HeatwaveS13's [.Net] Mod Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by HeatwaveS13, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. HeatwaveS13

    HeatwaveS13 Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    1. In game name: HeatwaveS13
    2. What time zone do you live in: Eastern Standard Time
    3. Which language do you speak: English
    4. Have you ever been banned before: Yes I have once because when I started playing on this server I was trying to sell something to a player. I was messaging someone about my offer and this other player told me to stop sending offers to her. My response back was cursing at him for telling me to stop. He reported me and I was banned for 2 hour. When I got access to play on the server again I promised to myself not to do anything like that again and to stay out of trouble.
    5. How long can you be active on the server: Monday through Thursday: 3-4 hours and Friday through Sunday: 4-6 hours. If I am not on for this long on any day I am away, no internet connection, or I have company over.
    6. Have you ever had any past experience as a moderator: No I have not but I hope that even though I was never a moderator I am still a good player and will follow any rules that the server has to offer.
    7. A bit more about me: When I joined this server, I wanted to be well known. After a while of playing this server I got the hang of everything. How to play skyblock, how to be friends with others, and how to have a great time playing. Later on when I first donated, some people new me, and I made friends with many others. A couple day later I went back on and saw someone greifing my place and I was really upset, I said ''Some1 help me, some1 is greifing me!'' in the chat. Then a mod showed up out of nowhere [Because he teleported me] and stopped the player greifing. I thanked him so much and was so happy. he restored all my items and had my place back to normal. Ever since then I wanted to become a moderator to help others incase something like what happened to me ever happened again. Today is when I though I should give it a try to have my chance and hopefully become a moderator. I promise to you guys that I will be a responsible moderator and do everything I can do to get the person that is troubling you a punishment for what he did. I am a responsible person outside of the gaming world and also in the minecraft land. I can promise you I will be there if you are in need for any reason that someone is not following the rules.
    8. Honesty: I am very honest and when I get in trouble, I will tell the truth. I don't know what my friends really think of me and I don't want to if it something mean or they really don't like me for certain reasons. I can be trusted for just about anything if you ask me to do something. That is what I want to know from others, that I can be trusted.
    9. Maturity: I am a mature kid that does curse on this server any more after my one incident. I do not do anything inappropriate in the chat or on my island. Besides my one incident, I have done nothing to break the rules that is totally not mature.
    10. Personality: My personality is very fun, active, and serious when I need to be. I can get frustrated from time to time if I keep failing at something. I can also be very joyful when I succeed at something that I have been trying for a long time and finally did it. I have many personality's but mostly happy to be playing with the people I met while spending time on this server.
    11. Helpful: When people ask me in the chat or message me I respond to them even if its something like ''Can you give me free diamonds'' or ''Can you please give me free stuff.'' People ask me those kind of things all the time and although they get annoying after a while but I will still respond so they know that I am not ignoring them. Before island protection I used to help out people on there islands if they needed it. Now I just ask in the chat if anyone needs information about the server itself.
    Thank you for reading my application
    Last edited: May 3, 2015
  2. Shadoe

    Shadoe Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2013
    No Support,
    • Needs a lot more detail
    • Use Bold and Underline
    • Use Colour (Optional)
    • Space your application out a bit more
    • Never seen you online (Timezones maybe)
    • Never seen you on the forums (Timezones maybe)
    Good Luck!
  3. TheSugarCane

    TheSugarCane Senior Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    No support.
    • Not enough detail
    • Colour? (optional)
    • I don't see you on the forums much
    • I don't see you online a lot in-game
    Other than that, you're friendly and nice to talk to. I've known you for a while.
    Good luck! c:
  4. Izzy4592 2

    Izzy4592 2 Active Member

    Mar 15, 2015
    20% support
    - Colours ( optional )
    - Add paragraphs for each sub heading
    - I have seen you online previously but we don't see each other much due to time zones.
    - Add a little more detail to your application.
    - You seem very friendly and a nice person to talk to.
  5. Izzy4592 2

    Izzy4592 2 Active Member

    Mar 15, 2015
    Hope you get it! :)
  6. HeatwaveS13

    HeatwaveS13 Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    Added more info
  7. alphawolf

    alphawolf Active Member

    Jan 14, 2014
    It's nice, but you need more, take a look at some of the other Mod Apps, look at how much info and what kind of info they have in them.
  8. HeatwaveS13

    HeatwaveS13 Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    More info added
  9. poggers

    poggers Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2014
    I don't see you on the forums too much and you just came back from a huge leave. I also never see you helping when you're online. No support.
  10. HeatwaveS13

    HeatwaveS13 Member

    Jun 13, 2014
    The reason why I had that ''Huge leave'' was that I have been having problems with my computer and wasn't able to get on at the time

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