Economy Financial crisis! eco needs your help!

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by CraftWithAbbie, Nov 19, 2023.

  1. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    A Solution to all the over sized crop hopper farms being built.

    Stop limiting ways we earn money?

    Since the update so much has increased in prices in the /shop, crop hoppers stopped players being able to visit other people's islands and shop and support other islands. This has since reduced players enjoying other people's builds. There's no reason to visit an island because there's no profit shops to earn an income from. Crop hopper tax was meant to go back in the raffle pot, what's happened to that? It now just deletes income every 20 minutes with smaller farms suffering due to it. New players are paying 80k for a crop hopper that won't pay off for months maybe more when tps is at low. Then they get taxed like 500 from 1100, meaning they earn even less if they build bigger farms.

    Clearly the answer isn't to make every player build island sized crop farms. Because the hoppers auto sell players are having to build more resource using redstone crop farms doubling the farms being loaded at any time.

    Players are building giant farms because we keep being limited on our incomes. Some on the Survival server may disagree and say we have things too easy, but the reality is the opposite.

    Then let's add that vote rewards have been more than halfed. I support not receiving in game rewards if you vote offline, but voting online used to give us rewards for all servers. Meaning players could enjoy both servers instead of building huge farms on one. We could trade balances across the server again, the survival server currently gaining so much grass that its becoming worthless. But selling it to eco for large costs due to balances on eco being rare and lower than average.

    Eco is suffering greatly due to income shortages, meaning there's less fun builds and the same 7x7x32 chunk crop hopper farms. Which clearly aren't helping the strain were suffering from daily.

    I'd ask that if we can have cross server rewards again, so eco players can sell survival grass, and survival can sell eco their balances Earned from voting for all three servers. Giftcard trades have died out too, as players have limited balances. Which means that less trades are happing across servers. On the eco trade channel discord, its the same adverts day after day, on survival channel, the same.

    What else can be done to help eco players have a disposable income to build better with, and rely less on resource draining farms?
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  2. LeoSteel

    LeoSteel Active Member

    Nov 25, 2019
    I don’t think the issue with eco is the lack of money making. To help eco you’d need to reset eco.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. ~Sky~

    ~Sky~ Active Member

    Dec 31, 2018
    Not so much the lack of money making, but how undiverse it is making money. People are encouraged to continue with building one farm to extremes since the market lacks good enough alternatives for people to build many farms at reasonable sizes, as opposed to what happens now: building one (or few) farm(s) at a massive scale.
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  4. Nomrial

    Nomrial Active Member

    Nov 27, 2021
    To be honest, I don't see how economy can ever improve without a complete data wipe.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. JAWD543

    JAWD543 Active Member

    May 28, 2019
    I'd be fine with a complete eco reset as long as there is a plan to turn things around and keep it under control.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. emil733

    emil733 Member

    Mar 18, 2023
    That’s the only thing I disagree with since we for some reason have a lack of grass too which makes rares prices drop and drop since barely anyone is buying rares with grass theese days, people mostly only trade for other items. I think the rest is true tho.
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  7. MrEPro

    MrEPro Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
    Cross server rewards was already discussed and most people disagreed with the reintroduction, including myself.

    Increase pork/beef/mutton buy prices a /warp shop drastically to encourage more active profiteering and farming.

    Where is /jobs? …

    Increase server /shop prices 20%. Encourage more player trade.
  8. KhalDrogo

    KhalDrogo Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2015
    There is no reason more people don’t have profit shops. I have 34 in place and am adding more.
    Everyone of them will make the buyer $500 so there is often $17,000 just sitting there for someone to make a quick buck.
    I agree if they sold for more at warp shop then that would be great.
    There are always spawners for sale on AH so no reason why others aren’t doing that.

    Low TPS costs everyone much more than taxes but I get the idea of taxes. There have been suggestions on the table for ages now for a tax system that would better benefit new starters. Dex expressed some interest in them but nothing has happened in that space.

    Other that reduced income from farms, the low TPS doesn’t really bother me too much. It’s the game freezes that get me.
  9. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    See a lot of people I've asked especially on eco omy would say otherwise. Having those rewards stopped means that it's become far harder to do balance and grass trades, and many of friends would also like to see them return. If you personally feel that having cross server vote rewards makes earning money too easy? Then you're welcome to not do those trades, but for new and struggling players, it's very helpful. And not only helpful in terms of trading balances, but it actually encourages players to try out the other server. If I never received grass and keys from voting when playing on eco my main server, I doubt I'd ever have tried zkyblock survival. And vice versa.

    Yeah I can understand that, the lack of grass could be because eco players have very little sb grass to trade anymore. Although, I was comparing sb grass with eco balances eg, ecos average player has very little balances co pared to sb average players grass. If key and balance trades were available for both servers then more trading would be successful instead of the same people posting the same adverts for months on end.

    Farms are hard to build when starting out. Especially if you need an 80k crop hopper first which any players struggle to get.

    Spawners, would cost even more. If a new struggling players can't buy crop hoppers, they def couldn't buy pig spawners to resell.

    Warp shop could definitely be increased in value, its becoming a ghost town where noone goes anymore. If they warp gave better prices, that could encourage players to sell their own fsrm crops better.

    See I don't have a problem with tax, IF it was actually being used for good reason and not voided like it does currently. There's no point in having our hard earned income stolen from us like that. Put it back in the raffle, or setting at least to make it worth the time and effort.

    Tbh yeah. That's the biggest problem rn. Open to other opinions on ways to help
  10. emil733

    emil733 Member

    Mar 18, 2023
    I agree that vote rewards on both servers should come back, not sure if that’s the main reason for the lack of grass on skyblock but it definitely makes the problem bigger.
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  11. KhalDrogo

    KhalDrogo Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2015
    I'm not suggesting reselling the spawners, but buy them to use.

    As I said, my profit shops can make a player a bit of cash quick and if they are lucky and can afk at my free money shop for a night that will help get them started.
    Someone AFK'd there over night and made $170,000. A few players have made over $1,000,000 at Gekkity's
    It's given out over 10 million so far.

    As players, who are established, we can all do something to help with this but I agree, it's hard to get a start on Eco and that should be the focus, making it easier for new players.

    Regarding the server freezes, I'm certain loading large farms is triggering that. It might not be the loading of the farm but it coincides with that so it might be the croppers when they load up initially? If you visit someone like BadPeteNo, there is no freezing. He has a large island but no croppers!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    Most of my friends who used to do giftcard or grass trades and sell their eco balances, no longer can trade like before. All of last yesr znd this yesr until the update I've been able to trade ny keys and grass from survival, and earn an income offering trade deals amd shop upgrades myself too. It was very helpful when being more creative with builds especially if people struggle to build basic farms to try for a longer term profit being able to trade voter rewards they way. Now all anyone can offer is the odd stack of grass or few.

    Another bonus was rhat I started to earn sb grass to use for my own island on survival, I didn't used to play that server, though I first joined there and built an island already, I found economy being more imaginative having the added shoo menus to bring some of my creative builds onto skyblock. Finding out I earned grass and keys on survival when voting for all the servers was definitely a confident boost, now I have some type of grass income to invest into island farm materials as a new player. And that's kept me playing since. Everyone is struggling so much to build the same multi million dollar costing farms, partly because of the lack of tradeable income which kept both servers trading with each other
  13. emil733

    emil733 Member

    Mar 18, 2023
    I haven't thought about it that way, I think your right, that kind of ''starter boost'' surely gives eco/skyblock players a reason to explore the other server too. Another good point.
  14. KhalDrogo

    KhalDrogo Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2015
    What makes you say there is a lack of grass on Skyblock?
  15. emil733

    emil733 Member

    Mar 18, 2023
    Barely anyone is buying any rares with grass (mainly talking about hunt heads and dps). That made all hunt heads drop from 5%-40% since people are lowering the price after period of no sales and people are selling dps that used to be worth 1.5 for 0.8 and still can't get rid of them. All of the other dp prices also dropped massively besides 2019's or older. If you want to sell a dp for grass you need to put it up way under market value and it still will be super hard to get rid of it.
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  16. JAWD543

    JAWD543 Active Member

    May 28, 2019
    Ever thought people just don't care about dp heads. Supply is there, just no demand?
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
  17. emil733

    emil733 Member

    Mar 18, 2023
    Thats just not true because there is a big market for dps, people just dont buy with grass they buy with items. It also has been different before 1.19, you could easily sell a dp for the market value within a few days but now less people have grass to afford buying them with grass.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
  18. LeoSteel

    LeoSteel Active Member

    Nov 25, 2019
    This just feels like a complaint post about the fact people dont want to grind for money anymore like Drogo said it’s possible, but people are lazy and just want things like double vote rewards given to them. Money is infinite on eco but you say there’s not enough ways to get it? You just want easier ways to get it.
  19. KhalDrogo

    KhalDrogo Senior Member

    Sep 22, 2015
    Maybe too many people are pouring their grass into casinos and now it all sits with the successful casino operators. Looking at the larger picture, that’s what they do in the end. There will always be more losers than winners so they just move the grass to the casino operators.
    I’ve always spoken against the moral issue of casinos and gambling but I think they also have a bad impact on the economy.
    I have heaps of grass but then I have never owned or played a casino.

    Cropper farms certainly make the most money at a large scale but they might not be the best way to earn money in the early game.
    The price of spawners don’t make sense and the players control that.
    I’ve no idea why the going price for pig spawners doubled after the update.
    I don’t know why cow spawners cost 10 times that of pig. Their drops sell for less than double.
    Sheep spawners too are pricy.
    I get that they are rarer but ultimately they are just used for producing income and should be valued according to what their drops sell for.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
  20. emil733

    emil733 Member

    Mar 18, 2023
    Well there’s a few points that would speak against that: Casinos have been popular for a very long time, the grass shortage started after 1.19. Another thing is that some of the most popular casinos have spin books now so you can trade in any rare for spins, a lot of people don’t even spin with grass anymore. The next thing is that the casino owners commonly are the people that are into dp trading, so the grass they make with the casinos would go into the dp market, but it doesn’t.

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