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  1. Kuriboh_kun

    Kuriboh_kun Active Member

    Jul 30, 2021
    This is one of my more radical suggestions, but I believe the end would be one of the biggest and greatest additions that could be made for the server, so I balanced similarly to the nether was, I know it would be too broken if we used vanilla mechanics so dragon heads and obsidian wouldn't be mineable and item frames won't be generated to balance it a little, emerald rates in chests could also be lowered or taken out completely.

    To access the end a warp could be made with a portal everyone can use, there's no use in having a personal portal anyway since they share a spawn point, this dimension would also be reset every month like the nether.

    The dragon would also have to be disabled, but maybe it would be better to /kill it every reset, so there are portals to the outside part of the end, but maybe that can be solved in other way like spawning the portals with commands and just keeping the dragon disabled.

    You also cannot place end crystals, signs and other stuff like in the nether.

    I know it's a lot of limitations, but this would give us a new dimension to explore, more ways to get items you already get in fortresses like diamonds and a great place to get shulkers and end stone!
    • No Support No Support x 4
    • Support Support x 1
    • Neutral Neutral x 1
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2023
  2. OnceDucky

    OnceDucky Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2017
    Yeah, would definitely love to be able to get into the end, a lot of rebalancing would have to be done as you said, even endstone would have to be balanced, maybe make it where when you break endstone it has a very low drop chance, a lot of the chest would need to probably be balanced but would be fun.
  3. Kuriboh_kun

    Kuriboh_kun Active Member

    Jul 30, 2021
    yeah, I too believe that with an approach similar to the nether in things like endstone this could be a great inclusion
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2023
  4. athena_x

    athena_x Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    this would require a lot of extra work from the devs to prevent tons of end mechanics from ruining the economy.

    some problematic features:
    • people can respawn the dragon using end crystals
    • elytras naturally spawn in end cities along with tons of loot such as diamonds & armor
    • dragon heads also spawn naturally in end cities
    • this would kindof ruin the point of being able to farm chorus fruit and there are already currently ways that end blocks get introduced into the economy
    this just seems like a lot of extra work for items that already have a place in skyblock, that’s why i’m leaning towards no support
  5. Kuriboh_kun

    Kuriboh_kun Active Member

    Jul 30, 2021

    Most of the mechanics are already implemented for the nether
    • There's a mechanic that doesn't let you place obsidian in the nether, we can use that to prevent people placing crystals.
    • There's a mechanic that doesn't let you break spawners in the nether, we can use that to prevent dragon heads and item frames(elytras) to be mined.
    • Also chorus fruit is still faster to get in a farm, this would only make it so new players don't have to buy it to farm it, same as nether wart in the nether.
    • Some items can even be taken out of the generation of structures, so we could take out the elytra or even replace it with an item that fits skyblock, maybe a spawner or emerald.
    From my point of view, it's using a lot of the current plugins (not that much work) to have a highly requested feature and another source for those items that includes exploration and combat, something that Skyblock could use more of.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2023
  6. CraftWithAbbie

    CraftWithAbbie Active Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    personally i think an end warp would be brilliant, even just as an extra place to build and be with friends. the dragon would add extra challange to the game, such as challenge 50+1 could be to slay the dragon, which respawnes once per day as an event, like a mob areana event i guess. the rewards, could be dragons breath potions, in order to make tipped arrows for the new update. or drops of xp that players can manually bottle would also be good.

    an issue i could see with it being a public warp, instead of a private island portal there, is that the end would be looted very quickly by players that already have elytras, and other top tier items. this could mean that a newer player goes to the end in hopes of finding an elytra, or other end loot, only to find that the servers warp has nothing left. ive often gone into my nther and found a fortress, only to find its been ransacked already. kinda annoying when its my portal that i ned resources from. but obviously i know thats a setting to turn on or off, alloweing players to enter.

    i think the end would work well, even with a dragon as a daily event, kinda how the llama spawns at the crates once a day. the possibility of slaying a dragon for tons of xp, or dragons breath potions, could be a great new addidtion to the server. i support this, with some tweaks to how players can enter and regarding what loot is available.
  7. Dexuby

    Dexuby Active Member

    Jan 5, 2021
    Thank you for creating a suggestion!
    Unfortunately after looking at it we have decided that we will not be adding this feature. We felt like this would not be possible or needed in-game, so your suggestion has been declined. Feel free to create a new suggestion, we're always looking for new additions!
    This thread has been locked and moved to Server Gameplay Suggestions Archive.
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