Archie's [MOD] Application [NET] [NEW]

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Archie, May 1, 2016.

  1. Archie

    Archie Member

    Mar 18, 2016
    Why I am applying for a staff position.

    Hello everyone! Welcome to my moderator application for the one and only amazing If I get accepted and there is need of moderators on .org I will be happy to moderate both, but to start I would just like to keep it .net. I am aware they have been a few resignations recently. They were pretty good moderators, especially the super mod that just resigned a couple of months ago. I would like to get accepted because I love this server and I want it to reach its absolute max!
    I would like to state I have been on the server
    through a few months. If this gets accepted, it will probably be like 5 months I have been playing due do recent promotions.
    Also, I am aware of a few issues with the staff team. I want to stop that!


    Hello everyone! I am Archie, I am 10 years old and am going for moderator.
    I play minecraft at least 5 hours a day and every second of it is on and .org with pride.
    I am aware there is a little bit of hate on me, I would like to just say I am ignoring
    these people and will report if there is any flame wars on this mod application.
    I have always had a HUGE passion for gaming since age four
    when I beat "Super Mario Bros" on Nintendo DS.
    Anyway, I will stop blabbering and get onto the actual application!

    What is my IGN (In Game Name)?

    My IGN (In Game Name) is Archie_Playz_MC. It used to be
    and ArchieTheRocker. These usernames
    were not very good, and ArchiePlaysCOD was certainly not
    a suitable name for minecraft.
    I am aware I have had too many usernames, but this one is for good.

    What time-zone am I in?

    I am currently in the time-zone GMT. It stands for
    Greenwich Mean Time and is based in London, UK.
    It is 4 hours ahead of EST which is America and a lot of moderators
    live in that time-zone.

    Have I ever been banned?

    Unfortunately yes. This changed the way I play and I really
    regret it. Credit to
    She was the banning moderator.
    [ArchiePlaysCOD] Illegal Trade [FunGamer333] [Accepted] | Skyblock Forums
    There is the appeal, which got accepted.
    Basically what happened was I took sand out a furnace at /warp grass
    I had actually done that a month and a bit ago but I was mature and
    did not say anything wrong/accepted my punishment.

    Why I believe I should see [MOD] Archie_Playz_MC

    I believe so for a number of reasons. First off, skyblock is my home. I have spent 5.84 days on it in the past month and that was quite low for me.
    I am never going to leave and will only resign if I get really
    bad personal issues coming up.
    I would like to take a moment to state some of the traits I have.
    They are a few of them, and I have decided to rank them in order
    of most important.
    #15 being worst, #1 being best
    I have also rated them with a number out of ten.
    This is how much I have of this trait.

    MATURITY #2 7/10

    I am pretty mature for my age. Fair enough,
    I have been pretty immature In the past.
    I am often told that I am mature for my age and I am proud of this.
    I am aware moderators do not have to be
    mature ALL the time, but I do take this seriously.
    Also, I have not been sort of demanding respect. I will NEVER
    do this if I get mod, and today I saw an applicant who is really nearly mod
    warning someone. It was for NOTHING, and I told him in a very
    friendly way. He then said this
    "Do not argue with me Mr." I am not saying any names, but that is the
    OPPOSITE of what I'll be like if I get accepted.

    UNBIASED #4 9/10
    I AM EXTREMELY unbiased. I hate
    the thought of bullying for race, gender, beliefs ETC.
    Imagine a case with my best friend and someone who
    I don't really like. I would sort it out, and if he had done something wrong I would ban me best friend. If the reasons to not ban the player I do not
    really like outweigh the reasons to ban, I would not ban that player.
    I would only judge players when I have sufficient
    evidence to do so.

    READY AND HELPFUL 10/10 #7

    I am always ready In-Game, on Skype and TeamSpeak. I always
    ask in chat if anyone needs help and every time
    someone asks me. I help different people
    but still help everyone if you know what I mean.
    If I get asked by a player/a mod/CypriotMerkz or NoobCrew, and I
    am offline I will be on MineChat.
    For those who do not know what MineChat is, It's a app on devices
    where you can go on servers but only talk.

    FAST-TYPER 8/10 #6

    I have a Words Per Minute (WPM) score of 60-70. This is not very
    good for a 10 year old but it is at least something.
    I am currently taking tests to improve this
    Believe me, this is getting better.

    RESPONSIVE 10/10 #5
    I am always happy to respond to ANYTHING, in both main chat and PM
    (Private Mesaging)
    My eyes react VERY quickly to my name so, like the fast-typer part I can
    answer questions easily.

    RESPONSIBLE 8/10 #9
    I am very respected, so I am respectful back!
    I would NEVER EVER disrespect a player, certainly NEVER
    Cyp or Crew.
    I feel very bad when I make people sad. I really do
    prefer happy over sad :)

    LOYAL 7/10 #3
    When I have friends, I stick with them. None of this
    falling out business, just plain friends. This is
    because I treat everyone nicely so they
    are nice to me in return!
    I give new players some items so I can get some credit!

    HONEST 10/10 #1
    This is the MOST IMPORTANT trait a moderator could have.3
    I am very honest and I want to keep it that way.
    Lies make the situation worse and only digs a deeper hole.
    When I do wrong, I admit it.

    Trustworthy #8 9/10
    You can always count on my to get the job done!
    I really do not mind getting it done if
    no-one else wants to.
    Apologies for the shortness.

    MOD commands
    /tp (player) (player)
    /socialspy (Tmods can't do this)
    /unban (Tmods can't do this)

    If I get accepted, I would get a number of benefits.
    First I think I would be not stressed about it getting denied.
    Second of all, my mom would be happy as I would stop rabbiting
    on about this!

    I have spent the whole weekend (No joke) writing this out.
    First I write it in a notebook
    Then copy it onto here!

    You may not think it
    but I am extremely capable of this.
    I want to be a policeman in real life
    and I have been told many times to apply by little new players and old players.

    I want the best for skyblock! It is lyfe for me!
    I believe that I can make this server better
    (No boast xD)

    I get looted, griefed, scammed you name it: I want
    to put a stop to that.
    I can logblock instantly and then catch the player
    I will ALWAYS check my infraction system
    when I am a new moderator.

    I do know that I cannot ban trusted/coop griefs. I promise
    Cyp/Crew to do my 100% best and feel free
    to demote me if I am not meeting the expectations.

    I am active around 5 hours a day
    On weekends about 7 hours.
    I am at school for 6 hours on weekdays
    but when I get home I can play until bedtime
    On holidays around 8 hours.


    I am head-admin on a small server and server builder
    The server is still active, but I am not on it much
    I thoroughly enjoyed it and
    really want to do it again
    This time on skyblock!

    I would like to take a moment to say, CypriotMerks and Noobcrew
    Thank you!
    You guys have made a server that has made
    SO many people happy! If it was not for you guys
    I would of QUIT minecraft, my favourite game.
    My reason for applying is that you guys
    (And all mods) have a life too, and so do other mods.
    I do it too, but I don't mind
    spending a little bit more time on it
    I always have a great time on skyblock
    It really is my home

    Kind regards all

    • No Support No Support x 13
    • Support Support x 1
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
  2. PartyA

    PartyA Active Member

    May 27, 2015
    No support. I don't really think you would be a great mod, but good luck.
    (I changed it because I hadn't realized mods were promoted at his age. So sorry, but that wasn't the only reason I thought he shouldn't be mod, but I don't want to go on a full rant about it.)
    Last edited: May 1, 2016
  3. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
    In my eyes you're just not mature enough for the position. No support, I'll add more reasons later.
    Mods have been promoted at his age before. ^^
  4. Archie

    Archie Member

    Mar 18, 2016
    Really quite rude, agent was 10 when she god mod. Age is never a depending factor.
    I respect your decision.
  5. Agent

    Agent not really an agent Premium

    Oct 17, 2015
    Don't mention you're desperate.
    I got mod at age 10
    Don't tag them

    No support overall. I don't think you'd be a good mod.
  6. JackFazz93

    JackFazz93 Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2016
    support because your friendly and helpful this is much better than your other 1
  7. Archie

    Archie Member

    Mar 18, 2016
    Okay. I respect your decision.
  8. Agent

    Agent not really an agent Premium

    Oct 17, 2015
    Not needed.
  9. Archie

    Archie Member

    Mar 18, 2016
    Well I just wanted to state that I want to avoid confusion. Will delete.
    Aww thank you so much! First supporter so far :) You are going to get mod when the time is right, friend!
  10. Crystal

    Crystal Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    15% Support.
    Being desperate is not something you would want to put in your application.
    No matter what, please don't tag Cyp or Noobcrew in your application.
    I also don't suggest adding this, as being well known really doesn't matter. Sometimes it is difficult to do the right thing when you have to face your 'friends'. This may lead to people thinking you are biased.
    Good luck!
  11. Agent

    Agent not really an agent Premium

    Oct 17, 2015
    Please don't tag mods in applications. If you could make the color darker that'd be nice
  12. Archie

    Archie Member

    Mar 18, 2016
    Yo okay! Thank you SO MUCH for the 15%, I'll try hard to earn that extra %85! Fixed!
    Okay! Is there anything else I can improve on?
  13. SkiCen

    SkiCen Active Member

    Apr 19, 2015
    No support for now. Also, last time I checked, tagging staff in applications was against the rules. But it's been eons since I've checked the app rules
  14. PartyA

    PartyA Active Member

    May 27, 2015
    I have changed it. Sorry, I hadn't known mods were promoted at his age. I would suggest reading my edit.
  15. Archie

    Archie Member

    Mar 18, 2016
    Yes, I have fixed that.
  16. Uras

    Uras Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
  17. Archie

    Archie Member

    Mar 18, 2016
    Aww, thank you so much bud. Really means the world to me :)
  18. Bard

    Bard Active Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    Coming from really pretty immature idiot who always breaks chat rules, ima leave a decent reply.
    First, maturity should AT LEAST be 8/10. (Coming from someone who's like 3/10 maturity)
    Second, i hope age isnt an issue
    third, *drops mic* bard out.
    7.5-8/10 support
  19. Config

    Config Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2015
    Moderators cannot ban ips.

    Disagree. You ignored Stel, Houzo and I when we were asking for help.
    No Support
  20. iballisticbunny6

    iballisticbunny6 Senior Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    Okay, this is a step up from your last application but this needs some work. First of all, you said you were going to re-apply in 2017, where'd that go? Secondly, this app really needs some organization. Thirdly, remove some of the unneeded details that people already know. Lastly, make the text colour a bit darker, I have to strain my eyes a bit to see it. Overall, you've changed and matured a bit since your last application, but you still need to work on some things.
    Partial support (45%) for now. Good luck.

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