Comments on Profile Post by Bossgamer

  1. bERYbERRY
    Ikr (not like im a 666 year old man)
    Sep 8, 2018
  2. Bossgamer
    Sep 8, 2018
  3. bERYbERRY
    shhh pls
    Sep 8, 2018
  4. archerexpert777
    Dont worry. Take courses you feel like you are interested in and be involved in clubs and you should be fine :p

    Don't let anyone tell you which courses to take!
    Sep 15, 2018
  5. Bossgamer
    I moved college lol
    Sep 16, 2018
  6. archerexpert777
    What? o.o
    Sep 18, 2018
  7. Bossgamer
    Sep 18, 2018
  8. archerexpert777
    Oh yea. You moved to a different college near your home. You like it near your home it seems :p

    Thats cool, my college is near my home too
    Sep 18, 2018
  9. Bossgamer
    Nah I didn't mind travelling on a bus, it was condescending and I couldn't approach the teachers for help so I moved back.
    Sep 18, 2018
  10. archerexpert777
    Well whats wrong with feeling superior? I feel the same thing too when I need help. I just go to couple tutoring sessions at my college for help. Its free and I can come anytime if I need help. Plus for one of them I get half credit after completing 10 hours :p
    Sep 18, 2018
  11. archerexpert777
    For where I live, I have to take at least 2 buses. and the one I go on sometimes has inconvenient times like I when I arrive there I am 10 minutes late for class. So I let my mom drop off and pick me up often
    Sep 18, 2018
  12. Bossgamer
    Because when the teachers are condescending towards you, it makes you feel less of a person and it made me lose all confidence in my intelligence. Buses times were okay I guess, there was one that went straight to the college that took around 45 minutes to get to in the mornings and at like 4pm but other times I had to get two buses too.
    Sep 18, 2018
  13. archerexpert777
    Ohhh I see. My bad lol. At my community college, the professors here mainly give lectures but try to integrate some fun into the cirruculum. My Global Studies professor often talks about real life examples and make then kinda funny and sometimes brings in his personal life into the discussion
    Sep 18, 2018