Comments on Profile Post by Elric

  1. Elric
    Oh man, it's difficult to accept just how much time has passed since I - no, we first met you, and that's truly one of the best things about a community: we grow up alongside our peers, and as those who no longer participate have led the way, new pioneers rise and take their place. We don't see these as a departure but rather a graduation.
    Nov 18, 2018
  2. Elric
    Many people have already thanked you for your service as a moderator, but that doesn't define you- you are first and foremost a player and part of the community, and for that, I'd like to thank you for all the fun we've had together, all the joy you've brought upon this place, and all the words we shared.
    Nov 18, 2018
  3. Elric
    This little paragraph has been written countless times because Skyblock decides that 420 characters is the most that it will accept, but it is simply not possible to convey what you've given to everyone here in that minuscule length, and so, I hope we meet again.

    ~El Psy Congroo
    Nov 18, 2018
  4. Syndicade
    omg coldplay
    Nov 19, 2018
  5. Purplevillager1
    love that song and you. thank ya man :)
    Nov 19, 2018