NA Leadermelody's Moderator Application [.Net]

Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by leadermelody, Jan 17, 2015.

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  1. leadermelody

    leadermelody Active Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    Thank you for taking the time to read this and telling me what mistakes I made. I appreciate all negative and positive comments. Please comment truthfully of what I need to change and fix. Please forget all of the bad things I did in the past like being childish and posting unhelpful threads. I posted the pointless threads when I first joined so can you please forget about those threads as I understand they were pointless and useless threads. Those threads were usually in suggestions and off topic.

    Sorry if my Introduction is long. Skip it if you don’t want to learn that much about me. It is not necessary to include an Introduction, but I like if people know a bit about me. I think it is also nice to show a bit about me so people can know a bit more about my personality.


    I love this server, it was one of my favorite servers from the day I joined and I still love it. However, I want to be a bigger part of this community. I am a very nice person if you get to know me well... and of course I'm nice to people I don't know that well either. I'm sort of shy and the more you get to know me, the more comfortable I'll be around you.

    My friends started playing minecraft so I was like why not? Me and my friends all wanted to play skyblock so we went on google searching up ''Good Skyblock Servers'' and we found this server. We had so much fun on this server together.

    I love talking to new people, it's fun meeting new people. I love getting to know people, it makes me happy. I use teamspeak, I usually don't talk in there. I just sit there and listen. I talk in the chat when I want to say something.

    I am 13 years old and enjoy helping others. I am in 8th grade and in honors classes. I honestly think that honors classes are very similar to regular classes. My elective is choir and I love music. I am a very shy person in real life, when I am playing skyblock I am not shy at all, the community is so accepting that there really isn't a need to be.

    On minecraft, I usually only play on skyblock or factions. I play skyblock because I love building things even though I am horrible at building. I also love the community. I play factions since I moderate on a factions server. I love raiding bases (But not on skyblock, of course :p). I do PVP, but I get killed quickly.

    Your in game name
    My in-game name is leadermelody. Also my nick in game and in real life is Melly. Most people call me Melly instead of leadermelody in game. You might find people calling me names similar to Melly. If you see me online don't hesitate to talk to me.

    Which time zone are you in?
    I am in Southern California currently.
    I'm in PST UTC -8:00

    What languages do you speak?
    I speak English and Spanish. A bit of Japanese and I am learning Portugeese. I was planning on learning more Japanese but, I don't have the time to learn it anymore.

    Have you ever been banned (if yes,why)?
    Yes and no. I have never been banned for anything bad. I have only been banned permanately a few times but of course, it was a requested ban. If I had been banned for something bad, I may not have made this application. But, as always, people learn from their mistakes. I don't want to be banned and I don't think I ever will.

    Why do you think you should get mod?
    I think I should be a mod because if I was mod I would help players have the same amazing experience that I had with my friends. I want to make the community an even greater place by being there when other moderators can't, helping cover time-zones and helping players in all of my free time. I have a fairly different time-zone, so I'm on when most mods aren't. I help people mainly in /msg, it gets to players more directly. I do not give items away, it doesn't help players. However, I do try to refund some players that maybe weren't smart and didn't chest trade, or maybe someone who changed their name and lost their stuff.

    If I was a mod I would treat everyone with respect. It wouldn't matter if they have ranks. Greenbean or donor, we all deserve the same respect. We are all human. People don't really care about greenbeans because they don't have ranks. I have talked to many greenbeans before and most of them are nicer than the donors I have met. I remember being a greenbean. Being scammed just because I didn't have a rank and I was ignored most of the time. Whenever I needed help, I would never get an answer. I was just a regular player looking for help, I don't want greenies to have the same experience I did as a greenbean.

    I have been checking ban appeals to see what people can get banned for. People message me stuff like where do you use voter crate keys. Where do you get iron, diamonds, gold, and grass. Or tell me they got griefed. I'll answer them and tell them as much as I know to help them on Sky Block. If they get griefed or scammed I will try to tell a moderator, either in game or on the forums.

    I love helping players it makes me happy. If I get moderator on skyblock that means I can help even more. People who know me well will probably see me helping a lot. I mess around but at the same time I am helping. I honestly do not mind if I don't get moderator because I can still help in the chat, right? No one can keep me from helping other players because that is what I love doing on skyblock. I love seeing players saying thank you to me, it makes me smile a bit knowing that I helped someone.

    I know the rules and I know what is bannable. I know most of the commands for a mod as I have been on my friend's server.

    I see people everyday in chat saying they need a moderator when I am online and I dont see moderators when I am online, most of the time. I would like to help those players instead of having to say, "If you need a moderator go on the forums." It would just be amazing to help players more.

    How long can you be active on the server every day?
    Here is a mini schedule of how active I can be everyday.

    I am dedicated to this sever. I will be online everyday, helping. I have been playing for a while now. I won't be quiting any time soon.

    I am very trustworthy, when I am told to do something important and am given an item. I will do what is needed to be done. For example, if someone tells me to hold on to an item and they ask for it back, I will give it back.

    My grammar is fine when typing but I prefer writing. I am very fast at typing but when I am typing fast you may find spelling error which I think is perfectly fine. As long as it's readable and understandable, it's fine.

    I am very mature with other players however, you might find me being immature with my friends. That doesn't really mean anything since I want to have a good time while helping others. I take things seriously when needed to.

    If someone gets griefed and there are no logs I will help rebuild the parts that were griefed. If looted I will give items they have lost like grass, iron, and ect. I answer loads of questions in game for example if someone asks me how to get grass. I will answer by saying that you get grass by voting, trading, or donating. I am ready to answer a question when asked one.

    I treat people fairly no matter what rank they are. Everyone is the same in some way. It doesn't matter if someone donated or not it's their choice really and you don't have to pay to play skyblock.

    I am very kind to other players and love playing with other people. I treat all players with respect. I love messaging other players when I am not busy. I get to make new friends like that. That's how I met most of my friends.

    I am very observant. I could see a person in game from far away. I have gotten griefed before and what happened was I did /home and I saw someone in the building, griefing. When they saw me they left so I wouldn't get a screenshot of them. I did get a screen shot but it wasn't proof of them griefing. I also look at the chat and if the chat is being spammed or if I see someone saying something with profanity or using the test command, I will report it.

    Activity Online
    I am online most of the time at night because of school. On saturdays I am usually on during the day because there is no school. I am online a lot on the server. If you have never seen me online, it is probably because of time zones. I do go on a lot, especially during the night. I will be sometimes helping on minechat.

    I am very honest, if I did something wrong and someone blames it on me, I would take the blame. I wouldn't lie and make the situation worse. I would tell the truth.

    Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
    I have had experience as a moderator before. I just got moderator on my friends server (which took me months to get mod on) so I am learning all of the comands. I am also an admin on a small prison server. Here are some commands I have learned
    I have been a moderator on many servers. A mini game server, a skyblock server, a factions server, a prison server, ect.

    Thank you for taking your time to read or read parts of my application and comment on this. If your going to comment support or no support please give me a reason why. Thank you for reading this moderator application and I hope to see you online.
    • Support Support x 4
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
  2. leadermelody

    leadermelody Active Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    I have joined forums for over a month. I have been playing skyblock for a year or so. The only reason I did not have a forums account before is because I never knew It even existed X3
  3. leadermelody

    leadermelody Active Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    Before hand I was not very active in the chat. My friends/coop did not talk in chat because of spam so we used to use signs to talk to each other.
  4. distante2007

    distante2007 Guest

    Nice job! Support
  5. distante2007

    distante2007 Guest

    call me derpman
  6. Purplevillager1

    Purplevillager1 Experienced Member

    Jan 31, 2014
    Get more involved, both in chat and in forums. You have been doing a very good job recently, keep that up.

    Full support for my Melly. Good luck. :)
  7. leadermelody

    leadermelody Active Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    Thank you purple~
    I will try to be more involved in chat and forums. You have been really nice and I hope we become better friends and you become a mod. I know you deserve it.

    DANTDM Active Member

    Jul 6, 2014
    75% support I like this application a lot

    25% non-support because those words I don't know why but they seem firmiliar, like they were copy-and-pasted.

    DANTDM Active Member

    Jul 6, 2014
    Oh, Ok 100% support
  10. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    I will give you 70% of my support.
    I think you have a good app, but the font is kinda large for that top bit and looks like an attempt to lengthen the application.
    I think that in time you will make a good mod but for now I feel you are not quite ready. I need you to realise that its not all about moderating the server. As a mod you have also got to use these forums and really become active here. Helping out on the forums is one way. If you can do that you will have more of my support. otherwise, good luck
  11. leadermelody

    leadermelody Active Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    I have edited the top part of my application. I agree I do need to be more active on forums. I will try to do my best and help everyone I can on forums. I realize that moderators have to be active on forums as well as in game. I will try as hard as I can to be as active in game and on forums. Thank you Krissy. :heart: (Sorry I replied to you so late I was at school.)
    Thank you~
  12. MrFudgyButtons

    MrFudgyButtons Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2014
    ill swing for the fences.

    just remember its not as easy as people think. lots of responsibility and whatnot. ask krissy, or any mod for that matter, what it takes, what they deal with.
    watching the chat, the pm's and as a full mod the pm's of others. dealing with griefs, scams, the spammers that use 50accounts, threats, etc, then on forums with reports of all kinds, helping everyone, tons of messages and notifications (can get hundreds of them at times), etc.

    and alot more im missing.

    if you have what it takes, and willing to prove it,then ill type support.
    if not, this be the last message on here from me..

  13. leadermelody

    leadermelody Active Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    I will prove it. ;-; I really thought you were not going to reply :/
  14. TehCyfer

    TehCyfer Guest

    150000000000000000000000000000000000.232135565765% Support.
  15. Hannah

    Hannah Boss Member

    Apr 10, 2013
    Good luck.
  16. Fintan238

    Fintan238 Experienced Member

    Apr 20, 2014
    Good Luck Melly~
  17. Moonlight

    Moonlight Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2013
    I don't really go on net, but you're a really nice person who sounds helpful. good luck :D
  18. leadermelody

    leadermelody Active Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    Thanks Fintan~ ღ
    Your the one who is nice. Thank you. ღ
  19. leadermelody

    leadermelody Active Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    Thank you for all of the support so far! ღ
  20. paige_ella2001

    paige_ella2001 Member

    Apr 28, 2014
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