Comments on Profile Post by Gumo

  1. Lycel
    Daaamn. Usually they only ban aerosols because of asthmatics. And yes, have a good soak in that insect repellent before you go: mosquitoes are literally the worst creatures on this planet.
    Aug 15, 2018
    Gumo likes this.
  2. Lycel
    Maybe worst after humans actually
    Aug 15, 2018
    Gumo likes this.
  3. archerexpert777
    Yea use a lot of mosquito repellent. Find ones that are long lasting and dont have a nasty odor. I visited India many times and cannot tell you how many mosquito bites I've gotten >_>

    Did I forget to mention how many times I had to use smoke(Old fashioned way to remove mosquitoes)to repell those pesky mosquitoes and had to deal with smoke in my eyes and breathing in smoke?
    Aug 15, 2018
    Gumo likes this.
  4. Lycel
    I know that burning citronella oil repels them, a la insect coils, but I'm not so sure on the efficacy of straight up smoke.
    Aug 15, 2018
    Gumo likes this.
  5. archerexpert777
    Last time when I was there, we had that insect coil. Imo it's kind of useless.

    From what I experienced, creating some smoke can help reduce the mosquitos around you, but its not as efficient because it does it in a small area like a 3-4 feet raduis around the center of the smoke.
    Aug 15, 2018
    Gumo likes this.