Comments on Profile Post by Nikoshka

  1. Tog
    Damn, if only you were a year younger. Your GCSEs would be cancelled and you wouldn’t have to go through the stress of revising due to Covid-19. I myself am secretly hoping coronavirus drags on until next year so I get to skip my GCSEs. I’m fortunate enough to have a very high expected target level despite my little amount of brain cells my head contains.
    Mar 28, 2020
    Nikoshka likes this.
  2. Nikoshka
    Hahaha, to be honest us year 10s and year 12s are in the worst situation. Especially year 12s where they miss out half a years of A-Level content, which is really really difficult to self teach. GCSE is a little easier but still quite difficult in some subjects like languages etc.
    Apr 1, 2020
    Tog likes this.
  3. Tog
    Yeah, my sister is in year 12 and greatly suffering. Especially due to the fact that she was allowed to pick up an extra A-level.
    Apr 1, 2020
    Nikoshka likes this.
  4. Nikoshka
    It's a bit of a mess for year 12s. The government is focussing so much on the year 11s and year 13s so much so that we haven't got any info for us year 12s awaiting predicted grades!
    Apr 3, 2020
    Tog likes this.