argue the outcome of the situation with Oblivion and yourself, this appeal will be denied.

    I would like you to sincerely answer the following questions to continue this appeal.

    • Do you truly understand the reason why you were muted? If so, please write a short explanation of why you were punished.
    • What will be different this time when you become unmuted? How do you plan to improve your overall behaviour?
    • How can we be convinced you will not reoffend?

    Thank you,

  14. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    thankyou for sharing this additional information with me bree, as i wasnt aware of parts of that. id only seen from the global chat messages how upset rob was getting, and the way comments were being worded at the time, ive clearly missed some of the context so thats how it came across to me at the time.

    My appeal hasnt been in regards of that situation, that situation was what id first originally opened a ticket in support of rob for. that was all. i later said in that ticket that i had a -Different Report-, and thats the one that has had refernce to parts of my appeal. i am not in any way saying that this was a reason for me saying things ive said in chat. it was simply just a seperate report i wanted to support rob with, and that report has been handled properly. so i appreaciate the time staff have taken to do so.

    i have already shown thanks and appreciation for this, as i said in my last post: -
    however there have definitly been times where ive opened a player report and not had any response to, or i felt they have been sided on and not supported fully. i have another open player report on the fourm where ive provided my evidences, and that has still had no input form any staff member.
    youve said to me that evidence i provided was not able to be viewed, becuase it wasnt given in the correct format. please can you tell me what formats you Can accept? i was told to upload the 50 ss i had at that time to Imgur, however when i tried doing that mulitple times, it wouoldnt work. i showed this in the ticket and i uploaded them as a google drive link. google drive is a file hosting site, that just like imgur, lets people see pictures online without the need to download them or save them to your device. its more secure than imgur, and has active antiviurs checking. in my mind, drive should be an acceptable format. idk how else to share as much evidence as i can, without posting multiple forum replies to include them all. so knowing all youre acceptable formats would be helpful in future.

    leaving that all behind now, and focusing on my appeal.

    ive been muted because of what i was saying about oblivion, and getting other members of the community invloved by talking to them and ranting to global, and i have acknowledged this in my appeal,. I can accept it wasnt the right thing for me to do where the rules i broke can border on slander, and harrasment in this scenario.
    saying words such as calling him a stalker, was not kind or neccecary. ive apologised for this, beaucse thats not nice for me to do so, and is a strong word to call someone. inciting drama on eco is against the rules, i should have just waited out the staff ticket report id opened instead for staff to have time to respond and help me.

    i will learn to be more patient when waiting for staff to respond to my tickets. often times when drama does happen on the server and it gets reported, staff dont reply for many hours, allowing the drama to continue happening,
    this has led to me becoming inpatient and acting out becuase ive been worked up or stressed out a lot.

    ive said before, that there are many times when people start drama towards me, where i havent reacted or reported on, and simply ignored it. i have been doing far better compared to say last year., when i didnt handle reporting tickets well and acted out far more in chat. i am still learning to not respond to people like that and i am still gradually improving myself for it. im not perfect and will make mistakes at times, everyone does. however im realising the way i reacxt isnt right, and thats what im trying to better myself for.

    with this being a public server there will always be those that find it funny to upset peoople. especially if they think its an easy target due to how the people they upset retaliate. when this happens i often have ben using the /ignore command and staying in/cl local modes. when i was unmuted previously, i stayed in /cl mode and people messaged me to ask why i wasnt talking in chat, and ive said its because io dont want any drama happening with me. whilst i shouldnt have to feel like i cant talk on the server, its a desicion i have been doing more often keeping off global modes and not responding to people at those times.

    usualyl i am extremely supportive towards everyone on the server no matter who they are. i often offer to donate resources out of my own income, for free, and i often build useful farms for new players who just need a helping hand to get started. like the log farm that cost me about 100k to build and i did so for free, i enjoy doing that sort of thing, because seeing other players happy from the help ive offered them reaures me that theres some good happening on the server. im often letting players know answers to questions they have, and i can usualyl guide them in the right direction if they get stuck. i chose to do this becuase it makes me happy knowing others are being supported. sadly, its just a handful of few people that do constantly upset me out of the majority of the server, and its those people im trying to ignore more often.

    ive already isle banned the people that upset me, the list is extensive. i lock my islands at other times when ive been upset, and stay in local mode. this does mean then that i miss out on a lot of chat and messages from friends. which i feel is unfair towards me, but again thats a desicion ive decided helps keep me calm and nopt retaliate towards what upsets me.

    ill continue to try and record as much evidences as i can in formats staff can accept, and wait patiently on tickets for them to be dealt with. recently ive opened a lot of tickets regarding incidents that have upset me, and some have been handled well by staff.

    i do feel however, that some tickets have not been handled well, sometimes thats due to me being unable to provide logs or proof at the time. so this is why im trying more to get everything in a readable order for staff to work with better.

    i often have players ignored already, so that also is helping to stop any drama coming my way.

    With respect to you bree and other staff, you ask me how you can be confinced i wont reoffend,. often thats been becuase of lack of staff support on time and i personally feel that if staff could respond a bit better, that would reasure me that something is being looked into and supported with. ive said already that i am trying to become more patient when waiting on staff as i know they arent alwways available to help, knowing that a staff will look into issues ive had, even if its a reply such as, "staff arent available right now, but when they are theyll come and help you" that would reasure me far more, than havging no responses, and the drama on eco continuing. you yourself have said this to me at times when ive dmed you personally and that has helped me know that staff are aware of an incident and will be looking into it.

    ive oftern opened a ticket, and after no reponses, dmed staff i see active on discord. theyve said this to me that when someone can, theyll support, and that has helped calm me and ive been able to ignore whats happeing in chat until staff have been there to help.

    i do struggle with communication, ive always had dislexia and speach language sturggles. when i get very upset, sometimes i dont think at times before commenting. this is something im aware of and tyring do learn to improve myself on.
  15. Novembree

    Novembree Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Apr 9, 2021
    Hello Abbie, thanks for the reply.

    Thanks for reading the account of what happened. I recommend in the future you don't jump to conclusions about situations you aren't involved in, because the majority of the time there's a lot more to them than meets the eye. You're welcome to report incidents you're not involved in if they warrant Staff involvement, however, I would not make assumptions on your own and just send evidence to us to unpack. This allows Staff to do their job of interviewing those involved and collating available resources to conduct the case in an organized fashion, and keeps you from unnecessarily getting caught up in it.

    Since Imgur doesn't work for you, simply drop the photos/evidence you have one by one into a discord ticket or forums report. Discord tickets allow 10 photos per post, same with forums. We do not accept links of any kind because links are easily tampered with (eg; could be IP grabbers/other malicious things). I hope this helps.

    Now, getting back to your appeal.

    It appears that you believe every report you make requires a punishment and that it should be handled as quickly as possible. A lot of your reports require little to no action from our end, but it seems as though if we don't respond in a reasonable time frame to you, you take matters into your own hands. Unfortunately, Staff are not available every minute of every day (though we try to be as available as possible). Just because you don't get a response doesn't mean someone hasn't seen the report and hasn't already planned to get online shortly to handle said issue. All in-game staff are pinged when a new ticket is made, that means they're usually at least read by some member of staff fairly quickly. Then, depending on severity, that Staff may decide the report can wait a bit or may tell them they need to get on asap (if they're available). We are here to make sure the server is a safe places for everyone which is why we encourage players from all spaces to make reports if they notice something that should have Staff involved.

    That said, Staff make the judgement calls on all cases that get given to us, not players. Your expectations for us aren't always what should happen in a case and that is something you need to accept.

    You have continue to put a lot of blame on Staff for the issues you are encountering. You alone are responsible for the way you act towards circumstances. While we do aid players when issues arise, our job does not require us to teach players how to respond to said issues. With your recent punishments over the last few months we had hoped you would understand that your reactions are not appropriate, however, unfortunately here we are again.

    While I really do appreciate your apologies, it's still very hard for me to accept your word that this won't happen again given the history you have with us. It is clear that Skyblock means a lot to you, and we genuinely would like to see you improve and continue to have fun experiences on the server. What may help with this is trying to keep issues on the server from becoming personal. There comes a time where issues just need to be dropped. Every appeal you make usually relates back to issues with individuals that date back weeks or months, and it's not constructive to continue to bring these things up when they were already dealt with previously. Sometimes logging out is the best thing you can do when you get upset, take a break and re-evaluate. I think this would genuinely be helpful for you to do, to keep yourself from getting in trouble in the heat of the moment.

    This all said, at this time I will unfortunately be denying your appeal. I do not feel confident that you will not re-offend and I would like you to take the time to evaluate your actions and think of ways you can improve from here on out.

    Thank you for your time and patience,
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