I understand that dirt sale is not allowed, I'm not trying to circumvent that. I use item frames on chests to identify what is in the chests, but you cannot put dirt in an item frame. The error you get is: "Sorry, this item is not legal to give or trade". I'm not looking to give or trade, I'm looking to identify and to the best of my knowledge, you can't sell via item frames, only signs. Can we please change this to allow dirt to be placed in an item frame?
I think this is in place to try to prevent people from giving dirt to others, but it can be easily circumvented by putting it in a chest in breaking it, so I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be allowed.
Negative Ghost Rider, I have a chest that has dirt in it. 3x 64 stacks and 38 to be precise, all of which has come from grass that has been placed and then torn up at some point and not placed back down for grass to grow on it yet.