Comments on Profile Post by Sean

  1. Sean
    I was dying of laughing as the only thing I even remotely dodged was her Zap! Everything else hit me.
    Sep 29, 2015
  2. RyRy
    Lmao were you playing fedora that's the best champ to play

    Like please turn off your orbwalk scripts
    Sep 29, 2015
  3. Sean
    I played Fedora in a normal and Parried a Karthus ult, was called a scripter.
    Sep 30, 2015
  4. Sean
    OCE is so trash, if they lose they're scripting.

    Really that jinx said she was a diamond smurf, she went 1/8 and said everything I did was scripts, even after she hit me with her Zap, the instant I dodge done she was back on her accusations. I'm still laughing about it.
    Sep 30, 2015
  5. RyRy
    Sep 30, 2015