block button or upgrade ignore

Discussion in 'Forums Suggestions' started by Gamzee24, Apr 11, 2021.

  1. Gamzee24

    Gamzee24 Loner Premium

    Feb 23, 2015
    hi um so you read the title. we need a block button as to where you can block a person and it will block ANY sort of contact with the person blocked. when you ignore someone, you can still get ratings from them and they can still see your posts which is very annoying. i would like to block people so i can stop getting smart a** replies and dumb, useless rating from little kids. one of the many reasons why i became less active on here. basically, i want a block button to be implemented either to replace the ignore button, or add onto it. or upgrade ignore. and the function of it (which should be obvious) should be that if i were to block said person, they should not be able to find my profile, see any of my messages, have guaranteed 0 contact with me, any status updates not be shown on their home profile, and if they have notifications for a specific thread, that any created threads by me will not show on their alerts, and all previous ratings that were given to me by that person would disappear. similar to instagram how likes will disappear and so will their profile to you, etc. and obviously add a blocked list too.

    thanks for reading and have a good day.
    • No Support No Support x 1
  2. Ca1

    Ca1 Senior Member

    Apr 24, 2014
    Wow, so your feelings are hurt because you got some bad ratings so you want to remove people's ability to give their opinion about what you post? Come on, no offence, but you really need to think about the suggestion before you post it. Imagine suggestions and moderator applications. Usually the people you would be blocking would be the people most critical about you/the people who have had negative experiences with you. So all/if not most staff apps would just be filled with positive experiences, a picture of the applicant which is not accurate at all. And if this suggestion was already a thing I would not be here telling you what a bad idea this is ...
  3. Blade2344

    Blade2344 Member

    Dec 30, 2020
    I agree with your opinion.From my side also no support. The forum lives on criticism and agreement. If you would now block everyone who expresses negative criticism, that would be very counterproductive.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. OnceDucky

    OnceDucky Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2017
    Yeah you get bad comments for a reason people on this server are usually friendly they will not be disagreeing with you for no reason... there will always be a reason
    • Agree Agree x 1

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