Economy Updates - July 25th, 2024 Mob AI changes - The movement of mobs can cause significant lag on the Economy server, especially when players only use mob spawners or farms. This update will work alongside the release of additional Mob Spawners in the server shop, which will be available soon. Keep in mind that many of the changes implemented will not be permanent. We would like to hear your thoughts on what we should re-enable in Matt’s feedback thread: We will also make similar changes to the Survival server for specific mobs that are massively spawned, however we will keep many vanilla aspects. So far we have seen a 5+ TPS increase on Economy though further testing is needed.
Reporting average TPS for the last few days is around 13 so essentially what it was before the update. I believe around the time of the update, there were many stacks of mobs that despawned. Perhaps it was that that lead to the initial improvement but those stacks are coming back now.
Unloaded chunks have no impact on server performance. And a 20k stacked mob has the same performance impact as a 5x stacked mob.