Comments on Profile Post by Devil

  1. Mai
    your posts show on your profile where it says "messages:" currently yours says "messages: 10". to get more you need to create threads/reply to threads that are in sections which have post count enabled. introductions/farewells, discussions, suggestions, etc all have post count enabled. off-topic section does not.
    Dec 26, 2020
    Frez likes this.
  2. Frez
    If you are on pc, u can see your stats on the left hand side of the page under ur pfp, currently you have 10 messages. To get more message you should interact of posts such as suggestions, staff aps and discussion points, however pls dont post farm these :)
    Dec 26, 2020
    Mai likes this.
  3. Mai
  4. Devil
    ooh thank you so much! <3
    Dec 26, 2020