Global A big change to spawner mechanics!

Discussion in 'Server Gameplay Suggestions' started by Kuriboh_kun, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Kuriboh_kun

    Kuriboh_kun Active Member

    Jul 30, 2021
    Currently, the way spawners work, once they are broken they will reset to a pig spawner after being placed again, still, they retain the past mob information between being broken and placed,
    my suggestion is changing the way we reset spawners, letting players retain the mob information in the spawner after breaking it and placing it, i think this is a change that would benefit skyblock for the next reasons:
    • It would let players trade spawners that already have been set to a pupular mob, currently having a spawner change its mob type is a free service thats provided broadly without charge, also, if you buy a spawner from an online player, most of the times he/she will gladly help you do /spawner too, having spawners retain this information would enable doing this in bulk before the fact and simply put the new zombie pigmen or skeleton spawner in a shop similar to the way /enchant works.
    • It would make Guardian Spawners more available and feel better to use while keeping the prestige and collectible side of Guardian Eggs, currently placing a guardian egg will take it outside the market, if this change is made, the usefull part of the item can still be in the market while keeping the collectible nature of the egg itself intact, paralel to heads and placed heads, this would also let guardian spawner owners relocate them, not punishing them for the location chosen or the moment of the item adquisition, improving quality of life.
    • Less /trust required for spawners in general, improving safety. Without the need to change the spawner in its final place no trusting is required to help change the spawner, less trust for practical reasons is always better for overall safety.
    • Players would be able to experiment more with their farms, even titans know the pain of moving 8 gold spawners and having to do /spawner for each one waiting for the respective cooldown, now imagine that struggle as a unranked player that has most of their money invested in spawners and has an idea to improve their farm, this would solve this issue.

    still, i understand the logic of the current system, so i had some options to the way this can be implemented

    • Make it so /spawner pig is available regardless of rank, the easiest and best way to do it in my opinion, this will let players keep a standart way of trading spawners, keeping chestshop functionality, still this wouldnt affect progression for the need of a silk pickaxe, pig spawners are already fully available to unranked players and we can even add an alias like [/spawner clear] to differentiate it from the other mobs.
    • Make it non-silk pickaxes drop spawners too but only silk ones retain the mob information, this is another option that protects the rank balance a little more, not making a command more available, this at cost of current progression and the value of silk, i dont fully agree with this option but i can see its worth
    • make it so crouching, or other player input while placing determines if the spawner is reseted or not this option would be the best one for some points, keeping most of the current system, not changing anything about command availability, make it easy to learn even just by accidental encounters, not changing progression, etc, but all of this benefits come at 2 big problems, this sounds something a lot harder to implement for the development team and it relying on player input may subject it to bugs that can bring its own issues.

    I really hope this gets implemented because problems such as changing spawners to other players and modifying a guardian farm are problems i encounter personally, i think this change would be great in general with little issues that cant be circumvented.
    This concludes my suggestion, thanks a lot for your attention and i would greatly appreciate if you leave any feedback or support you may have in response!
    • Support Support x 8
    • Neutral Neutral x 2
  2. Ca1

    Ca1 Senior Member

    Apr 24, 2014
    You make very good points, especially about the guardian farms! Support! :D
  3. Boarder

    Boarder Active Member

    Dec 27, 2020
    Support here as well! You had me with the /spawner pig for everyone :) Wont have to do shops for all mob spawners haha
  4. Kuriboh_kun

    Kuriboh_kun Active Member

    Jul 30, 2021
    may i get some feedback explaining the neutral rating LeoSteel flaming_tree_, i would love to expand my suggestion to fit any comment you have :)
  5. minifigman

    minifigman Active Member

    Feb 2, 2021
    Love this, full support. Really helps with guardian spawners
  6. LeoSteel

    LeoSteel Active Member

    Nov 25, 2019
    The suggestion is interesting, but there are lots of things to be worked out, I think it opens opportunities for people to try and hike up prices for different mob spawners and refuse to help new players or those without /spawner commands, instead charging them more because they can't do it themselves (only a foreseeable possibility, not a guarantee of course). I think for guardian spawners it may be helpful, but limited. (Think; selling a guardian spawner in a shop for the cost of more than the space of the chest shop inventory, useless, it still wouldn't be easily marketable in my opinion), but for flexibility of moving them, fair, but still not a huge deal (that really only affects a small minority of players).

    I honestly don't see the issue with moving a farm (non guardian specific), it take 3 minutes, and perhaps people should spend more time helping new players with these sorts of problems to guide them and help them, it doesn't take much time out of our day, to make someone else's day entirely. (Your signature is all about "helping the greenies", it creates better connections and is more social with the current system)

    I think the idea is ok, I personally just don't see it making a difference to what we have now and think it might just create more issues by implementing, hence the neutral.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. MorayEel

    MorayEel Active Member Discord Moderator Premium

    Aug 28, 2020
    I support this, and I'd also like to suggest something small.
    We're all well aware that when breaking spawners with a Silk Touch Pickaxe, they tend to fly all over the place (at least on /economy they do.) Lots of spawners are lost to this and it would be nice to rework the spawner mining system so that they drop how they are supposed to.
  8. Kuriboh_kun

    Kuriboh_kun Active Member

    Jul 30, 2021
    LeoSteel i dont see a market for spiking different spawners, compare it to /enchant, theres simply no use in charging for mending or any enchant from commands in particular when its something available to such a big group and the way to obtain it is well known, the market regulates itself in that aspect. Now about the usefullness of this, i have struggled several times with getting new players to trust me, wait for my cooldown, ask what spawner they would like, dont get me wrong, i LOVE spending time with unranked players, its one of my favourite activities but time spent explaining them this concepts they really dont need untill later in the game is time wasted actually learning about them, 90% of the times i give some spawners to a greenie i have to do this, and most minecraft players would already know how to use a spawner that doesnt reset, also, when you have a farm with 16 spawners or more even a little change to the design can take like 10 minutes just from cooldowns, and if the farm is guardian is just impossible, still i understand your concerns about the how many people may this help, still, as i said, the market for geggs may be bigger once the commitment to place them is lower and farms are one of the 3 big markets in the server. i think with all the things being considered, little issue can arise.

    flaming_tree_ i just dont see how different spawners could have different prices when i dont suggest a change to the availability of the /spawner command for any mob other than pigs, its the same thing as /enchant, yeah, theres people making money out of it, but if you ask nicely in chat is almost always a free service and the great mayority of shops actually charge very little for the command, theres just to many skygods+ to make it a limited item or drive a market, now imagine when talking about a perk available to all skylords+, also your neutral reaction was before leo's comment for the record
  9. Kuriboh_kun

    Kuriboh_kun Active Member

    Jul 30, 2021
    flaming_tree_ i understand your concerns but i think we as a community should be the ones helding people accountable for that kind of lying instead of letting some bad apples stop the progress of the server as a whole, also the market for spawners is so big that is not that easy to spread missinformation, still, its a very valid point to consider, i think a soulution would be for the players to run a store like K41YU's where you can change any unenchanted item for its enchanted variant free of charge, i have seen several similar ones in the server, and i would think of running one of spawners and i know several other kind players would do the same

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