Economy /auction

Discussion in 'Server Gameplay Suggestions' started by Mai, Apr 17, 2021.

  1. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    i suggest reintroducing /auction to the economy server. this could allow players to auction items for about a minute or two, and allow players to bid for the item being auctioned.

    let me know your thoughts. thanks for reading.
    • Support Support x 18
    • Neutral Neutral x 2
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    • No Support No Support x 1
  2. arxh

    arxh Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2020
    for a second i though you meant /ah xo,
    yet, this is a good idea HOWEVER most of the time people are afk, so then when noobs /auction something some highroller could grab it for really cheap,
    but yea, support :heart:
  3. Calidre

    Calidre Experienced Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    This occurs anyways if they choose to put a low price on /ah I don't see it as being a huge issue

    But yes please 100% support this. I miss doing this years ago it was so much fun, although this definitely will flood chat so maybe have a command like /auctionoff to turn off all auction messages in chat
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Cookie Cookie x 1
  4. Mini

    Mini gronola bar Premium

    Nov 22, 2020
    No Support.
    Honestly, I see people auctioning things in chat so I don't think this is really necessary, not only that I personally think /ah is enough. As Archie stated this is kind of already happening when people list things for cheap and even if they don't I see a large portion of the ah items sold, and while it takes time and /auction would be a way to make some quick cash I don't see the reason to have both. I feel like having both could lead to confusion as people could mistake commands. Also I feel like it's worth mentioning just how many different ways of selling things there are in economy, there's /ah, /shop, /warp shop, player shops, and people auctioning in chat. While I see that this could have potential of cleaning up chat, I don't see enough of a reason since the majority of /economy is afk and using autoad every x amount of minutes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. boba

    boba modern manifesto Premium

    Dec 26, 2019

    Though it seems like a nice feature as Mini and Archie have stated, /ah seems to be working fairly. Also trollers might create many bids and it will clog chat up using either alternative accounts or one account with many bids at once. I like the idea but I personally think the auction system we have right now works perfectly well.

    Bids can even personally be done on islands in local chat to avoid chat clutter and it’s another way.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. Ca1

    Ca1 Senior Member

    Apr 24, 2014
    floauction has a bid increment feature
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    /ah is long term. Auction has a bidding feature. It's a literal auction. We used to have this feature and it worked very well. /ah and auction are not the same, they are different means of selling items. Just because a lot of players are AFK it doesn't mean we should disregard every player that actually plays the game as it is.

    As I let Mini know, /ah and /auction are not the same. Auction gives you a limited time to buy an item and also has bidding. If you are worried about clogging up chat, maybe we could have it enabled for certain donor ranks only.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  8. Calidre

    Calidre Experienced Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    I know for a fact people would be using this all the time. It was an insanely popular plugin back in the early days around 2015-2016 and it also really helped out newer players. They'd auction an apple or some other random item, and the donors all up bid it thousands of dollars for fun to help out the new players.

    They are very much different. /ah only allows for 1 set price and you just have to be the first to purchase that item. Actual auctions involves a time limit with bidding allowed giving everyone the chance to participate. As I said earlier just have a toggle command so that it doesn't flood chat if you don't want it to, like /auctionoff and /auctionon or just something like /toggleauction

    But either way, this was a super useful and fun way to sell items in the past and guarantee it will still be liked and used by many players
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. boba

    boba modern manifesto Premium

    Dec 26, 2019
    I think making it for certain donor ranks would be unfair to those who would want to participate in the bid. Maybe have like a menu and there are the items displayed and they're being bid, you can click on the item you want and it gives an option on how much you want to bid (like /ads where there's the emerald and emerald block) and emerald/emerald block can have a price vary depending on the current bid.

    For example: if an item is being auctioned for 1000$, you can have the emerald for 10$ and the emerald block for 100$. You can click the emerald/emerald block as many times as you want which increases your bid, and then once you confirm your bid, it can be updated. Maybe 5 minutes before the bid ends, it's globally announced in chat?

    Like: Player x's bid for x item is being sold in 5 minutes for x amount with the bidder being x (bidder's IGN).

    It may be complicated to add/adjust but that's my idea.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    Totally agree!
    Your suggestion is good but it would be very hard to implement. The current available auction plugins are pretty easy to set up and use in comparison. Plus I'm not sure how the current method would always clog chat though. The timer usually only announces the last 5 seconds of the auction.
  11. boba

    boba modern manifesto Premium

    Dec 26, 2019
    Do you think you’re able to give me a quick summary on how the /auction command worked originally? I never seen it really been used so I am kinda interested in seeing how it worked.
  12. Calidre

    Calidre Experienced Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    I don't remember exact commands but the player would auction an item in their hand using the command and set a starting price and players can do /bid (amount) and the bid would be increased to that amount. Players can keep bidding it higher and when the auction is over in say 2 minutes the player with the highest bid receives the item

    Edit: You can also auction as many of one item I'm pretty sure so 2304 cobblestone at once or 2 stacks at once
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2021
  13. Mini

    Mini gronola bar Premium

    Nov 22, 2020
    I get that they are different things, and I was simply stating that I was against it. /ah is also a literal auction, it is more long-term but it is also effective. I just don't believe it is necessary since we already have a form of auction. Furthermore, I don't believe we should discredit AFK players, the auction house gives people more of a chance to buy those items. I like the idea of a toggle command, but I still don't see why /auction is necessary. As I mentioned before, we already have many ways of selling items and I don't think we need to add another.
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
  14. Calidre

    Calidre Experienced Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    It's not an auction. It's literally just a place to list an item for sale it's basically a shop. An auction involves multiple people bidding on an item increasing the price it sells for. An auction isn't putting it up for one price until it sells, that's not what an auction is.

    I don't see a reason to not add it actually, gives players a better chance to interact, fun way to get some items, easy way to give away money to some new players, and most importantly it's ACTUALLY an auction, and not literally just a place to list an item for sale.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2021
  15. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    Sure! :))
    A player can start an auction and add a starting price, as well as a bid increment.

    Bid increment = if someone bids, it increases the price by a certain amount. So lets say, the item was originally 300, with the bid increment being 100, and someone new bids, the price will increase to 400 by default. People can bid as high as they want until the time runs out.

    So after a player auctions their item, others can start bidding using /bid until the timer runs out. The player who offered the highest bid gets the item. All of this would happen through chat!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  16. Krissy

    Krissy f̺͆o̺͆r̺͆g̺͆m̺͆i̺͆n̺͆ Administrator Discord Administrator Premium Premium

    Nov 25, 2013
    We used this plugin with no issue back on old economy. It’s a plugin that is used on many servers (or has been not sure it’s status). I would love to see it back.

    Economy used to be much more interactive and having an actual reason to watch the chat because if you didn’t you might miss a bargain.

    Auction house is just /shop but people run

    An auction is a very much interactive and fun way to try win an item and you have no guaranteed chance to win because you are competing. Users will obviously have a cool down, and there is an auction queue. Only one auction goes on at once and because we can likely set a minimum bid increment people won’t spam like $1 in the chat. So no stress.

    it wouldn’t hurt to give players variety in how they sell things. I know another server which had /ah and running auctions. They also have chest shops, and a /shop. That adds to the fun. Where you have choice how you want to sell. If you want instant money, run auctions. Want a fixed price? /ah. Want to run shops? Make a shop. Cant be bothered trading? Use /shop. It makes sense for an economy server to offer as many ways to spread the wealth and auctions are a fun way to do it
    • Agree Agree x 3
  17. eunice

    eunice epiphany Premium

    Apr 26, 2016
    support support!!!!!!!

    I do miss having this feature. It was quite fun to have on old org. I think what krissy said sums up my thoughts on this really well, that it’s more interactive and fun that allows for bargains.
  18. Mai

    Mai serendipity Discord Moderator Premium Premium

    Jul 25, 2015
    totally agree!!!! thank you for the support :heart:33
    thank you for the support :heart::heart:
  19. Jerrry

    Jerrry Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2020
    Neutral on this, I like the upsides of being able to make actual auctions for items but there's a few problems
    for one, this would be hard to code, we don't wanna overload matt :(
    also, there could be dupes which could ruin the economy (oh boy we don't want that happening)
    AND, as archie said, it would be detrimental to new players.
    Im not sure if the upsides outbalance the downsides though. imo a good /auc would be similar to this:
    Can choose any starting price
    Can only have 1 item auctioned at a time
    Can set time auctioned anywhere between 1 minute to 3 days
    auction fee: If price is below 50k and above 10k: 1000 If Price is below 10k: 50 If price is above 50k: fee is 1/20 of the price
    /auc <sell, current, view> <price between 100 and 1000000> <time> <m/h/d>
    /auction <sell, current, view> <price between 100 and 1000000> <time> <m/h/d>
    sell = self-explanatory
    current = see what your current auctions time and current bid is
    view = see all current auctions and bid on them
    m = minute
    h = hour
    d = day
    but hey, i spent way too much time on the second part but anyways
    cool concept but very many problems
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  20. Calidre

    Calidre Experienced Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    You do realize they don`t code it from scratch and use a plugin right?

    How would dupes affect the economy? They could be sold in any other way as well, including shops, trades, the auction house, and any other form of selling so adding an auction would have 0 effect on the increase of dupes. Besides, there hasn't been a major duping problem in a long time and it would be a lot more discreet most likely than selling hundreds of rares on a public auction.

    As I explained, this wouldn't be an issue for new players. It's no different than them buying from current /ah or from shops or from players directly and losing out. If anything it helps out more because a new player could potentially even get a rare item for super cheap and get a big win.

    All of these points to me seem like not a major issue and I still don't see any major problem with adding it
    • Agree Agree x 1

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