NA MindSensation's Application for Moderator

Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by MindSensation, Nov 25, 2016.

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  1. MindSensation

    MindSensation Senior Member

    Jun 29, 2013
    I'm applying for moderator because I want to, once again, help the server grow and thrive. There are several timezone gaps that I've noticed need to be filled, and I believe I can fill those gaps. I have just about every qualification necessary to become moderator. I have the experience needed, and I believe that I will apply more of myself to the job than my fellow co-applicants.

    In-Game Name:

    PST (UTC -8)

    The United States of America.

    English and some Spanish.

    Two Factor Authentication:
    I have 2FA enabled.

    Evidence Equipment:
    I own Fraps and can screenshot when necessary.

    Reasons for Applying:
    Rightly so, there are numerous reasons for this application.

    I'm incredibly active
    Since I've rejoined the server, I've been very active in-game, hopping on just about every day for between two and eight hours. Skyblock has been a serious commitment of my time, and I want to make a better use of it.

    I wish to make a difference on the staff team.
    In the past, I've been a moderator and a player for extended periods of time. This gives me a distinct, fresh perspective on the server, which I'll bring to the staff team with me. My prior experience as a moderator would allow me to give unique insight to the staff team. In addition to that my added experience will be very helpful as current moderators won't need to train me with in-game commands or forum duties.

    I want to make a difference on the server itself, not just on the staff team.
    I'm a very accepting person, something that's helped me both online and in life itself. I treat each player the same way, in the way that I would want to be treated, yes, the golden rule. That means that I will respond to every report with diligence; I will treat every ban appeal with fairness and empathy; and I will do my best to respond to each and every person that needs help.

    I'd be able to fill a noticeable moderation timezone gap:
    I understand that many moderators share the same timezone as I. I also understand that Cypriot tries to choose moderators that can fill in timezone gaps. One such gap I've noticed occurs at around 9-10PM, PST and lasts until around 1AM. At this point the AUS mods and those with similar timezones fill the gap. I am able to fill this gap simply because I stay up until around 11PM-12AM on weekdays, and later on weekends. It's crucial that timezone gaps be filled in order to prevent rulebreaking and maintain server representation

    I am completely qualified for the position of moderator, and there are many reasons why those reading this should consider supporting.

    I know how to handle a job:
    As a moderator, there is a lot of pressure and various responsibilites that come with the job, and it's important to be able to handle that. Over the summer, I got a job working for my step-dad. Since then I've been working twenty hours a week, every week. I know how to handle pressure, I know how to handle deadlines, and I know how to be efficient. From being a cashier, I learned how to work with customers, and players are honestly very similar. I know that if you don't do what you're supposed to do, you'll get fired, and the same goes for moderating. If I become a moderator, I will treat it like a job, and I'll do my job well.

    I have past experience with moderating the server.
    It's important to note that experience is absolutely vital to becoming a moderator. I am familiar with all moderation tools including those on the forums. I understand that as a moderator I am a representation of the server itself, and I will act accordingly. I get along very well with the current staff team meaning there should not be any clash of views or personality. As a moderator, I'd be able to effectively communicate with the staff team without any drama or misunderstandings. Since I am familiar with both the staff and the position, I'd be able to effectively moderate without fear of making a mistake or upsetting a fellow staff member.

    I am mature and understanding enough to represent the server.
    As moderators are representing the server as a whole they need to act in a way that reflects positively on the server itself. I understand that moderators act as role models for the entirety of the server. I will strive to be someone players can look up to. I will act professionally and do my best not let personal ideals or opinions come into conflict with my moderation. I will treat ban appeals with openness and understanding because I too have felt the frustration of being banned.

    I genuinely care about the server.
    Moderators need to care about the server in order to moderate it effectively. I have said it before, and I will say it again: I wish to see Skyblock grow and thrive. I have been playing on the server for almost four years now, and I once again want to take an active part in contributing towards its success. I believe that I can make a unique change to the server through my determination and dedication, my thorough understanding of its rule and guidelines, and my love for the server itself.

    I understand how to interact and deal with other players.
    Moderating a server is literally all about moderator to player interaction, and thankfully I'm very good at interacting with people. I regard every message or report with thoughtfulness so that players can expect the best treatment they can expect of a moderator. I also do my best to remain friendly and approachable on both the forums and in the server, something that moderators absolutely must do. In regards to dealing with rule breakers I understand that there is no such thing as being completely unbiased and that natural biases may cause cloudy judgement. That being said if I ever suspect myself of having any sort of bias towards or against any player in a report or a ban appeal. I'll simply hand it off to another moderator.

    I have all of the necessary qualities required of moderators.
    I know how to be impartial, while still following the rules. I know when it is time to be kind, understanding, and grateful, but I also know when it is time to show a strict enforcement of the rules. I am accepting of all players, and I do my best not to judge anyone for how they act or who they're friends with. I'm respectful of both players and other moderators, which is useful when dealing with conflicts or appeals. Lastly I'm open to changing my perspective on situations, which is very helpful for both appeals, enforcing the rules, and dealing with players.

    I am not applying for the rank, the popularity, or any other potential moderator benefits. On the contrary I am applying because I genuinely wish to contribute to the server's success and overall player happiness.
    Current Activity:
    I can be active for at least 1-2 hours each weekday with at least 3-4 hours each Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

    Exact schedule:
    • Monday-Thursday: 3 hours (9PM-12AM PST or later)
    • Friday-Sunday: 6 hours (6PM-12AM or later)

    History of Activity:
    I have been playing on the server since June of 2013.

    Past Bans:
    I have been banned twice two years ago: once for disrespect, once for advertising. I believe they aren't relevant anymore, as I became a moderator before with the exact same ban history.

    Moderator Experience:
    I moderated on for four months, ranging from May to September of 2014. I resigned because I did not want to become inactive. This is no longer an issue.

    I am familiar with most LogBlock and moderation commands, and I'm willing to learn quickly any potential new moderation commands that were implemented since I left.

    Staff Requirements:
    I meet the requirements to apply for a staff position.

    I urge those reading this application not to blindly "support" or "no support." Instead please read the entire application, and leave your feedback or constructive criticism.
    This thread will be edited multiple times.
    • Support Support x 42
    • No Support No Support x 1
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
  2. Blurted

    Blurted Experienced Member

    Aug 15, 2015
  3. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
    support!! You're active. You know how to moderate and know what to due in certain situations due to your past experience. You deserve this position again. Good luck, you loser. <#
  4. Describe

    Describe Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2014
    Support. You're one of the coolest people I've met, and it's amazing seeing you again after two years.
  5. Jess

    Jess Senior Member

    May 24, 2015
    Support. Automatic repromotion please.
  6. Souly0622

    Souly0622 Moderator Moderator

    Feb 2, 2014
    I didn't read it but I want the old players* back idek if you were a mod forgot LOL and I mean I also ignored the thing in which you said to not just support because you want to.
  7. Describe

    Describe Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2014
    SLGMichael needs admin again as well lmao
  8. Jess

    Jess Senior Member

    May 24, 2015
    You know what I love? Seeing the old staff members coming back and reapplying, admins caring more, and generally having the server return to the good days.
  9. Souly0622

    Souly0622 Moderator Moderator

    Feb 2, 2014
    True and get mod already
  10. ShiningNova06

    ShiningNova06 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2014
    This app needs no words. You were a great mod and always will be.
  11. MrStealYourGirl

    MrStealYourGirl Experienced Member

    Mar 8, 2013
    100% Support. Mind is dedicated to the server and will do anything to help to grow.
  12. poggers

    poggers Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2014
    support yes
  13. ILostMyKeys

    ILostMyKeys Active Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    I read like half of this and just went with what I thought of you during your service as a moderator, support.
  14. Lynse

    Lynse Active Member

    Jun 1, 2016
    Support! IlY
  15. athyrix

    athyrix Senior Member Premium

    Jul 31, 2016
    Supoort. I'll edit later
  16. RainbowCat_x

    RainbowCat_x Member

    Oct 10, 2016
    Support :c i wish you the best of luck
  17. Ca1

    Ca1 Senior Member

    Apr 24, 2014
  18. Finical

    Finical Active Member

    Mar 23, 2016
    I feel like I've just read a text from English Extension class.

    I remember you as a Moderator, vaguely. I didn't and haven't heard anything on the negative
    side of things as such, positives yes. You seem organized too, judging by the format and the
    nature of your writing, typing, whichever you'd rather. I personally value organisation and it's
    something that lacks in people these days so I've noticed. I like how you've taken advantage of
    the spoilers and various formatting techniques and options available to the thread creator too.

    I hope you make use of this minor feedback, and I give my support.
  19. Jennie

    Jennie Senior Member

    Feb 2, 2014
    Support. I remember moderating beside you a long while ago and you were always dedicated and determined. You made a great mod then and I'm 100% sure you'd make a great mod now. You're mature when you need to be, you type fast, you always know what to do, and you are a kind person. You have experience already as a mod here which adds to your credibility. I hope to see you joining the staff team for the second time and moderating with you once again.
  20. TheSugarCane

    TheSugarCane Senior Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    Support. I remember you being a good Moderator.
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