Denied 7 day mute appeal

Discussion in 'Appeals Archive' started by archerexpert777, Jan 18, 2023.

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  1. archerexpert777

    archerexpert777 Senior Member

    Aug 18, 2015
    Punished account name: archerexpert777 #2727
    Platform or server punished on: skyblock
    Ban message if applicable: 7 day mute for inappropriate messages and sexual innuendos
    Have you read the rules? Yes
    Do you think this punishment was incorrect? No. Refer to spoiler below.
    Why should you be unbanned? Refer to spoiler below.
    Please list any other times you were punished on Skyblock: never got muted or banned from the discord before. Just a bunch of warnings.
    If you know, tag the staff member that banned you: Novembree
    Do you understand and accept our rules and code of conduct? After rereading the rules, yes. Im more than happy to list out the rules since I am aware of how the appeal process goes and what can be done to increase your chances of a successful appeal. I have been warned in the past. Looking back, some of what I posted or said was not appropriate (in this context I am referencing to not severe cases. Rather more just light jokes) and I do agree with that. That said, I have taken steps since those warnings to not post such or to keep it as pg as possible with the stuff I say.

  2. Novembree

    Novembree Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Apr 9, 2021
    Hi Archer, thanks for the appeal. I will be responding to this tomorrow as I've had a busy day at work today and will need some time to respond. Thanks for your patience!
  3. archerexpert777

    archerexpert777 Senior Member

    Aug 18, 2015
    I am too. Good luck with your work.
  4. Novembree

    Novembree Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Apr 9, 2021
    Hey Archer, thanks for your patience. I'll get right into this.

    Simply re-reading the rules and listing them for an appeal doesn't really improve your chances of having it accepted, we just ask users to do this so we ensure they have read them and that they understand what they mean. What we look for in a successful appeal is admittance of wrongdoing, apology, and steps taken to improve one's behaviour and conduct. Listing the rules is sort of a "final step" that we have users take.

    Thank you for trying your best to keep things pg since your warnings, however, as your punishment concedes, unfortunately we still deem some of the things you've said recently as being inappropriate for Skyblock. Considering we have children as young as 13 on our discord server, we do our best to keep our chat clean from inappropriate content.

    Whether your intentions were pure or not, members of the community and staff found this chain of messages to be inappropriate. Not everyone knows how you tend to act and behave therefore a "joke" such as this should be kept to yourself.

    The point is not your intentions, rather the fact it was even said. This type of interaction would be best had in dms or in another server. Skyblock is purposely strict about its rules, and asking for "head" or joking about "giving head" clearly is a violation of them.

    To protect the party who felt dismissed and unseen, I will not be revealing who it was at this time.

    Generally, speaking of "getting b****es" is an inherently sexual/inappropriate comment to make. I will not go into detail about what it may mean, however I'm sure you know.

    Once again, this is absolutely something that should not have been said on Skyblock regardless of it being a joke or not. Our code of conduct states "5. You must not engage in any forms of online sex or sexual relationships on our server. This includes sexting, exchange of private or inappropriate photos (e.g nudity) and sexually explicit chat, regardless of consent or age." [View Here] Regardless of Imfe consenting to the joke being made, it still breaks our rules. It is incredibly dangerous to joke to/about minors in that sort of manner and it is not tolerated on our discord server.

    Specifically, can you explain why you believe your mute should be reduced/removed? Considering you did break our rules a number of times by the comments you have made, irrespective of whether they were a joke or not.


    On this server we are all about second chances. This is why our punishment system begins with a warning and moves up from there in most cases. We do not take pleasure in having to punish someone, however, when the situation calls for it we do so with the hopes the user takes their punishment to heart and truly makes positive steps towards improving their behaviour. We are offering you another chance by using a mute and not a ban, and I hope that you are more careful about what you say in the future because of it.

    Thank you for your time,
  5. archerexpert777

    archerexpert777 Senior Member

    Aug 18, 2015
    In all honestly, the rules I've broken were only the ones about inappropriate messages (i.e. minor ones) and these were After each warning given, I have taken steps so I do not make the same mistake. I've made countless mistakes but its only after someone warns me about it then I will do things (e.g. I got warned for posting an inappropriate meme I have not done so after that warning). With that being aside, I continue to be a better person each day and I always bring light into the discord or offer advice. Do I make jokes? Yes. Inappropriate ones outlined by the server? Yes. Have I improved myself over the time I've been in the discord? Yes. Are they severe enough where it may endanger someone? No. I know I make these jokes and I make sure I am not saying it to someone I do not know. With that being said, despite a few issues, I've been developing and maintaining positive relations with both members of the staff and with my current friends as well as developing new ones and maintaining a positive relationships with them.

    In my free time or time in between work and school, I always get in the discord only because that's where most of my friends are and for the most part, I have been a positive influence and I try to make everyone happy. I think I have some problems (according to this appeal and through staff too) but it doesn't mean I am a bad person. When was the last time I broke a severe rule? I'm aware of what I say and to who I say it. Will I take steps in the future after this appeal so I don't get muted (or banned) again? Yes. I'll make some changes and ill either take it to DMs or to another server (where appropriate).

    Thanks for clarifying, again this is my first actual appeal so I don't know how things go around here. I read through the appeal section and based on my reading of multiple appeals I thought I would ready up for this.

    There's more I would like to unpack here, but I will DM you this on discord. But for this appeal. Yes, I do understand the rules better.

    I can understand from a staff point of view, however I've asked several well-known community members and what their take of it was, from them they have not any issues. But if its some random member then maybe I can see why. In my previous response, I will definitely make some changes moving forward.

    I've explained this in a sub spoiler in the main spoiler about this. refer to the 2nd and 3rd screenshot. but I will take your advise and either move it to another server or DMs (as said previously in this appeal).
  6. Novembree

    Novembree Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Apr 9, 2021
    Hey again,

    It's great to hear that you have not repeated previous behaviour that you were warned about specifically, that's encouraging. I just hope that this is the final time that we have to warn you about inappropriate messages overall. Even if it is only mildly inappropriate, it is still not allowed. Even if you are joking with your friends about possibly inappropriate things, we ask that you take it elsewhere. While you may not be endangering your friends by speaking to/with them a certain way because they know that you're only joking, that kind of talk can be triggering for other in the server who were victims of abuse or sexualization of minors.

    Of course, no worries at all. If you need me to further clarify something, please let me know.

    Despite what the well-known community members think, we still have rules to uphold as they are the rules for a reason. Ultimately, it is up the staff team's discretion to determine what is safe for the server and what is not, and in your case we found the messages I mentioned to you before to be inappropriate. You may try to contest they were not since they were "jokes", however, the staff team were unanimous about the decision made.

    We can't show favouritism by not punishing one individual over another for the same rule broken, so in your case we did "up" your punishment for the repeat offence. I hope you understand that we take this specific rule about inappropriate content extremely seriously as it is very important to Skyblock to provide a comfortable and clean space for our younger audience.

    Thank you for this.

    Do you have any more questions/concerns before I continue?
  7. archerexpert777

    archerexpert777 Senior Member

    Aug 18, 2015
    My only concern is that the last part which has happened over a month ago. In addition, there are a few parts in your response that I have an issue with but I can discuss this later over discord if need be.

    Otherwise we can continue on with this appeal.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2023
  8. Novembree

    Novembree Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Apr 9, 2021
    If you have any other concerns/issues with what I have said it would be best they be discussed here. We try to contain as much of the conversation to the appeal as possible. Feel free to let me know what you have a question about :)
  9. archerexpert777

    archerexpert777 Senior Member

    Aug 18, 2015
    Alright. My only concern would be the beginning when you did state the 5th rule. It felt like you were implying I was trying to sexualize minors which is simply not true. I am sure (and the staff team) know I am not that person as you all know me both in-game and irl and the stuff I say and have done do not and will never reflect who I am. I know you were listing the rule however, I do feel you were trying to tell me I was one (you can get what I am saying. I don't wish to say it here as it may trigger some).

    Everything else I feel like may be too sensitive and would lead to an endless debate here so I will just leave it at that. you can go ahead and continue with the appeal. Thanks for continuing with this appeal and letting me express my side more clearly and give you background. I'm all about honesty and fairness which is why I decided to appeal and give you screenshots as well as descriptions to hopefully deter some negative connotation you would have about me or the stuff I say. Although I am sure you don't think of me like that I am worried some staff members do and that is never true.

    Anyways that's all.
  10. Novembree

    Novembree Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Apr 9, 2021
    I was not implying you were, I was simply stating that it could be seen that way by other people. We don't want you to be false reported for such a serious accusation so we ask that you refrain from comments that may give that impression.

    If there is anything you'd like to continue to discuss, I'm happy to.

    Absolutely. This is why we allow players to appeal - to give their side to the story. Thanks for your help and cooperation so far.

    In continuing with your appeal, I have a few things I'd like to further discuss. I have spoken with a few members of staff since my last reply and we have some concerns.

    Given the situation and the amount of comments that you yourself said were crossing the line, we find it concerning how you are attempting to explain every small action instead of owning up to what you said was wrong. Given the severity of some of the comments you made, a mute was inevitable considering your history. We believe you are deflecting the punishment instead of realizing that much of what you said was wrong, even if you think much of it was a joke.

    I maintain that the mute was valid, however you seem to not think that from your responses. If you cannot know what is appropriate to say and what isn't, that is concerning to us. What you said wasn't okay, and unfortunately we don't think it is justifiable given the circumstances.

    At this time, your mute will not be revoked. We ask that you please be more careful about what you say in the future.

    If you have any further questions or concerns please let me know, otherwise I will be closing this appeal.

    Thank you,
  11. archerexpert777

    archerexpert777 Senior Member

    Aug 18, 2015
    I can understand why the mute is valid, and I believe that there is an explanation for all of the comments I have said. Were they bad? yes. Did they raise eyebrows with the staff team? Most probably. I am sorry for the staff who did feel uncomfortable and believed I felt short. In some ways yeah, I felt short ill be clear on that. For most, I can get and acknowledge they did go farther than I intended. After reading your responses, I have better understood and agree with your points. I am someone who is honest and true to their word (feel free to look at my other convos in game and discord as well as ask other staff). So after reading your responses, all I ask is to give another look. My mute expires tomorrow and I can understand we (you and me) both have lives more important to skyblock. I ask to be unmuted earlier than what was set (read response below).

    I think I am a great guy, friend, and supporter of everyone I meet and like. I have a few dents but I think it's what makes it me. I know I can live with it by not blurting out inappropriate comments in front of friends (as that may make anyone who is reading at any point of time uncomfortable). I probably have said a few things in the past that were just stupid and I assure you when looking back at that I do feel awful, I have feelings for anyone and what they say and I am able to settle with most people regardless of background. Going forward I will make sure to DM any jokes (seen as inappropriate by the server's rules or staff) to my friends and anyone I know well (said this previously). Ill also acknowledge the rules in general (not discord) as I was missing that and focused on discord after reading your response.
  12. Novembree

    Novembree Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Apr 9, 2021
    Hey Archer, thanks for the response. I appreciate you taking the time to respond at length throughout this appeal and I hope that this has been an eye opening experience also.

    Thank you for promising that you will move any jokes that may be inappropriate/break some guidelines to DMs from now on, and that you will be more mindful of what you say in the future.

    At this time I will not be revoking your mute, but as you wait out the last few hours I ask that you re-read our rules before joining back.

    See you on discord again soon :)
  13. Novembree

    Novembree Super Moderator Super Moderator

    Apr 9, 2021
    Thank you for creating an appeal, but unfortunately your appeal has been denied.
    We strongly recommend reading through this thread here for any future appeals!
    Thread closed and moved to Appeals Archive.
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