demote inactive staff

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Salvation, Sep 23, 2022.

  1. Pancake

    Pancake syrup x Moderator Premium

    Aug 21, 2016
    This will likely be my final message on this post, just because I do not wish to cause any problems with anyone. You’re right, maybe a post on my forums profile page would’ve been a good idea, and I’ve made it apparent i’ve been focusing on education on discord on many occasion. Loading up minecraft is very quick, yes, but logging in for one minute, just doesn’t seem effective in my eyes. Every known again, when I have more than 30 minutes to spend on the server, I will log on, and hang out with the community

    Like I explained, I do love the server and everyone in it, so believe me, I wish I could be active :heart:
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  2. NotErics

    NotErics Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2019
    But wouldn't people say something along the lines of "They only joined to reset the counter on /staff"?
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  3. Teeler

    Teeler i am kenough

    Nov 2, 2014
    YEP they literally would do this. Sometimes you just can't win when trying to appease a person's argument :(
  4. Megan

    Megan Experienced Member Premium

    Apr 25, 2020
    I am going to say 1 thing and that's it,
    Active or Inactive: if you ever messaged any of us, we would help you, we'd support you, we'd be that shoulder to cry on that people sometimes need, we are always here for you no matter how big or small.
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  5. bERYbERRY

    bERYbERRY c000000000000000kies Builder Premium

    Mar 2, 2014
    why dont u msg me instead? wheres my support : (
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  6. Emerald

    Emerald Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2016
    I mean there are a few staff members that I was directly told by Kerahna that new players should know not to message them since they are inactive and would not get an answer and for myself to not even try to bother messaging them (the staff who haven't been active for months at a time). What is the purpose of being on the team when you don't check up on the server, don't care to post on forums, "don't have the time" to put a message in the Discord, or even response to a private message for many many months. If you're a new player, how would you know what staff is active or not? When I joined this server many many years ago, I would message a random trial-moderator or a staff member on the list for help that I needed, not knowing who was active or not. The fact that "everyone should know who's active or not and who to message or not" and the fact that "applicants should not model themselves after inactive staff" just really doesn't sit right with me and seems like a slap into the face to those who have put in so much time, work, and dedication when some just get a free pass. If you're on the team, you're going to get messages coming in. When many many players have been messaging a single or a few staff members in a few months time and no one has gotten a single response from any of them, there is definately an issue. I stand by this. I've messaged more than one staff member for many months now checking up, asking how they were doing and such, or asking server related questions as we use to have a good relationship, and no response to any member of the community as I'm not the only one who tried, although they always seem to be online Discord. Now this isn't just one staff member, I can think of a few who have had this major inactivity on all platforms and don't even respond to their DM's to any player even though they seem to be going on Discord and stuff. At that point, there's no excuses for "no time" to even open up the Discord app in your 24 hour day and leave a message in a text channel, or make a forums comment/post to show your activity. There's always time to do that, only if you make time. It's really hard to believe that these staff who claim "they don't have time", just simply do not care or have the motivation. No one has a 24 hour day with no breaks or time to have fun or whatever for many months, it's very unlikely. Even before you go to bed you have time to do something server related, but that doesn't seem to be the case. When I was gonig to school from 6-2:30 and then work to 3-9 and then homework I would still make time for the server even if it was just messaging in the #general chat while working on homework, or posting on discussion/suggestion threads, or making conversation with the community. I understand everyone has different things going on in their day, but to not make 5 minutes in your day for a few months to hop onto the server or do something else server related that is public, is just absurd to me. The fact these people are kept on the team is just beyond me, as if this was any other server or community they would have been demoted by now.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. boba

    boba modern manifesto Premium

    Dec 26, 2019
    y'all forgetting that this is a block game makes me laugh so hard :poop:
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  8. Calidre

    Calidre Experienced Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    You either reply to these kinds of threads because,

    1) You want free ratings


    2) You're lying
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  9. Emerald

    Emerald Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2016
    Although my comments haven't reflected this, I 100% agree with this statement and it's obvious some people lack the motivation to even play Minecraft anymore which is completely understandable and this is a Minecraft server/forums we are all talking on so yes, it's not that serious to really any extent at all and most of these comments seem silly. We all grow out of our hobbies at some point, and that is completely fine and understandable for each individual. But in my opinion, to keep your position for a game you don't have the motivation to even go on anymore, is absurd to me that they are kept staff "for the extra help" when their liking for Minecraft will probably never come back. Some are taking this more seriously than others, while others are not. I've only been taking this serious since this has been a known issue for years/months now with little to no agreement from staff on this issue and has created a widespread discussion throughout the server, so I thought I'd share my opinion on this topic. But for the long running of the server, keeping the server active, healthy, and alive, as Skyblock is basically a "profitable buisness" more than a server made for fun, I feel like this discussion is relevant and needed for those who want Skyblock to coninue being an active server for following years to come as the staff are the role models of the server, as well as new and cocurrent players.
  10. Marcy

    Marcy Apostlé of Falcons Premium

    Mar 30, 2018
    Even though the fact that we are putting a shame to our lovely staff members on the OLDEST/FIRST skyblock server which Noobcrew is the founding father of all skyblock in minecraft which is the BIGGEST gaming community in history which is something we need to learn especially respecting and peers to do

    I was in a demand what lies behind the staff curtain that is hidden to the public what is being worked on and discussed about twice
    He ain't wrong tho
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  11. Emerald

    Emerald Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2016
    To be fair, we knew the mentor program was being worked on for over a year's time behind the scenes, and when it was finally created after no information at all given, it was disbanded in less than a month with no information, contact, or response from the staff member who made that conversation making more than half of the applicants lose their motivation and take down their application. Since May and still to this day, I still haven't recieved Discord and forum DM's from this staff after I messaged a few times asking questions about what happened to the program, or if someone else was taking it over due to inactivity, but no response, as well as some of my past fellow applicants also have tried. After the applicants kept asking where the program was for months and months and wanted to put in all this work and commitment, it was just completely obscured into the oblivion due to no response from the person in charge after only 2 responses written in a month's time. It doesn't exist anymore. I know you were in this conversation at one point, which is why I'm bringing this up. It just seems like these things never work out, and the "things being worked on" behind the scenes don't make any appearance or information given for months or even over a year and the outcome usually doesn't seem to be positive which really hurts the community when no information is shared in these things. And for those staff who are saying "inactive staff doesn't effect anyone", well, this is a prime example of how it effected the applicants at the time who were putting in a ton of effort and commitment into this new program.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2022

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