How you sort items in to chests

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by [Ice_Cube], Jul 26, 2018.

  1. [Ice_Cube]

    [Ice_Cube] Member

    Jul 11, 2018
    I am sorting items, but I do not know what is the best way to sort them, can you help me?
  2. Elpacer

    Elpacer Active Member

    Feb 19, 2018
    Ummm maybe putting signs on chests, like label them.
  3. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    So I generally sort items by block types.
    Wood logs, Wood planks, then wood items (fences etc)
    Then same with cobble, stone and stone bricks.
    Wool separated by colour
    The rest of the blocks (actual blocks like clay blocks, terracotta etc) I call misc

    Armour and tools i group together
    Food (if needed)
    misc items (incl mob drops)
    redstone (anything redstone related)
    Plants and saplings
    Valuables (gold, iron and grass)
    Rares (heads and special items)

    As for layouts, i just go with what looks cool
    2018-07-26_15.24.11.png 2018-07-26_15.20.44.png 2018-07-26_15.21.45.png
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  4. bERYbERRY

    bERYbERRY c000000000000000kies Builder Premium

    Mar 2, 2014
    So thats how I sort items:
    Glass, Terracotta, Concrete and Glass are sorted by color individually in each chest.
    All wooden stuff alone.
    All flowers alone.
    All dyes alone.
    All books alone
    All plants (excluding flowers) alone
    All cobblestone stuff alone.
    All stonebrick stuff alone.
    All stone stuff alone.
    All Tools and Armor alone.
    All Snow and Ice together.
    All mob drops (passive and hostile mobs) together.
    All food alone y u m ( I dont even need food but ye I use it for my food dispensers)
    All nether stuff related (netherrack, netherwart, netherbricks, etc..) alone.
    All end stuff related (endstone, chorus fruits/plants/flowers, etc..) alone
    All ocean stuff related (prismarine shards, blocks, etc..) alone.
    All light sources (Torches, Glowstone, Sea Lantern, etc..) alone.
    All music stuff (jukebox, noteblocks, discs, etc...) alone.
    All shulker boxes alone : )
    All redstone related stuff (redstone dust, blocks, repeaters, etc...) alone.
    And any other stuff I would label as Misc or Junk.

    I put my rares and valuables mostly in shulkerboxes in my enderchest.
    So ye lol
  5. 52Phenomenon

    52Phenomenon Super Moderator Super Moderator Events Manager

    Mar 18, 2017
    I have all my chests just stacked up, 5 high, with spruce logs between them. Like this:


    This is what I store on each stack:
    The first has my rare kinda stuff, diamonds, grass, iron, gold and emeralds

    The second has charcoal and coal, lapis, rares/spawners, sand/dirt and a chest for buckets and other illegals

    The third is my stone stack, so I have three chests for just stone, one for stone bricks and one for other stone items

    Then is my cobble stack, so I have four chests for just cobble and one for other cobble items

    The next two rows are all wood, so I have a chest for leaves, a chest for saplings, a chest for every wood log and then a chest for planks and other wood items

    Then there's a row with food, two chests for mob drops, one for seeds/farming and one for farmed items

    The next row has chests for ocean items, prismarine, flowers/dyes, nether items and then netherrack

    Then there is the row with a chest for carpet, two chests for coloured wool and two for white wool

    The next row has chests for redstone, redstone items, banners, terracotta and glass

    Then there's the tools stack, so there is a swords chest, axes, pickaxes, bows/arrows and shears/hoes

    Finally, there is the random stack so there are chests for light, flint/gravel, crate keys, end items and then a misc chest

    My storage is quite random but quite organised at the same time. It just depends what you prefer and how you find it easiest to put things away but also find them :)
  6. [Ice_Cube]

    [Ice_Cube] Member

    Jul 11, 2018
    Thanks for your assistance.

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