Comments on Profile Post by archerexpert777

  1. Lycel
    Ah, sorry, didn't mean for it to be per se.
    Lemme explain what I meant:
    See, you should totally be personally proud of your achievements. Be confident in your ability to do great things. However, posting said achievements online is doing one of two things: looking for external validation, or looking to make people who aren't up to your standard look worse.
    Jun 7, 2018
  2. Lycel
    If it was the first one, then you should know that you're good enough: you don't need us to tell you that. If you don't know that, learn to. If it's the latter, then, well. ;P
    Jun 7, 2018
  3. archerexpert777
    Ahh, I see
    Jun 7, 2018
  4. archerexpert777
    I was probably aiming for the first one, but then again wasn't meant to brag. My intention was to show my achievement, but I may have gone a bit too far honestly. I've seen people people post about how they post a lot of their achievements, including forums.
    Jun 7, 2018
  5. Lycel
    Fair enough, but at this time of year, college applications are a bit of a sore spot for people who didn't get the acceptances they wanted I suppose.
    Jun 7, 2018
  6. archerexpert777
    I can relate to that... I showed you a screenshot of my waitlist offer on discord and a month later, I got rejected. But tbh, theres always something to get around like transfering from community college so no need to worry about it as much
    Jun 8, 2018
  7. Lycel
    Ah, gotcha.
    Jun 8, 2018
  8. archerexpert777
    Idk if community colleges are common in australia and that too a transfer program like the US.
    Jun 8, 2018
  9. Lycel
    .-. We don't have colleges, so ofc we don't have 'community colleges' either. Just Unis. There's TAFE too, but that's for vocations (like hairdressing, barista, translation, carpentry etc). Most of the time if someone doesn't get a high enough ATAR to get into uni, they sit STAT (Special Tertiary Admission Tests) to assess their competency based on intelligence and ability to learn rather than grades.
    Jun 8, 2018
  10. archerexpert777
    Oh so basically they get tested on how they learn and their grades are not a huge factor for the UNIs?
    Jun 8, 2018
  11. Lycel
    Yeah, kinda.
    Jun 8, 2018
  12. archerexpert777
    So put it in simple terms, if you fail the STAR, you need to take an alternate assessment if you want to get into uni?

    EDIT: I meant ATAR. Sorry my phone auto corrected it
    Jun 9, 2018
  13. Lycel
    The ATAR? Well you can't *fail* the ATAR. If you're in the bottom 10% of all year 12 students, your ATAR is 10. In the top 10% your ATAR is 90. It's a score, not a test. Every course has requirements so if you got a 60, you might be able to get into arts courses, but not science. If you're set on one of the high ATAR courses, that's when you take the STAT. You also take the STAT if you're a mature-age student.
    Jun 9, 2018
  14. Lycel
    In simple terms I'd put it like this: If your HS grades were low, so you get a low ATAR, you can take the STAT to see if you're smart enough (maybe school just didn't suit you). If you have no ATAR (like mature age students, or overseas ones), you also take the STAT.
    Jun 9, 2018
  15. archerexpert777
    Oh so like a placement test? And if you don't do well you get a second chance to prove your ability?
    Jun 9, 2018
    Lycel likes this.
  16. archerexpert777
    We have this college test called the SAT and ACT. You take it, the score you get determines the college you're going into. Similar to the ATAR, but you get an alternative test, and if you want a higher score you must re-take it :/
    Jun 12, 2018
  17. Lycel
    Interesting. I think I'm happy with how ours works, rewarding academic work, haha
    Jun 12, 2018
    archerexpert777 likes this.
  18. archerexpert777
    Good I feel the same way too
    Jun 12, 2018