Global Gen buckets

Discussion in 'Server Gameplay Suggestions' started by Salvation, Jun 30, 2022.


Yay or nay?

  1. yay

    2 vote(s)
  2. nay

    4 vote(s)
  1. Salvation

    Salvation Active Member

    Aug 18, 2020
    Hello, I have recently taken interest in playing the server with my friend and one thing we have noticed is that when we are not using profit shops/afking in somebody elses farm (on economy), we are just placing building blocks. Almost all of my gameplay in the past two days has been me crafting stonebrick and then placing it. I understand that having walls on my island isn't necessary and that having a large platform to build my farm on is apart of building said farm, but it'd be a nice convenience to be able to generate said walls/platforms using gen buckets.

    Typically, Gen buckets generate 64 blocks of the chosen type of Gen bucket (can be any block) off of the block you place it on (so if you are facing North and there is a block directly in front of you, and you place the gen bucket directly on to the side of the block you are looking at, the blocks will generate southwards), and are sold in their own GUI Menu for a small markup of the total cost of 64 of the chosen block. This would be a straight up QOL/convenience addition to all Skyblock servers, but I haven't been playing for too long so maybe my judgement is flawed.
    Here is a very quick, poorly put together demonstration video I did by downloading a 1.13 version of a genbucket plugin on to my 1.18 test server (without configuring it) whilst I was on 1.8:
    • No Support No Support x 2
  2. luka

    luka macdondalds Super Moderator Premium

    Apr 10, 2016
    I think this addition would take away from the simplistic gameplay the server currently offers. Building a wall or platform is just part of the game and I just don't see the need for an addition like the genbucket
  3. Salvation

    Salvation Active Member

    Aug 18, 2020
    It is indeed, but so is eating food, not teleporting to other peoples bases, not buying items from other players using a currency, not flying, ores not generating in cobblestone generators, having to use minerals to repair your tools. All of these things are "just part of the game", but the server offers ways around them to convenience the player. Most servers add features like these to enhance the player experience and typically act as a time save more than anything.

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