Skyblock Guide: The Map Art Equation

Discussion in 'Player Guides' started by Lz, Nov 23, 2019.

  1. Lz

    Lz Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2014
    Was curious as to how much map creators should charge for the map arts they create. After 20min of considering and throwing together, this equation came out:

    As text to copy into a calculator (then replace variables with values):
    (((mapnr)/((60)/(ptime))wattuse)/(1000)kwHp*UStG+ (mapnr*4)/(irPrice))/(copynr)+(mapnr*4)/(irPrice)*(1+(ProfitP)/(100))

    As image:


    This equation is especially very useful for large(r) map arts.

    You can also estimate the "ptime" "wattuse" and "kWhp" values to see if the price you pay for a map art is fair. Or use parts of the equation to calculate any number of things, such as the electricity cost of making a 10x10 map art (at 1 map art per hour!) being worth 180 - 432 grass alone.

    The first part converts your electricity usage while creating the map art into grass, and adds it to the iron cost of making the actual maps. Rent cost of any canvas is ignored.

    The production cost of said map art is then divided by the amount of copies you want to sell.

    The cost of iron for producing a copy is added, which is multiplied with the percentage of profit you want to make.

    The amount of profit you want to make depends on how much you value your time, and how much you believe the art can sell for considering the content.

    Important: If you only want to calculate production cost, only use the first part of the equation (everything in front of the main "+"), and obviously set copynr to 1.


    The production cost of a 5x5 map art, at an electricity cost of 15 cents per kwH, production time of 1 hour per map art and PC energy usage of 450 watts is 158 grass. If 30 copies should be sold, with a profit of 100%, the price per copy should be 105 grass. If you want no profit, giving away 25 copies is the equivalent of giving away 1408 grass, or 56 grass per copy.



    mapnr: The amount of maps you use (say a 5x5 map art = 25 maps)

    ptime: The time it takes you to complete a single map (in minutes!)

    wattuse: The average watt usage of your PC. If you don't know, use 200-500 depending on the strength of your PC and your minecraft settings (shaders, ultra, texturepack etc.). Background processes will also influence this (CHROME!) which would not be open if you weren't making map art. For further estimation accuracy, use google.

    kwHp: The price you pay for 1 kWh of electricity. If you don't know, google "yourregion kWh price"

    UStG: The USD to grass rate. As of right now, the value is 64. (1 Stack of grass = 1 USD)

    irPrice: How many iron you get per grass Currently is 2:1, meaning the value is 2

    copynr: The amount of copies you intend to create and sell

    ProfitP: The percentage of profit. If you want to make 50% profit, set it to 50
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Amazing Amazing x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2019

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