I Feel Like Skyblock Is Falling Apart In Front of My Eyes

Discussion in 'Discussions Archive' started by Lemonade, Apr 14, 2015.

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  1. Lemonade

    Lemonade Boss Member

    Jan 11, 2015
    Yea but that's why there's the discussion and suggestion topics; to make the server better.
  2. Enderchew

    Enderchew Active Member

    Apr 12, 2014
    While trust can be the issue present in most servers. Being a staff member of another larger server that has an average of at least 10k players online per minute, it too have tons of admins and a large staff team. The server itself has its own protection against admin abuse such as server backups. Also, perms can be given to builders even without OP, it just needs coding. Similarly, if this server were to have the similar coding as the server I am currently working at, it will restrict these promoted builders from being OP'ed and only able to serve their function as builders.

    However, we need to be patient when waiting for this to be done as coding does indeed take a lot of time and effort. However the benefits of this is great as this can help the server in long term.
  3. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    Crew will very well need to overcome this issue of trust if he wants to remain successful. We need admins, and we need more mods its as simple as that. The least that could be done is train and trial some admins, i mean literally net could be so much better and has so much potential if a few extra hands could pitch in. Same with org. As for mods, well there are still gaps in timezones and its starting to appeal its more to do with the mods then the timezones. But still, i used to see a full team that was pretty active and now its come down to this.
  4. TheLooperThatEnchants

    TheLooperThatEnchants Active Member

    May 11, 2013
    Maybe some good trusted sods to admin , good trusted mods to smod, and some trusted players with good applications or ex mods to become mod
  5. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    mind you... im going to throw it out there, but maybe cyp likes the way it is too with him being the only admin. Never know
  6. NekoEmmi

    NekoEmmi Active Member

    Jul 24, 2014
    Yeah but this is why you make regular backups of your server... it's not that hard to do. Though I would still never give anyone I didn't completely trust access to the server host account and files. I heard that there was no useable backup for .Org when the economy-breaking thing happened which is a fail for a server this size really, if it's true :(

    Whippy wrote a plugin that automatically takes a backup of the entire server (worlds, pex, money etc.) every hour for 24 hours, then it keeps only one per day for one month, and one per month beyond that. This is probably excessive but it was simple enough to make and so far does not seem to be causing lag. The backup is created automatically without the need for restarting the server or anything, I just forget it's there usually, until something goes wrong. He created the plugin mainly because I'm a noob and sometimes I mess about with the console and I have no idea what I'm doing :p also, the anti-grief plugin I wanted isn't installed currently. Just in case I like, accidentally pour a bucket of lava over a forest, or delete a building, or something! But actually, Whippy's the one that's done the most damage, as once he accidentally misclicked and deleted the PEX file in one shot, and we only had an old backup of it... D:

    But anyway. Since then we've been careful to make tons of backups and to download them to a private hard drive and also cloud storage periodically in case something gets messed up. In theory, if there is a disaster and someone completely breaks the server, the worst that could happen is that we roll back the entire server by one day... or at most a month if somehow we don't notice what's broken for a month. It's a shame this wasn't possible for .Org, although hearing about the new plugins, spawn and stuff has made me more excited about the reset now; I think new .Org will be better than old .Org, even without my island and all my stacks of grass!
  7. NekoEmmi

    NekoEmmi Active Member

    Jul 24, 2014
    Hehe, trusted sods :t

    I bet he does :p wouldn't you? :D x
  8. Enderchew

    Enderchew Active Member

    Apr 12, 2014
    *all the attention is given to cyp :p*
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