Comments on Profile Post by archerexpert777

  1. Purplevillager1
    Ah, sorry, I thought I had responded to this, but I suppose not.
    It's not the school work itself, but rather other things happening in uni, ya know?
    Dec 3, 2018
  2. archerexpert777
    Like events you're involved in? Im in student Government and a commissioner so I'm involved in a lot of events
    Dec 3, 2018
  3. Purplevillager1
    Yea. I'm in 4 different clubs and I'm making friends pretty easily. Hanging out with them and going out to explore on the weekends, ya know?
    Dec 3, 2018
  4. archerexpert777
    Oohhh sounds a lot of fun, actually more fun than what I'm doing lol
    Dec 3, 2018