Dungeon On SkyBlock.Net

Discussion in 'Other/Uncategorized Suggestions Archive' started by Fell_In_Lava, Jan 1, 2016.

  1. Fell_In_Lava

    Fell_In_Lava Member

    Dec 31, 2015
    Hello, for those who don't know me, I am Fell_In_Lava. Many players on the .NET server have probably seen my island and have positively commented on the builds that have taken place there.

    However, I would like to propose and idea. A dungeon on the .Net server.

    Many of you are probably thinking, 'I don't know if that's a good idea'. But. I can assure you it is. I have played on many servers. The two main ones being, CityCraft and McServer. Some readers may recognise the names. However they're both shut down now. On each of the servers above I have participated in building several projects. 3 of which were dungeons.

    So? Now you get the idea of who I am. Lets explain the dungeon.

    The dungeon is an exciting feature to a server that has a potential to gather its own crowd! It can be what a server is known for! Inside, teams of players will have the opportunity to embark on the quest to complete the dungeon. Of which at the end, the successful players will be rewarded handsomely. Diamonds / armour / tools / weapons / Materials? Who knows?!

    I would like to put myself forward as a core builder for this project and I hope this thread gets taken seriously. Building a dungeon on another successful server would be fantastic.

    Positive impact it could have on the server:
    - Bringing together some groups of people / larger sense of community
    - A form of competitiveness for teams to go against each other
    - A feature for the server that adds more depth, giving people another reason to stay
    - Once the dungeon has been built, it can be modified so easily to ensure it doesn't get boring
    - The dungeon would only require 1 plugin and just a few select builders, of whom I would like to be in the process of selecting

    Negative aspects: (I cannot think of any at this time)

    Feel free to add your opinion, voice any complaints and let your ideas be known.

    I for one think this is a great idea!
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016
  2. iballisticbunny6

    iballisticbunny6 Senior Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    I think this would be very interesting to have but with all the things going on right now (trying to get /ma j back, all the lag in the chat{idk for all people],etc) I will stay neutral for now but good luck
  3. Lemonade

    Lemonade Boss Member

    Jan 11, 2015
    If it requires a plugin (which it does), I don't think we need to add something like this before we fix the bugs. Regardless, I don't really support this idea; it would ruin the aspect of survival in the survival server.
  4. Fell_In_Lava

    Fell_In_Lava Member

    Dec 31, 2015
    I said It requires a plug in, also its not about 'need' its about adding another feature to the server, not regarding if the server needs it or not.
    I doubt it would have an impact on the 'survival aspect' as people would need to have relatively decent gear to even attempt the dungeon. So, I disagree completely with it ruining the survival aspect, with certain classes of donators getting material including 15 grass every day, a dungeon allowing players to have extra enjoyment on the server, while getting rewarded for it; would not ruin either the economy or survival aspect of the server.

    However, thank you for the input.
  5. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
    I think this would be more interesting as a different gamemode on Mineverse actually, no support for here though.
  6. Myrmwife

    Myrmwife Active Member

    Dec 11, 2015
    I would have to agree with everyone here too. I feel that this might just kill our server and that would not be cool. It is one of the best ones that Myrm and I have found in a while. I also had a thought. . . Why would you ruin Skyblock with a dungeon?? It is called Skyblock for a reason. . . am I right? There are no dungeons. . .Great now I want to go play Dungeons & Dragons. :t
  7. Fell_In_Lava

    Fell_In_Lava Member

    Dec 31, 2015
    The servers went down because the owners decided that they had enough, it was nothing to do with not receiving donations. Believe me.

    The servers had been running ever since multiplayer minecraft had been released, so I don't blame the owners for closing the servers.

    For people who have been around long enough, they would have known 'Elmo' For McServer. Who built the huge space ship.
  8. Fell_In_Lava

    Fell_In_Lava Member

    Dec 31, 2015
    I can't see any reason for how it would 'kill' the server? Please help me to understand your reasoning?
  9. Myrmidous

    Myrmidous Well-Known Member Premium

    Dec 2, 2015
    Many compliments, sir; this is fairly well written. I can tell you've had a little experience putting together persuasive compositions at your grade school. Let's get into it.
    Full marks for an introduction instead of jumping right into screaming for changes.
    Correct use of the "However," format?! If you hadn't immediate blown it with "propose and idea" I would have cried tears of pure manly love.
    Did you kill them? Not accusing, just asking sir.

    Also I'm struggling with the concept that this is a good idea because you've played on many other servers. Those two things look like separate sentences that ended up having too many drinks and went home together at 2am. Did those other servers enjoy having a Dungeon? What did the servers get out of the experience?
    You're on the Skyblock forums. The server name is "SkyBlock". It's about islands in the sky. With blocks. I'm pretty sure there's already some sort of "theme" going on here, sir.
    Chuck Norris knows. Also: Oh, this is some sort of... minigame? That's rather interesting.
    Excellent! Start building on your island, I'd love to see a working example.
    Oh, this is a plugin type thing. I thought it was a build? What is the plugin name, I'm kind of interested.

    Helped you out with that one, sir.
    Very well written post with a couple good points in favor. If I were your speech instructor I'd give you a passing score with some notes on improving your persuasive ability.

    Do you have some sort of prototype or example built? Maybe on your island somewhere? I'd like to see what you're talking about. This sounds rather interesting but I can't throw support on an idea when you've got this "B. Rabbit" situation going on. Win some rap battles, show that credibility so the label knows they picked a winner.

    Support status: Up In The Air
  10. EdwinKoala

    EdwinKoala Active Member

    Jun 8, 2014
    If you want to play this with your friends, might i suggest you buy a Minecraft server or Realms. A even better idea would be to make your own Minecraft server. Therefor, I'll say No Support for this Suggestion. Good Luck!
  11. Myrmwife

    Myrmwife Active Member

    Dec 11, 2015
    Okay for one thing it is called SKYBLOCK! Not dungeon block. That is one reason. and the second reason is that if you get like 600 players all in one dungeon it will kill the server. . . just think about it. It will be a huge mess and a waste of time. Sorry that is my opinion and for the record I believe what Myrm said. . . I would take his advice. . . trust me, I know him.
  12. Fell_In_Lava

    Fell_In_Lava Member

    Dec 31, 2015
    Although, still no support yet , thank you for your comments etc.

    I can see from the points that you've picked out, that in fact, I haven't explained at all; in any detail; how the servers prior to this one have done with adding a dungeon to their belt. So let me explain.

    The dungeons were set up in a way that they were able to be reset/modified monthly, making the experience of the 'new' dungeon enjoyable more often. Specifically CityCraft, thrived from this build, people would come on dead set on being the first ones to complete the course. At the time, servers only mad a maximum 400, downwards people that were able to play at one time. (Old tech and all). So there would be 150+ waiting to attempt the dungeon at each reset. (The rewards were only awarded once.

    On the other hand, I can see from everyone's point of view that change can be very disruptive, and yes of course I can be sympathetic to the idea of this. Regardless of how people feel about change, the idea as a whole; I do believe to be a very constructive, time worthy and fun project.

    Thank you again for your input.
  13. Kang_Da!

    Kang_Da! Active Member

    May 3, 2015
    Hi I am Kang_Da and i want to...
    Oh wait off topic

    So i like the idea. Still it would be too much for net. Besides farming/building/chatting/trading/exploring/dps usw. it's not needed for skyblock servers. Skyblock is mainly for getting items and build a wonderful island to show off.
    The dungeon would be cool and i would play it but not on a server like net. There are still many dissatisfactory things to fix.

    EDIT: Still didn't change my opinion. We need other plugins who will improve the skyblock experience. It's not necessary yet. Maybe wait until Cyp needs new ideas.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016
  14. Fell_In_Lava

    Fell_In_Lava Member

    Dec 31, 2015
    I never expressed at any point that this would change the whole point of the server, its merely another feature to the server, for example 'warp mob' 'warp trade', they're just other areas of the server for people to go other than their own island. I do not believe that the project would be a waste of time, however I appreciate your perspective of the idea.
  15. DatGamurLizz

    DatGamurLizz Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    Agreed ^^
  16. Fell_In_Lava

    Fell_In_Lava Member

    Dec 31, 2015
    This was nothing to do with, 'let me build a dungeon so just my friends and I can play in it', idea.

    This project was predominantly meant for everyone on the server, at no point had I intended it to be for just myself.
  17. Adrian_Monk_

    Adrian_Monk_ Experienced Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    Technically there's a dungeon at /warp mob.
  18. LivingShadow

    LivingShadow Experienced Member

    Jun 7, 2014
    Try suggesting this on Mineverse maybe? :p
  19. Fell_In_Lava

    Fell_In_Lava Member

    Dec 31, 2015
    'Technically' Yeah, but its nothing that creates wide eyes and enjoyment really is it?
  20. Crystal

    Crystal Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    No Support,
    Reasons stated above.

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