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Thank you to all who has voted in the month of January. The top 5 voters will receive $25 coupon code to spend up to $25 on our store or 
1. NebulaEdge
58 Votes
2. RH00
52 Votes
3. Drogo
50 Votes
4. Kang_Da
50 Votes
5. Gekitty
49 Votes
You can view the top 5 voters here.
Thank you to all who have voted for Skyblock the past few months and supporting us.
Top 5 voters please send me a message on the forums to receive your $25 coupon code and please let me know which server you would like the coupon on.

1. NebulaEdge
58 Votes
2. RH00
52 Votes
3. Drogo
50 Votes
4. Kang_Da
50 Votes
5. Gekitty
49 Votes
You can view the top 5 voters here.
Thank you to all who have voted for Skyblock the past few months and supporting us.

Top 5 voters please send me a message on the forums to receive your $25 coupon code and please let me know which server you would like the coupon on.

Thank you to all who has voted in the month of December. The top 5 voters will receive $25 coupon code to spend up to $25 on our store or 
1. Drogo
57 Votes
2. Kragle
56 Votes
3. Nomadatron
56 Votes
4. Gekkity
55 Votes
5. tigresse3299
54 Votes
You can view the top 5 voters here.
Thank you to all who have voted for Skyblock the past few months and supporting us.
Top 5 voters please send me a message on the forums to receive your $25 coupon code and please let me know which server you would like the coupon on.
Happy New Year may 2016 bring you nothing but happiness and success!

1. Drogo
57 Votes
2. Kragle
56 Votes
3. Nomadatron
56 Votes
4. Gekkity
55 Votes
5. tigresse3299
54 Votes
You can view the top 5 voters here.
Thank you to all who have voted for Skyblock the past few months and supporting us.

Top 5 voters please send me a message on the forums to receive your $25 coupon code and please let me know which server you would like the coupon on.

Happy New Year may 2016 bring you nothing but happiness and success!

Thread Updated 12/21
As Christmas is nearly one week away, Noobcrew & I will be hosting a drop party for you fellow Skyblockers. We will be dropping 50 Santa Hat heads the day before Christmas.
Time & place:
Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015
4:30pm EST Timezone (Eastern US)
9:30pm BST Timezone (London)
We have added a drop party plugin to reduce lag while we're hosting drop parties. When the drop party begins, all players online will have the same chance at winning. This plugin is automatic and the item will go straight into your inventory if you have won. Winners will be announced in chat and temporary mutes will occur after the winner has been announced that last for 5 seconds.
You can carry on building your island while the drop party is going on, this is all automatic and all you need to do is be online.
5:00pm EST Timezone (Eastern US)
10:00pm BST Timezone (London)
If you're in a...
Thank you to all who has voted in the month of November. The top 5 voters will receive $25 coupon code to spend up to $25 on our store or 
1. Nomadatron
30 Votes
2. Anima
29 Votes
3. cokepop13
29 Votes
4. Drogo
29 Votes
5. iBlazeRunner
29 Votes
You can view the top 5 voters here.
Thank you to all who have voted for Skyblock the past few months and supporting us.
Top 5 voters please send me a message on the forums to receive your $25 coupon code.

1. Nomadatron
30 Votes
2. Anima
29 Votes
3. cokepop13
29 Votes
4. Drogo
29 Votes
5. iBlazeRunner
29 Votes
You can view the top 5 voters here.
Thank you to all who have voted for Skyblock the past few months and supporting us.

Top 5 voters please send me a message on the forums to receive your $25 coupon code.
Tapatalk is an application to allow access to Internet forums on mobile devices.
Just search for Tapatalk on your Android or Apple device, install and open it, search for Skyblock in the search bar, and login with your forum credentials, and you are set.
You might be required to create an account on Tapatalk to use the application.
Just search for Tapatalk on your Android or Apple device, install and open it, search for Skyblock in the search bar, and login with your forum credentials, and you are set.
You might be required to create an account on Tapatalk to use the application.
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM